• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


1. "HP###-XXX" is a kind of standard peppers "name" like i found in this website: ?
you can see the "HP###" in gray between the name and the price line

2. if i have "strain 8" peppers, its = "F8" ?

sorry for the noobs questions, my English is not 100%, i read a lot - understand a little ;)

HP22B stands for Higher Power, pot 22, plant B. At least according to these sites.


I still find this whole topic interesting. I know the article is a bit dated, but it states that he is getting consistent tests at 1.4 million. I mean, "pecks" of peppers that are hitting that mark. I know that there is a lot of "hype" that he (Ed) has the next record holder. But if the TSMB hit over 2 mil, he had to take a pepper up over a half a million SHU. Impossible, no, unlikely, yes. If all it took was a half a year to increase a SHU AND stabilize it, don't you think that we would see some MUCH higher numbers out there??

I don't want this to come off as an Ed bashing, but in all reality, the claims of dozens of pepper creations, thousands of plants, and nothing to show for it doesn't convince me. But getting PepperJoe, who has no idea what the hell he is selling as evidenced by his marketing videos on YouTube, or FBI, who is just...ya.....two weeks ago non-stop TSMB talk and pushing does absolutely nothing for his credibility. I mean the Machete pepper? Really??

Anyways, I am rambling. I am sure Ed is very good at what he does, and one day one of his hundreds of creations will be available to get testing from someone who doesn't snort hot pepper powder. I guess I am just disappointed that a grower that can do those things works with people who could care less about anything but money. I think Ed needs to talk to Grant or Vlad or Wouter...
"WOW" is all I will say to that comment

Someone sent me a pm and said I should say a little more. Myself I'm not looking for a fight but I get the word out more than most. Do I snort anything ? Nope I'm sure a few people in here do. Do I say I'm a expert? Nope but A LOT Of people in THP think they know more than everyone. I get more views than most folks and I'm trustworthy. Sounds like jealously to me. I'm sure of it
What does "views" prove?

People go to the circus to see clowns.....views.....how does that impact Gold's statements?
This community is here for anyone to express their opinions. That means both of our opinions. You are more than welcome here and I am just some dude that grows peppers, so if you don't agree, you are entitled to your opinion.. I mean I am sure you get plenty of comments you don't agree with, this is no difference.

I think bias is a better word than jealous. I care about one thing, preserving the great world of peppers. And I happen to think when you spend all the time that Ed has developing strains that will be exciting for the pepper community, and you let someone who has to read off a note card the lore behind the 7 pot name market it, iit is a waste. And I stand by the fact that the reported numbers are not consistent with the TSMB, and I find it hard to believe that he could bump them that far and stabilize in such short time.

I apologize, I was mistaken. I should have said rubbed peppers in your eyes.

You can call me jealous, a hater, and whatever makes you feel better. I know who I am and what I stand for, and that is good enough for me. If you would like to continue this we can discuss this via the PM system. I would like to keep this thread open for the intended topic, which my original post is 100% in line with.

And I never mentioned your name in my post.
What does "views" prove?

People go to the circus to see clowns.....views.....how does that impact Gold's statements?
This community is here for anyone to express their opinions. That means both of our opinions. You are more than welcome here and I am just some dude that grows peppers, so if you don't agree, you are entitled to your opinion.. I mean I am sure you get plenty of comments you don't agree with, this is no difference.

I think bias is a better word than jealous. I care about one thing, preserving the great world of peppers. And I happen to think when you spend all the time that Ed has developing strains that will be exciting for the pepper community, and you let someone who has to read off a note card the lore behind the 7 pot name market it, iit is a waste. And I stand by the fact that the reported numbers are not consistent with the TSMB, and I find it hard to believe that he could bump them that far and stabilize in such short time.

I apologize, I was mistaken. I should have said rubbed peppers in your eyes.

You can call me jealous, a hater, and whatever makes you feel better. I know who I am and what I stand for, and that is good enough for me. If you would like to continue this we can discuss this via the PM system. I would like to keep this thread open for the intended topic, which my original post is 100% in line with.

