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How to mess with you neighbor? (after he sends cops for growing under HPS)

Tought it would be a good idea to make a topic of it here after so many replies my status.
Good idea would be smearing superhots on his doorhandle (from ScovilleDeVille).
Lucky for him my sh*t aint ripe yet.
That B**STRD tore out my grape plant a few weeks ago too (through the fencing) cause he didnt like the
vines growing on his property ( most of the freaggin grapes were on his property, the moron).
That s*cker is allways trying to get under my skin anywa possible...
He's a 45 year old unmarried dude with too much time on his hands, he is exteremely jealous/
Sh*t started 3 years ago when me and my wife married (that might have been the trigger) and from then
things only got worse.
I def need some good ideas about how to make his life miserably unconfortable cause my patience with that
wanker has reached its limits..
That search warrant this mornin was IT, me and my wife both in cuffs while the cops searched the premises fo weed..
Now yeah, I need to be honest, in my younger days I used to smoke that stuff and I had a few runn-ins with the cops then
so they know abt my past, what made it plausible for them to believe my bonehead neighbors allegations that I was
growing weed with special lights...
U really should have seen those cops faces when they could only come up with peppers under HPS and
nothing freakin else.. But still me and my wife in cuffs (at freaking gunpoint as they know we have guns) being
looked at as gangsters while my oh so happy neighbor stood outside laughing.... That was SH*T.
The thing is, the cops know that I know that the neighbor fckd me so I cant relly do anything.
So now I need to start thinking how to get back to him on this matter (and all the other crap he has allready done to us)
As written in my profile : done some dumb stuff in the nineties , I dont want to get in jail and leave my wife behind by
doing something stupid again.
All tips for how to make his life miserable are welcome.
Thanks for taking the time and read this and giving some tips as I really dont know anymore what to do.
I tried to be nice and talk, tried to be the bada$$, hell I allmost tried everything but nothing works.
Don't think I would waste my time. Their intentions could have been well, I mean afterall, to most that would scream dope operation.  I'll let it ride and if he/she doesn't apologize I'd just consider them an asshole and avoid them in the future.  I mean I would think cops would give them an update to avoid future calls, and at the same time you can tell a lot from chatting with folks.  It wouldn't have hurt for them to get to know you and get a vibe off of you to help determine if you were growing dope or not.  I'm sure had they struck a  decent convo it might be brought up you're into peppers and what-not. 
As for the fencing, where you were growing might actually be his property depending on how the zoning works in your area.  Around here, you're suppose to leave a foot orso on the other side of the fence so as to not place it right on the line.  It's also by law the fence owners responsibility to weed both side of said fence.  Although I've heard of any issues on this. 
Why not try to have a conversation asking what his beef is with you before making any rash decisions.  Fighting with neighbors is never to going to be a win for either side, and it doesn't solve anything either no matter how big of an asshole they are. He's probably just a lonely dude with no friends and not really sure how to go about making any.  You never know.
That's how I look at things.  If he continues to be an ass after conversation and trying to figure out what the deal is, just avoid him and pay him no mind. 
I agree with Browning. Try to take the high road. Don't get yourself  into trouble. Your wife and your peppers need you.
BUT, I got a feeling that you are not going to just let this go. So SPAM the crap out of him. If you can get his email address then sign him up for every news letter that you can think of. Also sign him up for some actual  physical SPAM mail also. Anything you can sign up for free is great. Especially stuff like "adult toys" and other porno stuff. If you know where he works then send him a subscription of some really crazy porn to his job. 
Browning said:
Don't think I would waste my time. Their intentions could have been well, I mean afterall, to most that would scream dope operation.  I'll let it ride and if he/she doesn't apologize I'd just consider them an asshole and avoid them in the future.  I mean I would think cops would give them an update to avoid future calls, and at the same time you can tell a lot from chatting with folks.  It wouldn't have hurt for them to get to know you and get a vibe off of you to help determine if you were growing dope or not.  I'm sure had they struck a  decent convo it might be brought up you're into peppers and what-not. 
As for the fencing, where you were growing might actually be his property depending on how the zoning works in your area.  Around here, you're suppose to leave a foot orso on the other side of the fence so as to not place it right on the line.  It's also by law the fence owners responsibility to weed both side of said fence.  Although I've heard of any issues on this. 
Why not try to have a conversation asking what his beef is with you before making any rash decisions.  Fighting with neighbors is never to going to be a win for either side, and it doesn't solve anything either no matter how big of an asshole they are. He's probably just a lonely dude with no friends and not really sure how to go about making any.  You never know.
That's how I look at things.  If he continues to be an ass after conversation and trying to figure out what the deal is, just avoid him and pay him no mind. 
Completeley agree with what u said, but I've allready tried everything, being nice and inviting him to have a talk and a drink and BBQ.
But he keeps on being a complete moron that tries everything to ruin our lives...
Thrust me when I say I tried everything, he just wont stop being the idiot he is..
And indeed fighting with neighbors is never a good thing but I'm out of options and really dont know what to do anymore...
Ocho Cinco said:
I agree with Browning. Try to take the high road. Don't get yourself  into trouble. Your wife and your peppers need you.
BUT, I got a feeling that you are not going to just let this go. So SPAM the crap out of him. If you can get his email address then sign him up for every news letter that you can think of. Also sign him up for some actual  physical SPAM mail also. Anything you can sign up for free is great. Especially stuff like "adult toys" and other porno stuff. If you know where he works then send him a subscription of some really crazy porn to his job. 
Hahahaha, priceless, daim that I didnt think of that..  That would be way more gratifying then doing dumb stuff that will get me in trouble.
Thanks for the hint :)
--edit--  ,ofc I wont let this fly...
queequeg152 said:
destroy his lawn and trees maby? idk
anyone calling the cops on someone for growing pot;regardless of the veracity,  is a serious douche imo. 
I smoked for 15 years up until my son was born.  Still wouldn't want some one growing next door.  I know first hand dealers and growers have the shadiest of people hanging about.  Don't want that shit so close to home.  If that makes me a douche, so be it. 
Roll yerself a big blunt (of tobacco) and have a huge toke on it---while smiling him.
Always say "good morning neighbor" with a smile every day.
Make him call the coppers on you daily, while being totally civil to him.
Eventually, he will move or drive himself nuts and get carted off to a rubber room somewhere.
Any "pepper related" problem he should encounter would point directly to you, so avoid that at all costs.
He's a drama queen, so don't be a part of his daily drama.

Browning said:
I smoked for 15 years up until my son was born.  Still wouldn't want some one growing next door.  I know first hand dealers and growers have the shadiest of people hanging about.  Don't want that shit so close to home.  If that makes me a douche, so be it. 
Unless you live in Washington, Colorado or California (many more to follow).
 Weed be growin like---well-----weed.
Granny will have some among her Petunias soon. :party:
Gotrox said:
Roll yerself a big blunt (of tobacco) and have a huge toke on it---while smiling him.
Always say "good morning neighbor" with a smile every day.
Make him call the coppers on you daily, while being totally civil to him.
Eventually, he will move or drive himself nuts and get carted off to a rubber room somewhere.
Any "pepper related" problem he should encounter would point directly to you, so avoid that at all costs.
He's a drama queen, so don't be a part of his daily drama.

Unless you live in Washington, Colorado or California (many more to follow).
 Weed be growin like---well-----weed.
Granny will have some among her Petunias soon. :party:
Yea if it's legal than that's a different issues.  I also doubt the places that's illegal to grow have the same issues and company that places that isn't have. lol  our closest neighbors are a couple hundred yards away.  The rest are spread out a bitmore.  Country life is where it's at
I'm thinking something with fish, or anything with a horrible smell and put it on your property right next to his side of the fence. Hopefully you have some nice gusts of wind that goes in his direction.
Buy some of that stinky cheese and shove it under his car so it will come through vents. Lol.
Get a restraining order on him and always be courteous.

Dustin said:
I'm thinking something with fish, or anything with a horrible smell and put it on your property right next to his side of the fence. Hopefully you have some nice gusts of wind that goes in his direction.
Like minds.
Start staring at him from the fence on a regular basis.  Whenever he comes out, start taking pictures like the papparazi.  If you have a window that looks into one of his, set up a telescope looking into his room.  He will get the hint as to what it feels like to be spied on and bothered.
I'd avoid anything like hot pepper oil on a doorhandle - pretty sure you could go to jail for that.

I like the fence-sitting & mailing list ideas. You could also have a pocketful of salt handy every time you walk by his house - and accidentally sprinkle it on his lawn a little at a time.

Rumor has it that baloney will eat through a car's finish...but actually it just polka dots their car with baloney. mmm, delicious polka dots. Still comical, not as harmful.
find out what the neighborhood noise ordinance is.
if its, say, 8 am to 10 pm, that's EXACTLY how long you play New Kids On The Block, aimed at his house at Exactly the upper limit decibal level, everyday.
Stay in compliance.
Dont do hot pepper tricks.
Now might be a good time to grow weed.
Naaa.Play Alvin and the Chipmunks singing Christmas songs.
They played that at a tree lot I worked one year,drove even the customers crazy.

For an added touch,play it slightly faster than it's supposed to be played at.

Maybe the sound track from Apocalypse now....

Or like on the Twilight Zone when the guy played Famous Sea Battles at full blast all day.