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Hydro details

If I recall with this experiment I am using a Serrano, Orange Habanero, Red Savina, and the last one I don't recall off hand.
Well I got a little excited last night and decided to just take a few night shots of what it all looks like right now. So here you guys go and hope you all enjoy.



You cant tell in the pics but my dad being the genius that he is (that's where I get it) has an electrical outlet under the new addition of our deck so this little tank sits right in front of it with the air pump hanging under a plant water tray to keep the pump dry.
Well yesterday I did a nute change and have noticed significant root growth. I was unable to take any pics since I was kind of in a hurry but will be sure to do so has soon as I can.
Hey there Crazy8,
I have a hydro system that I started last year and i've tried some of the nutes you're using so im gonna tell you what I saw from my experiences...
I started with micro, grow and bloom.
My 3 plants ( fatalii, Naga and piri-piri) grew in size like maniacs!!! I was using about 5 ml of each for 9 to 10 litres of water.
The problem was that when I needed them to start flowering and fruiting all the flowers fell of.
A few weeks later I snaped and went to buy flora mato.
Started to feed then 5ml of micro + 10 ml of mato for the same 9 to 10 litres os water.
All my problems desapeared.
I had one great season and it even ended earlear because of aphids.

Anyway, just wanted to add my 2 cents
Well it seemed to be the more popular set of nutes to use so I thought I would give them a try. Perhaps there is a trick to the whole thing. I mean they will still flower and fruit if I continue doing the 1:1:1 correct? or will I need to do it in a way that there is more Bloom than the other stuff?
Stick with the 1:1:1 ratio and chile plants will grow, bud, and fruit all at the same time and not need grow and bloom phases
What happened with me was that the plants kept droping the flowers ( very frustrating ).
If I had to continue with the tri-part nutes then I would maybe lower the micro and the grow by 25 to 50 % and increase de bloom by the same amount.
Do as you feel right and just be ready to change a bit if the results are not satisfying enough.
I just bought a drip hydro bucket setup and as soon as my brown 7 pot sprouts in it's little rockwool home, its going straight into the hydroton and under a WEAK nute solution to start. Maybe a 1/4 strength 1:1:1. Since it's a drip system with 2 buckets kinda stacked, I think when the roots start to dangle into the nute solution, instead of trimming them back, I might just add an air stone to the bottom of the bucket and make a Drip/Deep Water all in one. Here is a link to where a guy with my exact system did just that..freakin amazing difference..

EDIT: After looking at those pics more closely...that might not be peppers he is growing......LMAO! Hope that don't offend anyone!
Well I have some great results. It is now the ending of week 2 for my hydro setup and the roots look AMAZING. Here are some pics for you all to look at.



Hope you all enjoy. One thing I have noticed is the Yellow Peter Pepper (front right) seems to be growing taller than the Habanero, Serrano, and the Red Savina. Is there a reason for this? Is it normal? Do I need to change anything?
Hey crazy8,
Great pictures of your plants rootballs.
Even better when its only been 2 weeks since they are in the hydro system.

Don't worry if they don't all grow at the same speed. In my DWC system my C. Annuums always outgrow my C. Chinenses by alot.
Yeah I kinda thought it would have something to do with species but I wanted to be sure :D All 4 of these plants are still out performing my soil plants. I think once I move into my new home I will be setting up a larger hydro setup but I like the idea of it being outside so I don't need to buy expensive lights :D
If i could've afforded a hydro set up, I would leave it outside. =D

don't wanna have to spend for lights and extra electricity if there's plenty of light out.
If i could've afforded a hydro set up, I would leave it outside. =D

don't wanna have to spend for lights and extra electricity if there's plenty of light out.

It was the cheapest thing I have ever done. I dont know off hand but Ill bet I didnt spend much more than $30 for EVERYTHING. All you need is...
1. Something to hold water. I used a small clear container I found at wal-mart which holds about 3.5 gallons
2. A dual output air pump (the kind you use for fish tanks)
3. Two of the long rectangular bubble stones
4. Air hose to connect the air pump to the air stones.
5. net pots, grow medium, nutes.

Thats all you need. Now I said it took around $30 but that's for the setup itself. I would say, and again this is just a guess, but for all of the mentioned items and supplies ill bet I spent around $70. Perhaps about half of it is a one time expense. Many hydro setups that you buy will go for hundreds of dollars. Anyway $70 is quite afford able and the only other thing to consider is getting electricity to the unit and making sure that any exposed outlets and connections are not exposed to the elements. The cost could also vary depending on where you shop, brands you purchase, etc.
Well last week was week 3. Sorry for not getting pics up sooner but here they are now and as of this coming Monday will be week 4 so maybe I will get pics of for that quicker. Well it doesn't look like a whole lot of progress from last week as far as root growth. The plants are looking great for the most part though. Well I wont keep you waiting so here you go.




You know what? Now that I compare the roots from the first pic in this post to that of the same plant in the last post, there does seem to be quite a decent amount of extra root growth.
You know what? Now that I compare the roots from the first pic in this post to that of the same plant in the last post, there does seem to be quite a decent amount of extra root growth.

If nothing else, they do look much thicker than last weeks pics. Lookin good, keep it up!
If nothing else, they do look much thicker than last weeks pics. Lookin good, keep it up!
Yeah that could be to. A couple things I am a little curious about though.

The first thing is that when i was trying to figure out where outside to put this I had tried to use some much longer (4' maybe) air tubing and found that there was not enough pressure to get any bubbles so I have to have it sit in kind of an odd spot. Is there anything I should be considering when shopping for pumps that would be able to generate enough pressure/air to travel more than 12" of tubing?

The second thing is this. Is there anything I could/should use in a hydro setup as far as ferts go, to really help the plants along, or do I just stay on a 15ml,
for 3.5gal water, 1:1:1 nute regiment and do nothing else for the whole life of the plant?
I just look at the foliage and I never check the roots in a hydro system. Roots only develop as needed. I've has plants 12"+ and the roots never busted through the hydroton. You plants look fine, go have a beer
Well I realized that I was neglecting to post pics of what the tops of the plants look like now so here it is. I am having issues with a few leaves on the plants and not sure what it is or what to do to fix it. I also noticed the roots are brown and maybe not as white as they should be. I will get root pics up tonight when I have a moment. For now here is the tops...



Now here are two close ups of some of the damage I am seeing. I did pick off a couple leaves but not sure if that really a solution for this.


I suppose if this and the roots being a little brown are related and the issue may be that its an outdoor hydro system and the water being to warm, maybe I will have to see if I can come up with a way to keep it cool. I do have a couple ideas I think if that is the issue. ;)