Huge Calyxes on Orange BBG7

I've got 2 orange BBG7 plants and 1 of them has huge calyxes on it. I know Bubblegum's have big calyxes on them, but these are a lot bigger than my other bubblegum's.


And they have long stems on them, too.


If you look inside, they are hollow except for the start of a tiny pod. I'm not sure if this one took or not.


Is anyone else experiencing this?

Most of my bbg had this last season and again this season some have the huge calyx. It does prevent the flower from opening so its harder to (cross)pollinate and also when it sets it can hardly grow outside the calyx. When the plant gets bigger it will change a bit. Do you happen to have the seeds for this from Tasty Peppers  :rolleyes:
U)<now said:
Those are awesome!
Thank you very much!

meatfreak said:
Most of my bbg had this last season and again this season some have the huge calyx. It does prevent the flower from opening so its harder to (cross)pollinate and also when it sets it can hardly grow outside the calyx. When the plant gets bigger it will change a bit. Do you happen to have the seeds for this from Tasty Peppers  :rolleyes:
That's what I was wondering: if I was gonna have to peel open the calyx to get to the pepper or will it grow out of it. I currently don't have extra seeds for this, but I plan on saving seeds and sharing them. So some have your name on them. :)

smileyguy697 said:
Save seeds from that plant. You likely have a winner there. The huge stems and calyx tells me your about to have some monster pods!
I sure hope you're right! I wonder if the whole stem will bleed. Yes, this is a definite seed saver. Thank you!

Thank you very much, GIP! I'm also interested to see if the calyx keeps growing. That's what it seems to be doing. When the petals open, the calyx is smaller...but still big. Here's a blurry pic of the petals opening.


Then the calyx seems to be the faster grower over of the pod.

@meatfreak: Sorry, I misread your post. I got the seeds for this from a member here. I'm not sure if they originated from Tasty Peppers or not.

No problem, Adam :) got a feeling they came from me since I had the same issue last year and this year again hehe.
This is my white bbg F2, no pods growing outside the calyx but luckily I do have 1 plant that has a bit smaller calyx so the petals growing outwards and so do the pods. If the petals don't get outside the calyx the pod won't either.
I have a few like this.  2 are from meatfreak, the orange and yellow bbg7.  Also have a cluster bbg7 that is like this.  I don't like it, particularly with the cluster bbg7.  That plant has went through probably 500 blossoms now and only one has set.   The yellow bbg7 is starting to really go and seems to be setting pods much better.   The orange bbg7 is still small and has finally set its first pod, but probably dropped 20+ blossoms.
orange bbg7

yellow bbg7

cluster bbg7
meatfreak said:
No problem, Adam :) got a feeling they came from me since I had the same issue last year and this year again hehe.
This is my white bbg F2, no pods growing outside the calyx but luckily I do have 1 plant that has a bit smaller calyx so the petals growing outwards and so do the pods. If the petals don't get outside the calyx the pod won't either.
That's very, very interesting, meatfreak. Were the pods that grew inside the calyxes worth anything, or were they too small? Did they have their orange color? My Orange BBG7 are doing the same as your white BBG7: one with huge calyxes and one with normal big bbg calyxes. Here's a pic of my other Orange.


My yellow is further along.


Thats a lot of flower drop, Jcw! But it looks like that cluster has a ton on it. That's one I wouldn't mind growing. Nice calyxes on your plants!

Mikes said:
This is cool...never seen anything like this before.
Thanks! This is the first time I've seen it too. It's proven to be interesting. Surprisingly, pods are setting. I thought this one was gonna be difficult, but it's doing its' thing. The first pod has filled in the calyx and the calyx is starting to split on the side (kinda hard to get a pic of the split). Here's a pic of the pod next to a nickel to show the size.


It's getting there!

Between the two Orange BBG7 plants that I have growing, I've noticed that the one with the huge calyx has more of a smoother, thicker-walled pod and the other has more of a leathery and pleated thinner-walled least that's how they feel. Here's another small pod from the huge calyx plant.


Here's my other Orange BBG7.


It's gonna be interesting to see what color(s) they decide to turn.
