How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

So I decided to chop up the Rocotto Aji Largo, it was just too big and those bloody eggplant moths were making their own little eco system in there, so I gave it the chop!
Ended up with 4kg of chilies!!!!!




Super David said:
So I decided to chop up the Rocotto Aji Largo, it was just too big and those bloody eggplant moths were making their own little eco system in there, so I gave it the chop!
Ended up with 4kg of chilies!!!!!
Mate, that is seriously one impressive haul. :hot:
I'm not sure, never had them green before! I had to chop it up though, almost all the red ones are ruined by the moths so I got them early.  I'm going to give a heap to my mum to make chili paste and I'll pickle the rest and make some sauce.
I nibbled a bit of a little green one and it still had some heat, so I should be able to make some mild sauce out of these.  Actually I might eat one now

ok yeah they are nice green!  Tastes just like a capsicum until you get to the middle and get the heat! So thats a yes, these are good green.  They are hotter when they are mature and red, I remember eating one of those for the first time and I was shocked! Actually gave me the hiccups.  This was mild
Super David said:
I'm not sure, never had them green before! I had to chop it up though, almost all the red ones are ruined by the moths so I got them early.  I'm going to give a heap to my mum to make chili paste and I'll pickle the rest and make some sauce.
I nibbled a bit of a little green one and it still had some heat, so I should be able to make some mild sauce out of these.  Actually I might eat one now

ok yeah they are nice green!  Tastes just like a capsicum until you get to the middle and get the heat! So thats a yes, these are good green.  They are hotter when they are mature and red, I remember eating one of those for the first time and I was shocked! Actually gave me the hiccups.  This was mild
Would you be saving seeds by chance?!
Rainman - Next time you are looking for water or air pumps and other aquarium supplies for a small HP or AP set up hit me up. I have ship loads of gear from when I kept a lot of aquariums.
Will keep that in mind highlucks. If I have more success with hydro than soil I might be tempted to expand my equipment for next season.  
How are your plants this year by the way?

Starting to get some nice pods up and running, This Fatalii is really going off.
Incredible flavour on these, so sweet and fruity, and they absolutely wallop the tongue.
Got some nice Brains and Jays Peach Scorpion all podding up ( Thanks Mica for the seeds )
Had a few dramas early with all new growth burning on most of my plants, not sure what was happening there, thrips, white fly, ferts or wind, salty coastal air, poor soil?
But all starting to lift there game now.
Thats looking good!  
Those pods look very very similar to what I got from masters, which was labeled chocolate habanero!  I think its a fatalii!!!
Yesterdays 44C day too a small toll on my vegie garden.  Lost a couple of chilies and lots of peas :(  A couple of other chilies took a beating, but survived (just) I'm going to move into hydro to see if I can get them to recover quickly.
On a plus side, my first Aji Limon pod turned yellow.  I ate half fresh and the rest in a chili basil chicken dish for dinner.  Really enjoyed it, so will be chuffed when the other 30 odd pods turn soon.
So if anyone wants some Aji Limon seeds in the coming weeks hit me up.
Thirdegree said:

Starting to get some nice pods up and running, This Fatalii is really going off.
Incredible flavour on these, so sweet and fruity, and they absolutely wallop the tongue.
Got some nice Brains and Jays Peach Scorpion all podding up ( Thanks Mica for the seeds )
Had a few dramas early with all new growth burning on most of my plants, not sure what was happening there, thrips, white fly, ferts or wind, salty coastal air, poor soil?
But all starting to lift there game now.
Great looking Fatalii there Mate, it's definitely one of my old favourites.
Hey nice going with the Brains and Peach Ghost Scorps. Would love to see some piccies specially the Peach Ghost Scorp when u get a chance
Happy Chilli Growing,
An early season pluck, Thais, Jalaps and Fataliis all setting the early pace.

