chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

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Very nice update Tex, beautiful plant you have there. Can I ask how big those pods are? Mine are about the size of a nickel so I'm guessing yours are bigger, but mine don't have tails. I will post a pick to compare but thought I would ask 1st.
Very nice update Tex, beautiful plant you have there. Can I ask how big those pods are? Mine are about the size of a nickel so I'm guessing yours are bigger, but mine don't have tails. I will post a pick to compare but thought I would ask 1st.
Thanks..... well the first three are pretty darn big, two ov them are the size of my palm cross wise. the medium size ones are about the size of a full grown primo7, and well all the others are the size of a nickel too I reckon.




Nothing about them looks similar to the original pods shown

Let me know how that 7 pot rennie turns out, you are the first in the country to have pods.
thanks for the seeds armac, its ready to go... I think you should be the first to review it, so ya can keep your tolerance level up . LOL !

Hey lock, lets see yers ....
You, Cowboy, and your family are the hot pepper eaters here in the Valley enjoy them. Be sure Mike (chiligrower) and Judy (pepperlover) see the rennies. They are both interested in selling the seeds.
Here are what mine are looking like.





The 1st 2 pics are my biggest pods, I have not seen any with the stingers yet. That is a quarter in the pics.
LOL ! thats a big 10-4 Mr. Armac !

Hey Lock nice looking plant , mine has some small round pods like yers .
as ted barrus said it is a diffrent taste/ heat than other supers, lot of others have said the same, Appreciate the pictures of your proggress let us know about smell taste and heat, I think Ed might have found a freak, be nice to find out first hand from thp folks im sure those reports are on there way soon as ripe pods come in, thanx for postin tex
as ted barrus said it is a diffrent taste/ heat than other supers, lot of others have said the same, Appreciate the pictures of your proggress let us know about smell taste and heat, I think Ed might have found a freak, be nice to find out first hand from thp folks im sure those reports are on there way soon as ripe pods come in, thanx for postin tex
Yeser I'll keep Y'all posted on smell, taste and heat.
I have 2 questions,

I haven't followed everything real close on these peppers, but wasn't everyone saying that these reapers had been stabilized for 6 or 8 generations, or something like that?

What are these 7 pod rennies you guys are talking about? Is that the true name or short for a longer name? Are there special aspects about these new peppers that are interesting? Like they are super hot also? Thanks, Tom
I had these seeds harvested in Trinidad, and had them sent to me here in Texas. Cowboy raised them, they are a superhot. The person, my friend, Rennie is from the area down there. His relatives got me the seeds

We called them rennies to segegate them, they are wild and unusual.
Thanks for the explanation armac.Good answer for the name. The pepper looks real hot and if it has a good flavor, it looks like a winner. If it was wild, just think what a few generations of selective breeding would do for the heat and the flavor! Tom
Nice photos tex and lock. As armac mentioned the pods look nothing like what we've know to be the "Carolina reaper". Just by the looks the pods. The seeds that plant yer growing doesn't look stable if theres so many variance in te shapes and texture. Thanks for the 411s on the rennies. Someone had sent me those seeds i reckon Prolly tex ... had no idea what it was so I just gave the seeds to someone. Couldnt find anything on it.
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