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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

The wind has been pretty bad in Melbourne too. Didn't get much sleep last night. Highest recorded wind speed was 143kph. Caused quite a bit of damage around town.
The next generation
I feel as though I learnt so much during my mediocre first year. My seedlings look 100x better than at the same time last year. I had ones three times as old as this that didn't look as good.
Sarge said:
They look great nempsy. Nice green well shaped leaves. How old is that lot?
I started them on around the 5th of August so coming up on two months. They started in jiffys inside a little electric greenhouse from Bunnings and I just transferrred them into these small pots today.
nemspy said:
I started them on around the 5th of August so coming up on two months. They started in jiffys inside a little electric greenhouse from Bunnings and I just transferrred them into these small pots today.
Very nice stuff. My next time round I'm going jiffy pellets and possibly dwc.
Weather in Perth has been ridonkulous!  It rained for all of September or was cloudy and cold.   Just getting some real sun for a few days now. 
If Spring had sprung earlier as normal my first lot of plants would be three times as big.  Still haven't started the second lot because my hydro system needs repair, and with the greenhouse down I need the sunshine.  I'll have less this season so I can manage them :P
So, guys,
Should I or should I not hit my "sticks" with some seasol and powerfeed to help them along? Not sure if reshooting dormants should be treated the same way as seedlings or if they could use the helping hand.
My housemate has been hitting his dormant ones with some low strength tomato feed mix and they've started pushing out new growth all over the place the past couple of weeks :)
Seedling are now on to there 2/3 sets of leaves. When I repotted them I added some dynamic lift to the mix. Would it be to much to hit them with a weak tom feed solution. Hoping to hardem them off this week. Hope the crazy perth weather calms down a little
dazza82 said:
Seedling are now on to there 2/3 sets of leaves. When I repotted them I added some dynamic lift to the mix. Would it be to much to hit them with a weak tom feed solution. Hoping to hardem them off this week. Hope the crazy perth weather calms down a little
I'm wondering if mine (pictured a few days ago near the top of this page) could handle some weak seasol/powerfeed.
I fed my plants pretty prematurely I think its one of the things I did wrong but they took half strength of seasol rotated with powerfeed just fine. 2ml in 500ml spray bottle. I don't feed them anymore not until they get much bigger. I think I may have hindered their growth by feedong them early on.
I'm wondering if mine (pictured a few days ago near the top of this page) could handle some weak seasol/powerfeed.
I gave mine a weak fees last year about this stage. Just now and again untill they went in my chilli jungle.
Some of my seedlings getting a bit of balcony windburn. I've moved them closer to the wall of the building and surrounded them with larger pots to try to get them through this tender phase.
So, regarding "sticks" that turn back into plants as spring arrives. What sort of timespan are we looking at? I've seen other people's pics that have gone from a few shoots to looking like plants again in a few short weeks. Mine, however, put out a few shoots which slooooooowly grow. Are mine taking longer to get started, perhaps, because it's a bit colder in Bunno?
If, like me, you check your plants daily the progress looks terribly slow. My dads stick plant down stairs took about a month after the first bud came through. Now its green and bushy but had a hard time since the aphids hit it very hard and it doesn't get very much sun at all.
Hey guys looks like your babies are coming along nicely. Just got to remember they will be a bit slow until we get some more sun.
With fertilizing, I really don't give my seedlings anything at all until they grow up a bit.
I do feed them with a plant food(weak) like Seasol and also give them a little shot of Silica and some sort of root promoting juice(like super thrive/Bloom roots etc) but keep it weak.
Remember this is only what i do and take it as you wish.
With sticks turning back to healthy plants I have found it is a bit hit and miss.
Things like the variety, weather, low night/day temps and health of the plant can affect the time it takes.
Some that struggle to come back if I have more seed I will throw. I have had some that have struggled at the beginning and they seem to struggle through the season and have more pest/disease problems.
Hey here is some trivial info that you might like.
People talk about how long do seeds last for?
Well I planted some from a seed bank in taiwan that the seed was collected in 2000. I have had 2 out of 3 varieties popping up only 1 week after sowing!
Now that's 13 year old seed!
Happy Chilli Growing,
I've just got jalapeños, Thais and cayennes flowering and podding up, they're all plants from last year that kept their leaves through winter, I lost my 2 red bhuts they got fried in a mini greenhouse disaster :( all my other plants I started from seed in August are coming along ok and I bought I black pearl and a poblano from bunnings a couple of weeks back that are starting to flower now, I reckon by December the seedlings will start flowering (fingers crossed) I'm moving house this week and alot of my plants will be going into the ground at the new place In raised garden beds, I counted before I have 97 plants including seedlings! Think I've got a bit carried away :-/ around 40 of those are jalapeños though as I want to start doing my own chipotles and they're great for salsas and everyday eating :) ill post some pics when I get them in the ground! Think I'm gonna have to keep around 30 in pots due to lack of space though
Super David said:
not much doing! Red rocottos ripening.
The sticks from last winter sprouted in August but have stopped. nothing doing
That's pretty much the same deal with mine. Varying degrees of sprouts on the sticks (some sprouts are so small you couldn't even call them leaves yet) that are just sitting there. Must still be too cold?
nemspy said:
That's pretty much the same deal with mine. Varying degrees of sprouts on the sticks (some sprouts are so small you couldn't even call them leaves yet) that are just sitting there. Must still be too cold?
yes not sure what the deal is.  I better change my reservoir water, just in case its not because of how cold it is.