How would peppers do in a ScrOG?

I was thinking about possibly scrogging my peppers (training them horizontally under a screen). This is a method used by indoor growers to maximize light output to the whole plant, keeping the top, bottom, and middle of the plant at the exact same height. For those unfamilliar with this concept, basically you would let a plant grow to about 4-8 inches tall, then place a screen over it with like 1-2" square holes. As the plant grows up through the screen, you pull it back down and spread it out. This keeps the plant a uniform height, thus allowing you to use fewer lights to illuminate the whole plant more effectively. I don't know enough about how peppers grow yet to decide if that would work for them or not. I think I'm going to give it a shot next go around, or maybe even take some cuttings off one of my current plants and experiment later on. Any input?
Well, after seeing how my peruvian chile reacted to being low stres s trained (basically a scrog without a screen), I'm convinced peppers, at least this kind, would do quite well in a scrog. In fact, this very plant may end up getting itself scrogged once I get more lights

imaguitargod said:
That's going to be one happy, bushy plant there! Nice Jade plant in the background too, a little leggy, but happy.

Thats what it's called? My mom's friend gave me a cutting and she said she though it was called an "ice plant". But the pictures of ice plant look like a different kind of succulent. I have it sitting in that cup of water to root, but I think i'm just gonna plant it.
Txclosetgrower said:
Thats what it's called? My mom's friend gave me a cutting and she said she though it was called an "ice plant". But the pictures of ice plant look like a different kind of succulent. I have it sitting in that cup of water to root, but I think i'm just gonna plant it.
Yep, that's a jade plant. I have tons of those things (and everyone else in LA does too). Just take it out and stick it in the ground and it'll root just fine.
Scrog chilis. Im currently starting to scrog grow a strain called lemmon drop chilis there bright yellow apache looking peppers. I have an outside raised bed with miracle grow soil and im using epsomsalt treatment. Ill post up pics soon. The plants are about a foot but have beautiful bushy stalks beginning on the bottom and i just topped it. I still have yet to plant them and im going to bend them almost 90 degrees under the chicken wire and weave them as they grow.

BTW im using 10-10-10 fertilizer its all i have available rite now :/ i used it last year on my habaneros and they came out GREAT! Oh and im going to try scroggin two Habs also there only about half a foot now maybe a lil higher and im going to try and scrog them also. I topped the Habs a couple times last season and they were huge bushes with nice bright dark orange fruit, they were BIG alao and super hot :)
Dont worry about posting them here, this thread is almost 6 years old. A few of these members are not active here any more. Post up your own grow over in the glogs sub-forum.
Im sorry but I cant help but laugh @ this post cuz " scroggin' " is also slang for sex in the back of a car! so you can see looking back over the post where it might be funny :rofl:
Omg yea i can see how its funny haha i had no idea thats what that meant lol! Im talkin about bushy stalks n shit. But yea im gonna get sum pics up soon there doin pretty good.
Id love to see the Scrog pics... Ive never heard of anyone scrogging any plant other than BC's best/ Im intrigued, and my plants are all turning into bean poles lately... this could help perfectly
Im sorry but I cant help but laugh @ this post cuz " scroggin' " is also slang for sex in the back of a car! so you can see looking back over the post where it might be funny :rofl:


:wipes coffee off the monitor and keyboard:

Why?? Why do I always read something like this when I'm taking a sip of something?!?

Id love to see the Scrog pics...

Now that just gives new meaning to "pepper pr0n"... :lol: