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Hydro details

Ok so last year I created my bubbler system and this year I am going to use it and test it out. Just over the weekend I picked up the 3 part GH brand hydro nutes. What I was wondering is if for those of you who have used these nutes know of a good regiment? Or do I just do what the bottle/web site says?

I've had good success with Willard's formula using equal parts of micro, grow, and bloom throughout the whole grow season. I can't remember the ppms of my solution, its been a while, but I like to keep it quite low
Maybe he will make a stop in and post up what that mix was. Otherwise if I were to use what is on General Hydroponics site, would that work out good to?
I use willards 1:1:1 mix. Start seedlings after germination on 0.5ml/L of each nutrient. Slowly work it up to about 1.0ml/L of each (handwatering). Then once they go into a system I adjust ec to how they react.

Well I already have them in soil and they have been for maybe 6 weeks or so. So I will be actually transferring them to the bubbler after rinsing off their roots and such. So does this change the ratio at all?
crazy8 said:
Well I already have them in soil and they have been for maybe 6 weeks or so. So I will be actually transferring them to the bubbler after rinsing off their roots and such. So does this change the ratio at all?
take a bowl of water and add 2 tablepoons or so of hydrogen peroxide and dunk the roots until most of the dirt comes off. A little dirt wont harm hydro systems.
GH makes a ton of nutes, can you be more specific?
2 tablespoons of peroxide (assuming 3%) can be strong if it's not diluted right. It's recommended not to expose healthy roots to peroxide unless you want to stress them out. Better just run the roots through tap water.

Generally 3 part formulas work best in 1:1:1 ratio as mentioned. Good luck with your grow.
treemanjohn said:
take a bowl of water and add 2 tablepoons or so of hydrogen peroxide and dunk the roots until most of the dirt comes off. A little dirt wont harm hydro systems.
GH makes a ton of nutes, can you be more specific?

I am using the Flora Series (Micro-Hard water, Grow, and Bloom)

thaichillihead said:
2 tablespoons of peroxide (assuming 3%) can be strong if it's not diluted right. It's recommended not to expose healthy roots to peroxide unless you want to stress them out. Better just run the roots through tap water.

Generally 3 part formulas work best in 1:1:1 ratio as mentioned. Good luck with your grow.

Well the container I am using MIGHT be able to hold about 1 gallon. So what amount of each nute should I use for that amount of water?

Also, should I keep doing the 1:1:1 ratio during the whole plant life?
I use equal parts of micro, grow, and bloom at 400-500 ppm or EC of 0.4 to 0.7.

Do wash the roots with dilute hydrogen peroxide before you put it in hydro.
Well I set it up last night. I did wash the roots but only with water. I guess the container was smaller in my head than in reality...Hmmmm....Anyway I put in about 3.5 gal of water and did about 4.5tsp of each nute so I think that translates to 22.5ml of each nute. It supposed to be warm today, can you believe we had a heat warning already yesterday? Well this morning as I walked out the door to work I looked at them. They are looking good so far and no wiltage. Also there seems to be enough moisture getting to the bottom of the cup where the roots are. So I will just take it day by day and see how it goes. Any other advice, warnings, or anything would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all again
HM or Hanna make good testers and you can buy them from Amazon, Ebay, or a hydro store. Peroxide kills all of the uglies on plant roots and I've used concentrations of 1 cup : 1 Gallon of water with zero ill effects. I soaked plants for 5 minutes in a strong concentration to kill a fungus gnat problem I had. Nothing suffered.

Hydro is a very simple way of growing. Do yourself a favor and don't over complicate anything. I grew for 10 years without any meters and everything went well. 99.999999999% of everything you see online regarding hydroponics is gear towards burned out people growing a crop worth $2k per lb not $2.99 per lb. They will believe anything you tell them
Thought I would add that it is day 2 of the hydro and after some 80 some degree weather and two days in the hydro the plants are looking great. They are perked up as they were when I stripped them of their dirty home and no signs of wilting or anything yet. I looked at them this morning and I can see what I think are very small signs of some white water roots. The plants seem to be taking the adjustment quite nicely. I think next week and from there on out I am going to bump up to 2tsp of the nutes at 1:1:1.
There's no need to rush things. When raising your nutrient level you must remember that plants will go through periods of drinking water and then they'll go through periods of feeding. They will also cherry pick certain nutes from time to time. Be patient!!
Since this Monday I will not be working and marks the one week time period for the plants to be in hydro I will take some pics for you all of the progress thus far. Now they may not be HUGE or anything since they had some nice size leaves and such when I put them in but maybe some noticeable root development and such will be there. Besides if nothing else you will at least see the setup and how I got it going right now. :)
I wish I had started a log, but Ive been a bit scattered in my process. I think when I start my hydro, Im going to photo it and blog it from whatever stage the seedlings are at when they go into the hydro, as some of the ones I want in the DWC are already started in soil....uho...lol.... a Scorpion....just showing the hook in soil, two 7 pods, neither germinated yet, so I may rock wool them to start them, a fatali who's already in soil, but still tiny, a bhut, got some started in soil and some ready to go in coffee filters and more seed, may try a seedling from the soil and see how it does, and then not sure about the 6th spot.

Deffinately going to keep a log on these.