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i personally dont care about the price, i just havea hard time seeing how its a stable variety(unless its just a renamed primo) i read somewhere in this thread its an "f8" yet Ed has been growing it for 4-5 years, i am just having a hard time with the numbers matching on this one. unless he has a HUGe indoor warehouse where he is turning pepper plants like weed 4-5 years for f8 is tough to believe, but whatever, to each their own, i grow peppers i like to eat, and i would not mind trying one, and i am curious to see the side by side look/taste comparison of the guys growing primo/"reaper"
Your buying a luxury item. No one needs to buy it to live or stay healthy. No one will go broke buying them. So as fare as I'm concerned they can charge what they want.
I bet they could have charged a lot more and still sell all the seeds. If you look at that way they are being generous.
i personally dont care about the price, i just havea hard time seeing how its a stable variety(unless its just a renamed primo) i read somewhere in this thread its an "f8" yet Ed has been growing it for 4-5 years, i am just having a hard time with the numbers matching on this one. unless he has a HUGe indoor warehouse where he is turning pepper plants like weed 4-5 years for f8 is tough to believe, but whatever, to each their own, i grow peppers i like to eat, and i would not mind trying one, and i am curious to see the side by side look/taste comparison of the guys growing primo/"reaper"

F1-F6 plants can be grown indoors easily and pretty cheap 2-3 1000W would do the trick... Once you get to the F7 seeds you need the space to produce 100's of plants for re-sale.
Could get to f7 with very few plants in 4 or 5 years. Yes,would be impossible growing outdoors in my 4 month growing season,but not in a controlled environment indoors.

I will grow it for the novelty in a couple years. When I can trade for it.
I think he meant 100's of plants to get 1,000's of seeds for selling.

Yep, thats what I meant.. Thanks Pr0digal_son

Could get to f7 with very few plants in 4 or 5 years. Yes,would be impossible growing outdoors in my 4 month growing season,but not in a controlled environment indoors.

That's the point I was trying to make. The investment in making a strain like this isn't that expensive and anyone can do it. So why gouge ppl with $4.50 shipping just to pad your pockets. I suggest they do $8 shipped per pack or at very least $9.99 with free shipping.
There is time and effort,and $ invested. I don't blame them for charging what they are. I'm not handcuffed like I am fueling up my vehicle. I don't think the price is geared towards us as THP members. Maybe that is why some people are feeling offended??? Not sure though.The general public will pay way more than what they are asking.

I am willing to guess that THP members will make up 5% of the sales at best. I am sure they realized many people here are used to trading for seeds or getting seeds for free from other members. Putting up ads here on THP still gets a lot of views from the non-members who happen across the forum during searches.
Who cares about the price. I will pay it and grow these indoors as soon as i get the seeds anyway. I'm hoping to have pods ready asap. I'm thinking about sprouting some primos at the same time to see what they both turn out like.
Sorry guys this thread is on lockdown. Way too redundant . Move along :rofl:

Woohoo! Jamie...THE ENFORCER...:)

I submit the following observations for the court's consumption in an effort to move this thing along a bit:

The articles about the hp22b, stretching all the way back to 2011 pretty boldly state that it was consistently hitting the 1.4 to 1.6 million SHU range, which to me indicates that it is averaging some where in there. The whole premise of the original article (at least the one I read with the dude who "hallucinated" eating it) was that it may be the new hottest in the world. At that time, with those numbers, sure. But fast forward a year later, and Jim and Co's TSMB study. Whether or not it was legit TSMB seeds, Brains, or a mixture of both, it proved one thing, A pepper can hit over 2 mil. That pepper was not the HP22b (obviosuly).

Recently, Ed (or some proxy thereof) has posted info to the wall street-challenged book of the devil (Facebook for all you stalkers out there), saying he has the highest averaging pepper on the planet. The simple fact that he has been averaging for a number of years lends credibility to the statement. If he can consistently hit the 1.4-1.6 range, that is pretty damn impressive. But guess what, we arent all growing in Ed's SC backyard....so until the test is done under multiple conditions...it's moot.

