chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

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Nice looking plant Tex16. I have noticed sometimes the first pods in the main fork grow alittle funky.I had a couple hundred Primo pods this summer that I saw quite a bit of variation in. They all had pebbled and spiky skin though. Keep updating pics for us.

Thank ya sir... And well Ive noticed that too , I just counted 62 flowers on it . I really hope the future pods in the upper canopy start looking more like what a "reaper" should .

How much for a ripe pod?
Iam dyeing to chomp on one , but reckon we'll have to wait and see if the plant ties any more pods. Ive counted 5 so far 3 large ones and 2 that just formed on there . Ive never sold to anyone on here , I just share ... Reckon I might auction a few when the time comes.
I, personally, wouldn't judge the plant from the first two pods. Of the 60 Butch T plants I had this year, the majority of them came out looking true to form. The first harvest had a 17% pod variation* (semi-random sampling, in no way real scientific data). The last harvest had 6% pod variation. Environmental conditions, in my opinion, have a huge effect.

I see similar rates in other varieties I grow as well, even varieties that are known to be true and from isolated conditions. Nothing is foolproof and I don't think the hobby would be any more interesting/fun if nature didn't have surprises for us.

I can't wait to see more of these pods and from other growers so that we can all see just how this plays out.

I will be satisfied, if I see 10% variation out of any of the new varieties I am growing out next year. (Moruga, Primo, etc)
Looks like a lizard with its tongue hanging out ...
Very healthy looking plant Tex
Those are some narly pods, love the bumps I can't wait to see some ripe pods. I will have to get some seeds of it at some point , along with some Butch T's and Primo's which are some I don't have seeds of yet either, I'm wondering how the heat will stand up to some of the other super hots. Bet they will cause a ring of fire to happen. Hah!
Omg! How the hell did you get this plant growing so fast? I put mine in the ground about same time as you... Short garmination period - about a week as I remember... It has been under LED lights because of the short days here now... But mine has only about 6 or 8 true leaves...

Is it the climate or whats the secret?

Nice plant by the way... ;-)
I honestly cant wait to hear from people after they grow them out. I really want to see a lot of peoples photos and hear feedback. I have never seen any of the documentation on the reaper or other HP22B's. I would love to see if everyones Reaper is just as hot as the ones I tried from Ed. When Tony Ainsworth and I had them together In the UK he agreed with me and said it has a very unnatural burn kinda like extract or pure Capsaicin. They do look similar to Primo's but they taste nothing like a Primo or any other Superhot the same thing with applies with heat they just burn different
My first batch of seeds was terrible only 3 germinated and growing really slow compared to other plants I put in at the same time.
My first batch of seeds was terrible only 3 germinated and growing really slow compared to other plants I put in at the same time.

Mine also, but then I used some pro-mix and misted them twice a day and regulated temperature better and they shot right up.

hopefully ill be posting pictures soon. My plants are tiny still but going into the hydro tonight, so I will have some interesting pictures coming up.!
My first batch of seeds was terrible only 3 germinated and growing really slow compared to other plants I put in at the same time.

I ended up 100% but one of them took 60 days to germinate, the larger one I have now took over 30 days. The first 3 that came up in about 3 weeks died from too much heat.
Well the plant now has 72 pods on it all different sizes, small ..medium.. and the first three large.
the pods turn from light green in color to a dark green, and shape wise there all over the darn place. Some have stingers some don't , some are long and wrinkled , and some are round a bumpy .
non have ripen yet. I will snap some pictures tammarra morning for ya folk so y'all can see what Iam talking about. Oh by the way I have another small Reaper plant thats kinda leggy but has about 7 small pods that have more of a stinger.
here's more pics of some pods in the upper canopy :





both plants:

pods on the small plant:


last night smoking a Marlboro red out side, this bastard casually crawls up my boot !


above is a picture of another super hot growing,
7pot Rennie.

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