And I never mentioned your name in my post.

I don't think these comments were called for.. You can say that you don't beleive the hype for the pepper being so hot but don't throw digs at Ted for no reason.... Just keep it friendly guys.. Its a pepper forum for god's sake.

Personally I doubt that the pepper is avg over a butch t or even peaking over a tsmb but ted isnt the one making the claims.. He always says "Ive eben told that......."
I'm a big boy people can hate lol. I'm here to stay and chat with the people I'm friends with.
I won't trash anyone. I help spread info about the industry more than most. That's what I mean about views.
Done with this I got important stuff to do
I'm a big boy people can hate lol. I'm here to stay and chat with the people I'm friends with.
I won't trash anyone. I help spread info about the industry more than most. That's what I mean about views.
Done with this I got important stuff to do

Like the other HP22B's Ed's sending you? Say yes so I could hit the refresh page on your uploads for a few hours lmao jk :D

I want to see those darn peppers already :)
Thanks THP. Main reason I came back was growing info. I have a massive collection and I want to start growing some pods indoors. Not really trying to show videos here that gets me in trouble. Realistically everything gets me into trouble but that's the nature of the beast.
I am happy to be back
The entire "Carolina Reaper/HP22B Rollout Team at a Business/Strategy Luncheon.

Ed fretting over his 'Babies' at one of his several Greenhouses back in March before they hit the fields.

The testing Professor, Ed and myself

DoomsdayKillz sez "I don't think these comments were called for.. You can say that you don't believe the hype for the pepper being so hot but don't throw digs at Ted for no reason.... Just keep it friendly guys.. Its a pepper forum for god's sake."
Yea, I say RIGHT ON TO THAT. GO DoomsdayKillZ !!

But I'm insulted and outraged by this guy MGOLD86 saying "I don't want this to come off as an Ed bashing, but in all reality, the claims of dozens of pepper creations, thousands of plants, and nothing to show for it doesn't convince me. (who the hell needs to convince YOU??) ... But getting PepperJoe, who has no idea what the hell he is selling as evidenced by his marketing videos on YouTube, or FBI, who is just...ya.....two weeks ago non-stop TSMB talk and pushing does absolutely nothing for his credibility. I mean the Machete pepper? Really??" (now this guy is a marketing genius?? Stick with your day job Dude!)
....this is all why Ted makes a statement like you sound jealous. I don't always agree with Ted on everything, but I have to take his back on this one.
...and I'm sure that's why Ted sez "but A LOT Of people in THP think they know more than everyone"

It's not a LOT...It's a handful of people like MGOLD that create this perception. Argumentative and know-it-all.
Fortunately, I've found the vast majority of folks here on THP to be fantastic individuals. I have over 120 'Friends' and get several weekly requests from more.
I've bought some great seeds wholesale from some high level growers here....and I have made some fabulous business connections that will be life long relationships....and have sold my seeds to probably hundreds of satisfied customers on THP as you can see in the Vendor Vault. I've built relationships with Class Acts like Mike McDermott from TheChileGrower and Jeremy from PepperSeed. I signed up right away for the "Extreme" Status on THP and am here to stay. But this handful of Haters bring a incorrect perception of the rest of us.

Look, I'm ticked off so I'm going to be blunt here. MGOLD is a 26 year old kid with a lot of negative opinions on this HP22B Carolina Reaper pepper, on Ed Currie, Ted and myself. What makes you such a qualified opinion? What have you contributed to the Hot Pepper industry? What have you accomplished in this Industry. What have you accomplished PERIOD? Ted has over 1/4 Million views on his videos...weather we like them or not doesn't matter...bunches of people keep watchng them. There is a degree of success to that.
Ed Currie has handled the testing, growing and soon to be execution and publicity of the HP22B in a brilliant matter , which should be evidenced around Labor day weekend. He has incredible patience (much more than I do) to be meticulous and do the rollout of the HP22b or Carolina Reaper pepper RIGHT. How do I know all of this? I speak with Ed several times a week and will meet him for breakfast tomorrow morning at 8:30 in SC. Ed is "in it to Win it", NOT a Flash in the pan like some others. Instead of questioning his claims and bashing him, you should be in the Ed Currie Fan Club, Dude.

