
AlabamaJack said:
Miller Lite?...isn't that one step above Falstaff? :lol:

I know there are chinense, annuums and baccatums (black seeds...correct me if I am wrong here.

C. pubescens are black.
thx Potawie...I just can't remember and I don't have it written down... :lol:
AlabamaJack said:
thx Potawie...I just can't remember and I don't have it written down... :lol:


*You* don't have something about your peppers written down?

What *is* this world coming to?
jh35ky123 said:
damn whats up with all the miller lite jokes? you aint never heard taste great less filling? haha plus i drive a miller truck for a living so i kinda get a deal :)

We're a buncha beer snobs, love to pontificate on the virtues and vices of various high falutin brews.
i grew a kung pao last year. and OMG did it produce. even to it's dieing days.. if you grew it potawie i'm sure you would have tons and tons of peppers from it even from a smaller ~18" tall plant
jh35ky123 said:
damn whats up with all the miller lite jokes? you aint never heard taste great less filling? haha plus i drive a miller truck for a living so i kinda get a deal :)

Miller Lite is your job...... Good beer is a career! Check out "The Buzz".
jh35ky123 said:
damn whats up with all the miller lite jokes? you aint never heard taste great less filling? haha plus i drive a miller truck for a living so i kinda get a deal :)
ya ,if they gave me a case id drink it too...

aint nothing wrong with them peppers man,in a few months you be in the heat.

Have you grown the kung pow peppers before. I wanna grow them just to try kung pow chicken. Potawie likes his chicken spicy!;)

hi potawie, we just ordered some Kung Pao Hybrid pepper seed today from a site you recommended a while back
Tomato Growers Supply,
I hope they produce well,we have 2 chinese restarants in town and maybe they will like some local grown.
I dont want to hijack a thread so I hope you dont mind this chile seed list I just placed.
Mesilla,Grande Hybrid,Nardello Sweet,Big Jim,
Pasilla Bajio,Sahaurao Hybrid,KungPao Hybrid,
Sweet Cayenne,Serrano,Fatalii...
man if even half of these produce its gonna be a Hot Harvest!
1/32-1/8 ordered ea.
Get some Potawie and we compare notes.

all I have to say is beer is like a football team and everyone has there favorite.
ME.... I am not a big sports fan so I enjoy all makes of beer and miller lite is a good beer.
good to see another fellow chilihead on board.

you have a good mix of peppers there except for the no name mix that I have planted in the past and will never do again.
Nothing worse than 10 pots of no idea and they turn out to be good but no one knows what they are ....
pablo said:
hi potawie, we just ordered some Kung Pao Hybrid pepper seed today from a site you recommended a while back
Tomato Growers Supply,
I hope they produce well,we have 2 chinese restarants in town and maybe they will like some local grown.
I dont want to hijack a thread so I hope you dont mind this chile seed list I just placed.
Mesilla,Grande Hybrid,Nardello Sweet,Big Jim,
Pasilla Bajio,Sahaurao Hybrid,KungPao Hybrid,
Sweet Cayenne,Serrano,Fatalii...
man if even half of these produce its gonna be a Hot Harvest!
1/32-1/8 ordered ea.
Get some Potawie and we compare notes.

I've grown most of the ones on your list. I thought you'd be growing more super-hots.:hell:
I noticed the beer next to the plants too in the first pic. But was wondering...could you be feeding your peppers beer?? Would that make a good fertilizer?
Wasn't there some guy who did an infomercial or an add for a book??? He'd stand there pouring beer and coke into compost...

I remember something like that, but I can't remember what his name was.
Thats what they use at the place I got my garden soil from...out of date sodas and beer is added to the is a quote from their website..."This compost is produced with a wide variety of high quality materials including beer, wine, liquor, soft drinks, sport drinks, waste wood and much more"...dang, wonder if my seedlings will get drunk when I transplant them....
AlabamaJack said:
Thats what they use at the place I got my garden soil from...out of date sodas and beer is added to the is a quote from their website..."This compost is produced with a wide variety of high quality materials including beer, wine, liquor, soft drinks, sport drinks, waste wood and much more"...dang, wonder if my seedlings will get drunk when I transplant them....
Soft Drinks and Sports Drinks count as "high quality ingredient". HA! Have they ever read up on what's IN those things....yeak!
Hi potawie,
Ya I like the hot peppers,but i have to cover the market as best I can,so we have alot of mild and sweet peppers too,and just a few hot and only 2 super hot {Fatalii and Bhut Jolokia.}

I think the beer and soda additives are used as a catalyst to start the decompostion process quicker.
Human Hair is an excellent organic source of Nitrogen.
