How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

nemspy said:
That's a Fatalii, surely?

Last season was bloody depressing for me. Obviously my large balcony is far less than ideal; however, my first season it got quite verdant up there and I had plenty of pods. This season just gone was just APHIDGEDDON. No amount of squishing or pyrethrum would prevent the little green bastards from coming back en masse. Healthy plants just went brown and died.
I told myself that I was done -- at least until we move somewhere with a proper garden. Regardless, here I go again, preparing to get the jiffies set up in the warmer to have another crack at it.
I'm not sure what it was! Took it to work and we all had a bit in the end, one guy loved the flavour! Definitely had that super hot I'm going to make you burn flavour but it just wasn't that hot.  Burnt really hard and fast when it hit your tongue but it wasn't so hot that it made me want to die. Hotter than a Hab though.
For the Aphids....if you aren't against poison too much, try Confidore.  That kills the crap out of the aphids super quickly, you'll see them drop as soon as you spray it. BUT there is a witholding period if you have chilies on there.
So you can either follow the witholding period for picking or you can do what I've done in the past and just not spray it when you actually have chilies.
+1 Confidor works really well. However, I personally wouldn't spray my chillies with it at all (that's me). Find a plant host your aphids prefer over your chillies and grow said plant away from your chillies. As the aphids start congregating on your "trap" plants, spray them instead. It can take some trial and error finding the right trap plant for your aphids but once you have, you'll be amazed at how effective trap planting can be. Dandelions and an unidentified weed do the trick here. Nasturtiums are said to work well too, although I've never seen aphids on mine (maybe just too busy on the dandelions and the weed?).
Note that this method probably won't banish the aphids totally from your chillies but it will soften the load making safer options such as soapy sprays for your chillies more effective. I don't even do that anymore as I'm all about having some bad guys around as a food source for the good guys. Bit different on a balcony grow like yours, though... no doubt you will need some kind of spray control as I can't imagine it being possible to get a real ecosystem going.
I don't suppose anyone's interested in some second generation seeds that are producing a rather nice purple capsicum/something else, probably a cheiro goias hybrid? The result is a small purple capsicum (ripening to red) around the side of a plum, that has jalapeno level heat around in some parts and milder in others. Not sure what the second generation seeds will do.
I've also got billions of hungarian black seeds as well as a lot of cheiro goias seeds if anyone wants to trade.
I'm seeking just about any 7 pot or scorpion seeds, as well as interesting habs. I've got some other stuff too, but not in large amounts.
Look what happens when I take a weekend off looking at THP, the bloody Aussie threads go off!!!
This is supposed to be Winter where nothing happens  :P
nemspy said:
Last season was bloody depressing for me. Obviously my large balcony is far less than ideal; however, my first season it got quite verdant up there and I had plenty of pods. This season just gone was just APHIDGEDDON. No amount of squishing or pyrethrum would prevent the little green bastards from coming back en masse. Healthy plants just went brown and died.
I told myself that I was done -- at least until we move somewhere with a proper garden. Regardless, here I go again, preparing to get the jiffies set up in the warmer to have another crack at it.
Hey Nemspy try Gas’s suggestion of a Sacrificial plant it can help. Confidor is really the best in control too. I spray 1-2 times a season and have no trouble at all. Before then I used to have epic battles with Aphids!
nemspy said:
I think I brought the colony up here, Rainman.
What I'm hoping to do this season is grow fewer plants so I can keep them under control or even wipe them out.
I'm also going to try using the very woodchippy citrus tree potting mix that, inexplicably, worked very well for me in my first season.
I'll let everyone know the results.
In other news, I'm still looking to trade seeds. A few months ago I posted lists of what I have on hand. I'm keen for just about any chinense I don't own if anyone has a bunch of hab (other than red or orange), 7 pot, or scorpion seeds lying around.
Hey Mate send me a list of what you are looking for and will send you a Chinense support pack  :P  :P
I hope you don’t mind open pollinated seeds.
Let us know how your experiment goes too.
gasificada said:
+1 Confidor works really well. However, I personally wouldn't spray my chillies with it at all (that's me). Find a plant host your aphids prefer over your chillies and grow said plant away from your chillies. As the aphids start congregating on your "trap" plants, spray them instead. It can take some trial and error finding the right trap plant for your aphids but once you have, you'll be amazed at how effective trap planting can be. Dandelions and an unidentified weed do the trick here. Nasturtiums are said to work well too, although I've never seen aphids on mine (maybe just too busy on the dandelions and the weed?).
Note that this method probably won't banish the aphids totally from your chillies but it will soften the load making safer options such as soapy sprays for your chillies more effective. I don't even do that anymore as I'm all about having some bad guys around as a food source for the good guys. Bit different on a balcony grow like yours, though... no doubt you will need some kind of spray control as I can't imagine it being possible to get a real ecosystem going.
I like your thinking there Gas. I have been using my Roses as an “aphid attracting device” as they seem to love them!
I do also use Confidor but the Chilli’s usually only get 1 spray and that’s enough to take care of it for the season. The Roses get about 2 sprays a season and fixes them.
I do still get the usual beneficial insects like Ladybirds , bees etc so can’t be hurting them too bad.
Micca302 said:
Look what happens when I take a weekend off looking at THP, the bloody Aussie threads go off!!!
This is supposed to be Winter where nothing happens  :P
Hey Nemspy try Gas’s suggestion of a Sacrificial plant it can help. Confidor is really the best in control too. I spray 1-2 times a season and have no trouble at all. Before then I used to have epic battles with Aphids!