Hey Micca,
Will post up some pics of the Peach Ghost, it is really starting to put out, pods a squillion.
Have got 2 Brains planted, the plants are looking really good, but dropping every flower, only one pod set early, but it does look the part, nearly ripe.
Got 1 Orange Manzano? growing in a pot, has been a little temperamental but is starting to produce, maybe a dozen golf ball sized pods waiting to ripen. 
Also one Carolina reaper is starting to put some pods together.
Ate one of your "seasoning peppers" last night, one of the nicest chillis I have eaten to date, loads of flavour, without any overpowering tastes, heat slightly hotter than a standard Thai.
Thanks again champ for the seeds, will post up some pics over the next week.
That's damn excellent to hear Mate.
You will love the Peachy Scorp it has an excellent flavour but it does have a BIG kick so be careful. And it was an excellent producer for me so you should get heaps.
The Seasoning Pepper has taken quite a few years to find.
It's hard to get the Chinense flavour without it kicking your ass! You open it up and go oh no I'm going to get burnt but it doesn't at all :woohoo:
You should love the Orange Manzano too. If you havnt grown any pubes before you are in for a treat.
So my wife surprised me last night by uttering the words "have you ever considered setting up a sun lamp inside and growing a plant or two in here?"  -- I've considered it, but always thought she'd be less than impressed at the idea. lol
Anyway, this year, again, has been nothing short of a total disaster for me out on my Bunbury balcony. Plants start fine but then a week of easterlies whip up, aphids move in even though I spray them every single day, and my plants lose most of their leaves and the new shoots look all crumpled -- they stop growing and just stagnate.  It's bizarre because my first year here everything was lush and nice out on the balcony -- I got plenty of fruit. Year 2 and 3 have just been a dead loss.
Anyway, I would consider trying to grow indoors; however, I don't want to spend too much or set up anything too fiddly. Not 500 light bulbs etc -- one lamp would be ideal, if that would do it.
Does anyone have any advice for setting up for one or two plants? -- something that's easy and low maintainence. Something I can just water with a watering can and will provide me with plenty of fruit.
nemspy said:
So my wife surprised me last night by uttering the words "have you ever considered setting up a sun lamp inside and growing a plant or two in here?"  -- I've considered it, but always thought she'd be less than impressed at the idea. lol
Anyway, this year, again, has been nothing short of a total disaster for me out on my Bunbury balcony. Plants start fine but then a week of easterlies whip up, aphids move in even though I spray them every single day, and my plants lose most of their leaves and the new shoots look all crumpled -- they stop growing and just stagnate.  It's bizarre because my first year here everything was lush and nice out on the balcony -- I got plenty of fruit. Year 2 and 3 have just been a dead loss.
Anyway, I would consider trying to grow indoors; however, I don't want to spend too much or set up anything too fiddly. Not 500 light bulbs etc -- one lamp would be ideal, if that would do it.
Does anyone have any advice for setting up for one or two plants? -- something that's easy and low maintainence. Something I can just water with a watering can and will provide me with plenty of fruit.
Sorry to hear you are having another bad one Mate.
I remember the days doing battle with those pesky Aphids. They are nasty little critters that sucked the life out of my Chilli's and nearly me!
You will be amazed at the difference if you decide to grow some under lights.
Good luck with it.
Plenty of 250 watt lights on ebay for $150 and less.
I have used MH 150 watt lights before and the seemed too small to cover a decent sized plant.
I'm using a 250 watt light and that can grow a very big plant. 
I guess the only real problem is cost,  my 250w light actually draws 400 watt,  I guess there is power lost through the ballast.
Having a surprisingly good time of growing this year.  The plants I thought I'd lost during the 40+ heat the other week are now in hydro and bouncing back very strongly.  It was working so well that I built some more ebb/flow modules and retired the Mark 1 system I built as a trial. Here's a pic of my current set-up out back.  Next season I'll run all 9 modules, probably all ebb/flow rather than some DWC like I have here.

The plants on the end are overcoming some fert burn issues and there is also a black tomato in there, which I am regretting as its not doing much tbh. 
A closer short of my three best plants that were saved from near death (left to right Orange Hab, Fatallii and Yellow Bhut) - I think that's what they are anyway because I mixed up labels when they were seedlings so this is my best guess.

I've got pods a plenty on my mexi-belle and scorpion.  Some I think may have cross-polinated with the Red Savina next to it in the yellow planter, but a fair few have their stingers :)


Taken a nice early harvest of Lemon Drops

Well gotta dash out to pick a friend up.  Glad to finally have some positive pics to share this year after some early disappointments.
Cheers. RM 