Hydro details

So is that something you would use once you were done and wanted to clean your system out in addition to if I wanted to reuse my Hydroton? Would you run this while the plants are still being used in the system? I plan on taking my Hab and Red Savina and putting them in plastic coffee containers or something of that size and try to see if I can over winter them for when we move to our new home (hopefully).

you use it while the plants are in the system... it just cleans the salts and stuff that plants takes up... there is better info on this out there.. i just think you should do a little searching to find more info on this.... good luck :)
Well I will have to see if I can find some of that around here, otherwise I may not get it in time. But you did say I could use just plane ol' water to do the flushing correct?

On a side note the ripening is looking AWESOME. I think I counted either 10 or 12 that are a ways into the ripening. So hopefully come Monday I will have all the Red Savinas and Orange Habs I need for the "Hab 'N' Honey hot sauce. Here is a pic from this morning.
I think flushing has more to do with "Herb" than tomatoes and peppers. I haven't found any comments on it from hydro-gardens.

here is a quote from one of the Flush makers sites:

"You'll notice that your curing crops smell better and maintain a more pleasing appearance.
Better yet, essential oils and other resins will be preserved so your flower clusters are more potent."
Yeah Im going to lean towards that its more for the sticky crop than it is for us pepper growers based on that. Besides I know that this is my first year doing hydro but this is also the first time I have seen anything about "flushing" come up. Im not even sure my Hydroponics book mentions it, but I will look at it tonight and see if it says anything.
Yeah Im going to lean towards that its more for the sticky crop than it is for us pepper growers based on that. Besides I know that this is my first year doing hydro but this is also the first time I have seen anything about "flushing" come up. Im not even sure my Hydroponics book mentions it, but I will look at it tonight and see if it says anything.

Perhaps Treeman, Willard, Toleman, AJ, or PRF might have something to say on the subject. I believe they have all been doing hydro for some time. I am going to call hydro-gardens and ask them if they have ever heard of it. They have been in the hydro farm chem supply biz for for years.
Well those are all great sources. Perhaps one of those big guys would chime in on this if they do know for sure. I do know when your done for the season that you should rinse out your stuff and even the Hydroton just to keep things clean but then again I got that from a "crop" video but the dude know what he was talking about and dont think how clean the system itself should be when your done, would matter really on what your growing.
Yeah, I have also leaned about the sterilize for pathogens at the end of the season...

I called Hydro-Gardens, and spoke with Linda, she just laughed at the flushing idea. She had me leave a message for Mike Morton who has run HG since 1974(according to the company bio)

Still I wouldn't mind hearing from other hydro pepper & tom growers.
Yeah for sure. Hey do you have a link to their site? I have googled them but Im not sure I am finding the right place and Im always interested in looking. :D
Sure their site is: http://www.hydro-gardens.com/

I just got off the phone with Mike Morton. Very nice and informative fellow. His reply was politely- "do you clean the fertilizer off the roots and soil of your soil based plants before picking?" We chatted for about 20 minutes. End result, I am not going to waste money on the clean product. I will be ordering some Mycostop, and beneficial insects, especially nemetodes(they will eat ant larvae).
Yeah I have to say this year was an awesome year considering that my little hydro thing was just an experiment and I am more than pleased with the results. Next year I will be building a much bigger hydroponic system and might be a flood and drain system.Thank you for finding out about that flushing stuff and reporting the findings in here. :D

So to kind of get back on subject with transporting my Red Savina and Orange Hab to smaller individual containers. Will I want to bring the nutes back down to a 1:1:1 ratio of maybe 3ml/G or something?
Well I made my salsa today and decided to give in to my excitement and picked one of my Orange Habaneros to go into my salsa but before I added it I had to measure it. So here are some pics of me measuring it.

This is from top to tip

Thus was the widest part of the pepper

Could do this without an inside shot so here it is.
just wanted to tell you this thread is awesome and has been my inspiration for finally getting off off my ass in doing some hydro growing this winter in stead of dirt. have been reading it since it started, thanks for all the great updates. :cheers:
Im very glad my experience has motivated you. Im sure even though my experience has been great, I know I could have done better and I am striving for that next season. This is just a small unit for doing a test and I didnt want to go to crazy. It did go very well though. Hey when you create your setup you will have to post pics and progress pics for all of us too. :D
Ok my problem is I have a Fatalii in a DWC bucket system using Vita Grow powdered nutrients. The plant is super healthy and is about 2.5' tall and about 3" wide. I have no flowering whats so ever. I have dropped the Grow nutrients from 3/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp per gal the micro is kept at 3/4 tsp per gal and upped the bloom from 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per gal. The plant is a monster but im ready for pods. Can anyone help me here? Should I drop the Grow nutrients even further? Maybe drop the Grow to 1/4 tsp per gal and up the Bloom from 1/2 tsp to 3/4 tsp per gal and keep the Micro the same? When 1:1:1 ratio is mentioned does that mean equal parts of each nutrient per gal? This is my first try on hydro and I dont want to experiment and land up killing my Fatalii plant.
very nice hidro my friend!! this is my fist year growing pepper on hydroponics system! I want to have healthy plants as your!! ehehehe
Thanks man. I did drop the Grow and then totally outsted it after two weeks. My Fatalii plant is now like four feet tall and FINALLY throwin out flowers. I also put outside in a 12 gal bubble tote, my White Hab, Jamaican Hot Chocolate, Bulgarian Carrot, and Choco hab. I had dicovered a small Fire Thai plant I had cloned was starting to set flowers and so I moved these others out to the same place and now they too are starting to flower.

I was thinking of cutting clones and starting them on a light nute regimen (not so agressive on the grow this time)when they take root and tossing the monster plants.

What do you guys do with your plants after youve harvested? Do you toss em out, or cut then down, trim the roots, and regenerate back to the grow cycle?