Hey Mate send me a list of what you are looking for and will send you a Chinense support pack  :P  :P
I hope you don’t mind open pollinated seeds.
Let us know how your experiment goes too.
I like your thinking there Gas. I have been using my Roses as an “aphid attracting device” as they seem to love them!
I do also use Confidor but the Chilli’s usually only get 1 spray and that’s enough to take care of it for the season. The Roses get about 2 sprays a season and fixes them.
I do still get the usual beneficial insects like Ladybirds , bees etc so can’t be hurting them too bad.
I can't use the sacrificial plant. There's just not enough space up here. Meanwhile, down below is an untamed hillside with about 15 billion Nasturtiums.
There's a nice bit of garden bed, raised up in corrugated iron boxes, on the outskirts of the school where I teach.... hmmm......
nemspy said:
I can't use the sacrificial plant. There's just not enough space up here. Meanwhile, down below is an untamed hillside with about 15 billion Nasturtiums.
There's a nice bit of garden bed, raised up in corrugated iron boxes, on the outskirts of the school where I teach.... hmmm......
I know someone in Florida that gets his Students to grow Chilli for him. Now that's the go  :P
Part of the learning exercise Hahahaha
Alright here is a tip for the day(Shhhhh don't tell anyone Shhhh  :P ) try getting hold of Silica and some Mycozzy stuff (Mycorrhizal Fungus).
Normally a Hydro shop carry this. The Mycozzy develops a damn excellent root system for when the plants are starting off and the Silica are the building blocks for a healthy robust plant.
The stems strengthen up to give more resistance to wind and builds a healthier plant. In turn the healthier plant will become more "naturally" pest resistant too.
Alright enough tips for now  :P
that reminds me! I've got some silica! Used it on my other hydroponic plants.  Can't say I noticed a massive difference but I've just thrown some in the reservoir for the Peach Ghost Scorpion.
Which by the way is converting flowers into chilies again! I think it was that cold spell we had, that made the flowers drop, that is the only thing that has changed.
Super David said:
that reminds me! I've got some silica! Used it on my other hydroponic plants.  Can't say I noticed a massive difference but I've just thrown some in the reservoir for the Peach Ghost Scorpion.
Which by the way is converting flowers into chilies again! I think it was that cold spell we had, that made the flowers drop, that is the only thing that has changed.
Great to hear.
I'm not too sure how much it will help established plants though but can't do any harm. When I mentioned it I was talking about using it on the seedlings to help build a stronger healthier plant so hopefully results in a more robust and stronger plant.
The healthier the plant is the more natural pest resistance it is supposed to have.
First Ripe Peach Ghost Scorpion!!!
Once all the chili eaters are at work at the same time I'll take it in to sample!  They are all going to start ripening from now, that one is probably the least gnarly of all of them.
Super David said:
First Ripe Peach Ghost Scorpion!!!
Once all the chili eaters are at work at the same time I'll take it in to sample!  They are all going to start ripening from now, that one is probably the least gnarly of all of them.
Great to see they are starting to Ripen. The colour is looking fantastic too!
You will have to let us know how the test drive at work goes. “It’s peachy so it won’t be so hot” Hahahahaha
Shurbryn said:
I'm still waiting for some peachy's to germ. Hope they pop soon. Looking great David!
Patience there Shurbryn. It’s always a pain waiting for them to come up but when they start we are like kids in a candy store……………….
Have you got a heat mat happening on them?
Micca302 said:
Patience there Shurbryn. It’s always a pain waiting for them to come up but when they start we are like kids in a candy store……………….
Have you got a heat mat happening on them?
Hahaha I know, I'm just impatient. Yeah, they're on a heat mat. I've had a couple of other seeds pop recently, so they shouldn't be too far off hopefully.
I haven’t tested any of them for Germ but were fresh ones from this season so should be good.
Will be interesting to see the Germ rates………………………..
Good luck Mate.
Hey guys, hope you're all well and gearing up for the spring?
Started my 2014-2015 grow off this afternoon (well actually started it 7 weeks ago with an indoor trial run with 4 varieties, which are going OK so far).  My grow list this year owes a big thank you to Micca who sent a very generous seed package.
Glog is up, for those that want to follow it: 
Quite excited to be growing from seed.  Really surprising how quickly they grow and how attached you can become to a plant! 
Rainman said:
Hey guys, hope you're all well and gearing up for the spring?
Started my 2014-2015 grow off this afternoon (well actually started it 7 weeks ago with an indoor trial run with 4 varieties, which are going OK so far).  My grow list this year owes a big thank you to Micca who sent a very generous seed package.
Glog is up, for those that want to follow it:
Quite excited to be growing from seed.  Really surprising how quickly they grow and how attached you can become to a plant! 
Great to see you are into it Rainman.
Spring is a great time of the year. Looking forward to getting out of this cold wet miserable winter(u might tell I don't like winter!).
I will have a look at your Glog sometime too.
Yup - I hate winter too, its end cant come soon enough.  
I forgot how painful I find it waiting for seeds to pop up. Damn, I really have to stop checking each morning I wake up and just before bedtime!
Rainman said:
Yup - I hate winter too, its end cant come soon enough.  
I forgot how painful I find it waiting for seeds to pop up. Damn, I really have to stop checking each morning I wake up and just before bedtime!
Waiting for seeds to pop is like pulling out a tooth. But man are we a happy pig in shit when they do :dance: