How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Rainman said:
Good advice - I'd left the doors and windows closed to keep the heat in, but I guess that's helping the fungus?
Also, the fungus seems like its already on the other overwinters to some degree or another :(
That's a bummer with the Fungas Rainman. All you can do is spray with a fungicide and keep the ventilation up.
Thirdegree said:
Bugger about the "Black Fungus", hope the Cu spray knocks it on the head.
Lots of pods still hanging on the Savina - looks like a great yielding plant.
Couple of Question on overwintering:
Do you find that the yields improve the following year for the plant that was overwintered?
When is the best time here in Perth to give them the "Chop".?
Thanks Mica for the advice on germination - have setup an indoor grow room and have just had an assorted batch of seedling pop their heads out. Will try to keep them in good shape until I drop them in the ground in spring.
Great to see you are getting some germination Thirdegree :cool: .
I will be heading up north fishing late this year so I have too started some real early ones. Getting some great germination at the moment too!
It is difficult answering the question on the yields of plants that have been overwintered. Some say the yields get less the longer you keep the plant but I have found specially with the Chinenses that some do not do very well the 1st year and they really produce big time the 2nd year.
The yields seem to increase with the plant growing up and getting more mature. Of course other factors like weather, nutrient lockout/deficiencies, diseases and pests do also play a major part in the end yield.
On the pruning some prune now and some wait till it gets toward the end of Winter.
I tend to wait till August to cut back. Both ways seem to work.
Just cut them back like Rainman has. Make sure you leave a few nodes so it can form new growth.
Micca302 said:
Great to see you are getting some germination Thirdegree :cool: .
I will be heading up north fishing late this year so I have too started some real early ones. Getting some great germination at the moment too!
It is difficult answering the question on the yields of plants that have been overwintered. Some say the yields get less the longer you keep the plant but I have found specially with the Chinenses that some do not do very well the 1st year and they really produce big time the 2nd year.
The yields seem to increase with the plant growing up and getting more mature. Of course other factors like weather, nutrient lockout/deficiencies, diseases and pests do also play a major part in the end yield.
On the pruning some prune now and some wait till it gets toward the end of Winter.
I tend to wait till August to cut back. Both ways seem to work.
Just cut them back like Rainman has. Make sure you leave a few nodes so it can form new growth.
Thanks mate for the great reply, will probably have a play with the dozen or so established plants, trim some now, some later, leave some alone. Trial and error.
Don't get me started on Fishing, my wife thinks that I could open up a tackle store with the shed full of gear that I have accumulated.  
Hahahaha luckily me dog doesn't complain  :P
We went through my Mates dads garage the other day and filled up a whole tacklebox full of squid jigs.
Sure enough there will be more brought hahahaha
Yep, I have every known combination of colour, shape, weight brand etc, etc of squid jigs. Favourite being plain white Shimano Sephia jig - always produces.
Getting close to the squid season too.
Just received from the good old white van my new T5 2x55w 6400k grow light. Will get this installed tonight in the grow cabinet and give my babies some TLC.
The cabinet size is approx. 650mm Wide x 350 mm Deep x 600 high - Home made slap up.
Only thing missing is a Fan - Any thoughts on a  12v computer cooling fan. Will it have enough grunt to do the job??? 
Will post up a pick when I get the light installed.
Thirdegree said:
Just received from the good old white van my new T5 2x55w 6400k grow light. Will get this installed tonight in the grow cabinet and give my babies some TLC.
Those might be the same lights I bought recently.  I was going to start an early grow soon to experiment before the first proper kick off in July.
My over-wintered orange habaneros did not make it last year, so I have no idea about yields. I was told that you get earlier pods, so that should translate to more pods.  
The savina was my only success this year - really hope I can keep it alive and fungus free for next year. 
just grab a small desk fan from Bunnings for cooling.
I have a small metal one that came from Jaycar but I think Bunnings might have them too
My peach ghost scorpion is finally hanging onto some flowers! I think its not producing pollen for all its flowers, plus its pretty young, it has been dropping alot of flowers but the fact i can see a couple hanging on now is a good sign.  Better than I did with my indoor hydroponic carolina reaper.  I didn't get any chillies out of that over about 9 months.

Super David said:
My peach ghost scorpion is finally hanging onto some flowers! I think its not producing pollen for all its flowers, plus its pretty young, it has been dropping alot of flowers but the fact i can see a couple hanging on now is a good sign.  Better than I did with my indoor hydroponic carolina reaper.  I didn't get any chillies out of that over about 9 months.
Congrats Dave.  I always got excited when each plant finally started holding their flowers.  
Do indoor grow set-ups like that cost much to run?
Had a Butch T that couldn't hold a flower all year, it still kicking out flowers and dropping them just as quickly.
Will give it the big snip and hopefully gets some produce next year.
Couple of pics of my hatchery. Just need a fan and I think we are good to go.