It comes down to this, I he has a pepper, one, 1, uno, that can beat the 2.1 million mark, he has the worlds hottest pepper. If he can't, then he has a pepper that has averaged a consistently phenomenal number in his backyard. Which one sounds better...

Primo, no primo, hottest, highest average, whatever. He better pull something impressive out at this press release, or it could damage his standing here. But like someone already said, THP is probably going to account for a tiny portion of sales. Let's face it, we aren't the only growers on the block and Joe is probably making hand over fist from his "Brain STARIN" From the rest of the world. Yup, not a typo.

It all boils down to this, at THP, we share, give, and care. That can't always be said for the rest of the world...
It comes down to this, I he has a pepper, one, 1, uno, that can beat the 2.1 million mark, he has the worlds hottest pepper. If he can't, then he has a pepper that has averaged a consistently phenomenal number in his backyard. Which one sounds better...

To people who know anything about growing peppers and scoville scale, then the average will sound better. But yeah, to the vast majority of people, if you can't claim to have tested the highest with only a single pepper, then you don't have jack.

Edit: And I believe Ted, in one of his review videos, said that Ed claimed to have a pepper that consistently tested at or above 2 million. Don't quote that as Gospel though. I'll try to find that video in a few. Ted if you are reading this, can you confirm this?
Yea, personally, I would prefer consistency. But who knows if that will translate to my growing style...to my knowledge, all the testing has been done from pods he has grown personally. It doesn't matter much, I am sure that Joe will find a way to market it no matter what it tests as. That is what Joe does, market pepper seeds... I bet it will be on taste.... just a feeling... :lol:

Also, I believe I remember Ted talking about the 2mil+ avg. But my question is, why did Ed tell Ted, and all of the articles in the news only talk about 1.4-1.6 avg??

Pre TSMB Study=1.4-1.6mil avg
Post TSMB Study= 2mil+ avg

This is one thing that I love about this community, we can debate this and nobody brings an uzi to the board room... :)
MGOLD -- Averaging 1.4 to 1.6 under controlled indoor settings where you can manipulate the environment completely does not mean that it will do the same once everyone starts growing it in different environments and conditions (which could be part of why they did all growing and kept complete control of the grows -- we'll have to see whether it does indeed maintain those numbers once released or it does like the BHUT and varies widely with the growing conditions thus making those averages just another manipulated statistic.
I still considerthe butch t the hottest becasue it has the hottest avg which means on any given day inany given growroom/backyard,you can pick one pod off of any plant and I would bet on the butch t being the hottest... I dont believe this thing avgs over 1.3m
MGOLD -- Averaging 1.4 to 1.6 under controlled indoor settings where you can manipulate the environment completely does not mean that it will do the same once everyone starts growing it in different environments and conditions (which could be part of why they did all growing and kept complete control of the grows -- we'll have to see whether it does indeed maintain those numbers once released or it does like the BHUT and varies widely with the growing conditions thus making those averages just another manipulated statistic.

The simple fact that he has been averaging for a number of years lends credibility to the statement. If he can consistently hit the 1.4-1.6 range, that is pretty damn impressive. But guess what, we arent all growing in Ed's SC backyard....so until the test is done under multiple conditions...it's moot.

Yea, personally, I would prefer consistency. But who knows if that will translate to my growing style...to my knowledge, all the testing has been done from pods he has grown personally.

Thats what I am saying. It is pretty damn impressive to get those numbers consistently, however, it is done in an extremely controlled environment. This would never fly in a scientific experiment, but we are dealing with peppers, not the clap.

We won't really know until the seeds are grown and someone in Minnesota compares to a Atlanta grower, who compares theirs with the growers in OZ. The CPI study on the TSMB showed hugely varied SHU from pods off of the same plant. I am guessing that this isn't news to any grower here. How many times have you grabbed a pod off your plant, snacked on that bad boy, and got hit but not bad. Then a few days later, tried it again to be put in a world of hurt??

Unless his spread is extremely narrow, i.e. somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.2-1.7ish, he probably has some pretty crazy lows...and what is more interesting, maybe a crazy few highs??

Also...stability can effect heat....and let's face it, in the quest for the record there have been a few er, "stability" issues. cough..Infinity....cough...Naga Viper...:)
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