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Just to toss this out, they have said they have 7,000 seed packs at this moment, not 100,000.

Sorry you are right It was 10,000 not 100,000 packs ( I forgot I had multiplied it by the number of seeds when I had first seen it ) -- Figure taken from this Pic caption -- ( http://thehotpepper.com/gallery/image/343-carolina-reaper-cocked-and-loaded/ ) But still $120,000 is what they are wanting for the initial release and I'm sure they are already planning on more with the sauce made from all of those pods they removed seeds from etc.

It takes a lot of time and work to pack 10,000 packs of the Carolina Reaper Seeds. For these HP22B seeds to go to market, Gas Masks, Rubber Gloves and Manpower are all essential.
Sure does look like my 7 Pot Primo. Tail and all.

So, if you don't mind me asking......where did Ed obtain the mother seed? How long has he been breeding this pepper and what F generation is he on?

It may be all a coinsidence, but I'm quite curious. The office of intelectual property at UL Lafyette may also be quite curious.


Than ran across my mind as well. I thought it looked just like it.
My guess its a Primo Crossed with a Naga.... They selected the primo look with the bump texture.... and breed it for heat.
Sure does look like my 7 Pot Primo. Tail and all.

So, if you don't mind me asking......where did Ed obtain the mother seed? How long has he been breeding this pepper and what F generation is he on?

It may be all a coinsidence, but I'm quite curious. The office of intelectual property at UL Lafyette may also be quite curious.


On the question of what generation the pepper is in
What generation is the pepper/seeds in?
A: From what I understand from Ed Currie...at least 8 generations.

Was a DNA analysis done on Primo?
Heres another confusing part....
Posted aug 2 2012
"See the Moruga Trinidad Scorpion Pepper Pods and hear about their Cirtus/Fruity and Cinnamon Scent. The Moruga is the Worlds Hottest Pepper as of February 6th, 2012. It has tested very well in our growers gardens ans we have the seeds available now."

Then in his video about this h pepper"It's a fruity citrus type pepper flavor. It has an essence of hint of cinnamon"

They both look different,but they taste the same?
"No other pepper taste like this one"
Was a DNA analysis done on Primo?

Could anyone link me to where someone has done a DNA analysis on any pepper strain comparing it to another? I'd be surprised if this level of analysis is regularly being done in peppers. That is to say, I'm sure people are analyzing pepper DNA, just not in the way appropriate to answer these kind of questions.
My guess its a Primo Crossed with a Naga.... They selected the primo look with the bump texture.... and breed it for heat.

My initial cross was a 7Pot with a Naga Morich. All mine have always had bumps. Thanks for the comment bro.

I've never done DNA on it, but maybe ul will want to. I mean getting the university involved is a double edged sword.
They will fight tooth and nail for intellectual property, using their attorneys, research, and other avenues. Yet, they will want a piece of the action. Trust me, if they smell money, that's it.... After all the mascot is a Pepper! Ha

Will be growing Primo and Reaper side by side.

BOTH seed from the original source, so time will tell.

I will be as well. Primo has my seeds on the way to me.

I'm not out to hype up Joe, but here's the new video if you watching this stuff. Its a pretty nasty looking pepper.
Once again I'm no cheerleader for them, just interested in this pepper.

Primo do you have a cross section cut of your pepper, his video shows it halved. I think it looks more like a Butch-T sliced, but I would love to see a primo cross section cut to compare the look of them.

By the way he references it as "Worlds hottest, during the video" and talks about the upcoming press release? so we might have a new crown here for worlds hottest if they have done there due diligence on testing and having everything lined up?
Oh, boo hoo, someone figured out a way to make money. So much hate for someone wanting to make a buck. If you don't want it, don't buy it. Eventually the market will be flooded then the price will go down. Wait for the trades. I'll probably pick up a pack or two, and guess what? I'll probably sell each seedlings locally for what I payed for the pack. It's not greed, it's basic capitalism. Man and his family gotta eat.

You get 'em Ed and Joe!
I might buy 1 pack. Thats it. If I do all the seeds better germinate as well because thats ludicris pricing. I just like the way it looks.
Oh, boo hoo, someone figured out a way to make money. So much hate for someone wanting to make a buck. If you don't want it, don't buy it. Eventually the market will be flooded then the price will go down. Wait for the trades. I'll probably pick up a pack or two, and guess what? I'll probably sell each seedlings locally for what I payed for the pack. It's not greed, it's basic capitalism. Man and his family gotta eat.

You get 'em Ed and Joe!

I was probably going to do the same. but to save time I was just going to clone mine and know there pure to the seed that was sent to me.
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