Super David said:
My peach ghost scorpion is finally hanging onto some flowers! I think its not producing pollen for all its flowers, plus its pretty young, it has been dropping alot of flowers but the fact i can see a couple hanging on now is a good sign.  Better than I did with my indoor hydroponic carolina reaper.  I didn't get any chillies out of that over about 9 months.
Nice work Dave  :P
I have some ripening at the moment, will have to post a piccie
Thirdegree said:
Had a Butch T that couldn't hold a flower all year, it still kicking out flowers and dropping them just as quickly.
Will give it the big snip and hopefully gets some produce next year.
Couple of pics of my hatchery. Just need a fan and I think we are good to go.

Way to go with the setup Thirdegree  :onfire:  Definately will be needing a fan.
Also like the Fishing Rod holders but dunno bout the little pink reel though Hahahaha
Micca302 said:
Way to go with the setup Thirdegree  :onfire:  Definately will be needing a fan.
Also like the Fishing Rod holders but dunno bout the little pink reel though Hahahaha
That little pink reel is perfectly matched with a little pink rod, little pink tackle box and a little pink scoop net. :party:
If it wasn't my 6 year old daughters herring slayer, I would let you borrow it for your up North fishing trip.
You are right about the fan, gets pretty warm inside when I close off the front.
Hahahaha if it is an ebay special I definitely will take it up fishing.
My mates dad brought this so called Marlin special rod and reel and was damn exited cause he got it real cheap off ebay.
My mate hooked on to a Marlin up Exmouth trip and woahhh did that fish go!
The poor little rod and reel just screamed then there was a bang and the rod just exploded!!
He handed him back what was left and his poor Dad was devoed. The reel now winds with a wobble and the part of the rod that was left is now a berley stirrer. The fun of fishin!
Looks like a Little Penn so you should be right.
It's a Jarvis Walker combo, the reel is a nasty bit of kit but the rod is OK.
Cheep fishing gear can become very expensive when you loose that fish of a lifetime due to gear failure. I've seen a 30 kg Spaniard dropped at the boat due to an Ebay Rod special, melted eyelet and mono, not a great combo - didn't the owner have a cry. Cheap Ebay Braid is another good one, wouldn't use it on my tomato's.
I stick with Shimano, Daiwa or some of the made in USA gear like Avet and Accurate.
Yeah the 6 year old are much nicer on the gear than we are. Just got to make sure they hang on to it!
Man I would cry too if I saw a 30kg Spaniard lost.
I have a Shimano stradic ci4 reel and I love that thing to death. Its not tough like an old penn spinfisher but man those reels are smoooooth.
I havent tried the Accurate yet but have heard they are good. I have a Alutecnos(Italian made) gorilla that I use for bottom bashing. Fairly small overhead but has 45lb of drag pressure.
Super David said:
It can be expensive, but it really comes down to what light you use, I've only got a 250w light so if I keep the hours down its not unreasonable

My 29kg that didn't get away.
Woahhh Mate that a stonker of a Mackeral  :dance:  
Looks like either Quobba or Steep point there. great catch off the rocks and great to see you got it in whole!
Micca302 said:
Woahhh Mate that a stonker of a Mackeral  :dance:  
Looks like either Quobba or Steep point there. great catch off the rocks and great to see you got it in whole!
Ya thats Quobba, used to go there every year, but things got complicated. Maybe back next year.
Thought it was quobba. Haven't been there for ages, rugged livin but sweet sweet fishin!
Looks like boundry or high rock. Caught some great fish from there but have also lost some good fish there.
Fishing off garths rock is a real challenge the sharks are like dogs waiting for a feed
Smoked Spanish mackeral mmmmm now I'm drooling mmmm

Well it is only a couple of days off being officially Winter so I thought I would brighten up the page a bit with some late ripeners.

Jays Peach Ghost Scorp looking very yummy – love the Peach colour!

Brain Strain

This was marked as a Douglah but looks like the label got mixed up with some Cili Goronongs

TC07078 (AVRDC)
Happy Chilli Growing,
Nice Macky, would have got your reel smokin on its first run. Love the sound of a TLD screaming on the hook up.
Fished Steep Point a lot, boat in from Denham and fish the front of Dirk Harthog. Going left out the front of the cliffs was always spectacular, specially when the swells up. 
Great looking pods there Mica, the Jays Peach Ghost Scorp is a cracker. How's the taste and heat level on this one?
If you ever get any spare seeds of these, I know a good home.
This little bloke went a touch over the 20 mark.