I myself have been quiet lately about the soon to be rollout of the HP22B Carolina Reaper rollout. I figured I'll let the soon-to-be- facts speak for me. I started to talk about this pepper here on THP on Feb. 16th in a thread that has had 27,400 views and got pretty heated. That's cool. With all of the controversy surrounding some of the previous record holders, I expected some skepticism. But a handful of the Super-critics or some of you call them 'Haters' just got way to intense and made it personal. I won't accept anyone attacking my integrity.
I said it repeatedly during those posts that when the truth comes out soon, these handful of Haters will either 1. get real quiet or
2. take cheap shots at the testing and results...which I promise you are meticulous and well done.
Heres one quote from the Hater....

[background=rgb(255, 255, 0)]MGOLD86[/background]: "Who wants to bet that the seeds will sell for 24.99 for 10+ seeds, BUT they will come in a "Collection"....

WRONG AGAIN MGOLD....they will be priced at $9.99 per pack. What do you say now?????

Anyone can go back and read that thread called "Moruga or the Butch T...doesn't matter they will both be de-throned soon"....
It's at http://thehotpepper....a +or +butch +t You'll see the intense skepticism....some of it to be expected. But when the truth comes out soon....and I'll leave that all to Ed Currie now....it's his baby and he can back up everything that was said in this Forum with solid facts.... but again let's see if these few folks have enough class to say we were credable and on track all along. And admit that they were dead wrong. You have a shot at having the "Worlds Hottest Pepper" how many times in a lifetime? We are determined to do it right. And then there will be many more 'pleasant surprises' in the future. Again, Ed will speak to that.

Anyway, stay tuned all. Once you put this minor nonsense aside, the real focus is this. We're going to all be enjoying a great new addition to our list of Hot Peppers to grow. I've had over a dozen of the Carolina Reaper Pepper Pods to cook with so far. They have a great flavor, and the burn is INTENSE. Is it too hot? No, just use 1/4 or 1/2 of a pod to fire up a whole pot of Chili or Spaghetti Sauce. MOST IMPORTANT....The taste is delicious....and a great essense and aroma. I've made a Bug Spray that are just chasing the bugs off of my plants. This all makes it a good value.
Next? That garage floor needs some cleaning with a tough solution....Hmmmmm.....
Fiery Regards to all....and let's try and keep it POSITIVE....
Pepper Joe
:dance: :P :dance: :P :dance: :P
I agree with you for the most part Joe, but you're the one that originally turned this all into a circus act
Ed has to be commended for his patience and I hope the best for him
Hey guys at one time I didn't mind fighting and drama but as I meet more people and get more into this industry I hate the fighting and drama. All I want to do is eat my pods and drink my sauce.
I know some people dislike me and my style but I do try and please everyone. Its very difficult and any regular viewers know I try to mix things up. Anyways I wish Ed all the luck just like I wish everyone luck in what they do. I have had many fights and arguments even with pepperjoe but its better to get along than fight. I try to help everyone I can in this industry. I have had Ebay sellers and small backyard growers ask for help and I honestly try to help everyone.

I honestly came back to just chill and chat and I don't want any drama. If i'm wrong I will say so and if I have done people wrong in the past I apologize.

hope all is well with everyone
oops and one more thing
I have over 1 million views ( kinda happy about that :onfire: ) hard to do when you don't have a viral video :party:
This has gone on long enough. I stand by my comments, to which I am entitled to on this forum. Joe you are a marketing genius and are bringing the pepper industry into the future. I apologize for ever voicing an opinion, because apparently I dont know what I am talking about.

I'll stick to the grow logs, so you can continue to hype your products in peace.

Seacrest, Out.