
pablo said:
well im glad you know,
Im sure there are others who read this ,
that dont know as much as you do... :!:

I ment that in the creapy way, like the "I've been harvesting human hair from my victims and composting it to get rid of the evidence and just told you that but tried to cover it up last minute" sort of way ;)
This thread just rambles I think I'll add more. It's a big storm tonight in the southeast so all my tomatoes and peppers have come inside for the night. Here are a few more pics.


They look dang healthy PRF....nice plants....
Thanks ya'll. Here are my maters a little over a month ago and a really cool silk moth that made a cocoon last fall and I believe is mating here in it's first 24 hours. At first I thought it was coming out of it's shell but then both flew away when finished.


PRF, That would have freaked me the F***Out! Probably would have sent the wife out to get rid of them. They look like they could fly away with a small dog...It's reminding me of my spider incident I already mentioned.

BIG bugs are not my thing...
Alright Paul, let's get this straight for everyone here. Mudatvs now is Pepperfreak without the backward 3 in his name like another one here. You also changed you avatar just a bit. I think I'm following you correctly here. This BIG moth looked like a tarantula with big 'ol wings! I have some kids so we watched it all winter and that happened just last weekend. I was glad when it just left on its own.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Alright Paul, let's get this straight for everyone here. Mudatvs now is Pepperfreak without the backward 3 in his name like another one here. You also changed you avatar just a bit. I think I'm following you correctly here. This BIG moth looked like a tarantula with big 'ol wings! I have some kids so we watched it all winter and that happened just last weekend. I was glad when it just left on its own.

You're right, I changed my nickname, I wanted something more fitting for this site. But, I didn't realize that there is another 'Pepperfreak' (Sorry, hope that you don't think I stole your nickname if your reading this...) Mudatvs was what I used on an ATV site and was the only name I could think of when setting up my account.

My wife...LOL...told me just tonight that I have to stop screaming when I see spiders and such. She said because our 2 year old daughter will also start doing that. Humm...She has a point, but how do you control a natural reaction?
Those moths are beautiful...something about large moths that fascinate me...especially the lunar moths (lime green kinda)...
Not moths! :scared: I've been scared off them ever since I was a kid, it's the way they dive for you off the lamp-shade, even worse are Daddy-long-legs, do Daddy-long-legs actually serve a purpose?
My wife kills the spiders here at my house too. I am like you Paul if I see one I just leave and tell her where I saw it. Rainbowberry we call them Grandaddy-long-legs here maybe ours are a bit older than yours but I have heard they are the most poisonous spider in the entire world except their mouth is too small to bite a human thank god. All I got to say is a spider in my house is a dead spider.:onfire:
Our daddy-long-legs are different things then. I don't mind spiders. Our Daddy-long-legs arn't spiders they're crane flies but we usually call them by the other name. They are like spindly spiders with wings that dive bomb from lights like moths. They are harmless even though I think they're the devil's creatures.
yes different rainbowberry our grandaddy-long-leg have no wings, just like the name implies really long legs and a small body. That thing you have a pic of looks like our state bird, a mosquito.
Pepperfreak said:
You're right, I changed my nickname, I wanted something more fitting for this site. But, I didn't realize that there is another 'Pepperfreak' (Sorry, hope that you don't think I stole your nickname if your reading this...) Mudatvs was what I used on an ATV site and was the only name I could think of when setting up my account.

My wife...LOL...told me just tonight that I have to stop screaming when I see spiders and such. She said because our 2 year old daughter will also start doing that. Humm...She has a point, but how do you control a natural reaction?

This is a little gross, but I'm going to tell you what I do. First, let me say that I'm afraid of spiders, so this is very difficult for me. When you see a spider, immediately kill it WITH YOUR HAND. Don't look for a magazine, or a tissue or paper towel. Just smash it, then wash your hands. The first few times I did this, it actually made me gag. But it's getting easier, and even though I'm still afraid of spiders, my reaction isn't quite so girly as it used to be. In fact, others don't notice I'm scared at all. Good for your little girl.