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How's Your Drinking Water...

My dad told me as a teenager that Baltimore has some of the best drinking water in the country, he used to laugh when he would see all the bottled water for sale during the last 20 years. I have lived in several states, and been to several countries and would always rate the water. In South Carolina you could not boil pasta with there tap water, Alaska the water was top notch and came out very cold. California (south) sucked, a little gritty.

Norway, great to drink and was great to shower in, especially with a norwegian babe... Just made you feel really clean...

I have municipal water that gets a strong chemical treatment but it contains fluoride, chlorine, sulfates, arsenic, zinc etc etc... :( Even washing our dishes with the water is a concern of mine. My peppers only get charcoal filtered or rain water.
Hoppy. :D

Seriously though NYC water ain't bad. There's a huge pipeline up to theCatskill mountains, and it's always running, never stagnant.
Vegas water is damn near undrinkable. You can smell the chlorine in it and it's overbearing. The mineral content is really bad. Clogs up new faucets and fixtures with excessive buildup quickly. Has the effect of travertine or stalagites. We buy bottled water.
Zephyrhills, FL has some of the best municipal water around. In fact it's so good, its actually what they bottle and sell around the country. It does in fact come from a real fresh water spring too.
Ours reeks of chlorine in the summer time so bad its difficult to swallow. I have a filter system and when I change the filters I need to wipe out the magnesium that has built up nasty -- Chlorinated, flourinated and magnesium-ated
millworkman said:
Ours is very hard, high in minerals, but oh so tasty. It is probably the best tasting tap water I have ever had. That probably means I am going to die very early but oh well, at least the water is good. Here is a report of mine.


I have worked with mineral and bottled water business for over a decade and IMHO, slightly hard water over 450 ppm of TDS ( total dissolved solids) is good for cooking and is generally considered as sweet. I always look for a good magnesium content in my water for my strong heart.
willard3 said:
Anybody who complains about water or water quality in the USA has yet to travel elsewhere and use the water.

Hey Willard, my daughter just got back from Chennai, India and she's told me a bunch of horror stories about the water over there.
water here is so so when we are allowed to drink it its full of chlorene,flouride and all those wonderfull things.plugs a coffee maker quickly lol..We stick to our bottled water for everything up to watering my pepper plants..
My well water is just fine- no rust at all and not hard. There is an issue with trace amounts of arsenic, but that's easily remedied with a separator.

Back before I was free, I'd just fill up 5 gallon buckets of city water and let them sit for a day to let the chlorine go. Never had any problems with the city water, I managed to kill plants just fine with my own actions.
I dont mind the tap water here in Wellsburg and the plants dont seem to mind it either. I have noticed a difference lately though since I changed the filter on the main line. Not a better or worse taste, just seems different. Our house doesnt have a water softener either, took awhile to adjust to that after moving here. The water in Phoenix wasnt too bad after I put it through a Brita water filter.
I never really think about the water here. Tastes just fine to me and makes pretty good beer.
Just the other day i recieved a BILL for my water! The hide of some people, i quickly sent it back with a note to please re-direct the bill to the buffoons that own the house- the local bowling club that must use at least 10,000 litres of the wet stuff daily.