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Huge Praying Mantis

I couldnt resist taking a photo of this huge Praying Mantis that I saw today.

I'm sitting on the couch in the living room eating my porridge for breakfast, and look out the window and see this massive thing there. On closer look, its easily the biggest Praying Mantis I've ever seen.


These are great girls to have around the garden, they take care of all kinds of nasties and wouldn't touch a veggie or fruit for anything.

They're also quite easy to care for and breed. Anybody interested I can help, send me a PM.
patrick said:
These are great girls to have around the garden, they take care of all kinds of nasties and wouldn't touch a veggie or fruit for anything.

They're also quite easy to care for and breed. Anybody interested I can help, send me a PM.

Does their poo make good fertilizer, too?
MrOneEyedBoh said:
haha. Another myth ( might even be true ) is that I heard Daddy Long Legged spiders actually have a very poisonous bite, but they're mandibles cannot grab our skin to bite us.... true? I'll look that one up too :D
Busted by the MythBusters... keep up man! keep up!
I love Praying Mantids but find their mating habits a bit strange, at least from a male's standpoint. But from what I have rad, the female (except for one species) seldom bites the head off her mate.

Wonder how many aphids a hungry mantis could eat a day?

cool looking mantis, kinda wished we'd have them here but theres no chance at that cuz of temps. instead we have millions of ladybugs that you get soooooooo sick of come fall cuz they're everywhere & biting you if they land on ya.
you can purchase Praying Mantis at Wormsway.com, hatch the eggs in a bag
indoors n place into the garden when ur plants are just starting to bud.