I ate the Naga Morich (pics)

Went to a bar today to meet a buddy. Seems the owner grows habs and others. He keeps a jar on the counter for entertainment. I ate my first whole one today. He claimed it was a Red Bonnet??? Looked like a 'light' Chocolate Hab to me. The taste was 'good', but I have a hard time describing what something tastes like. No taste buds left!:think:

It had some good heat and I wouldn't eat a bunch on a regular basis. Stomach would probably revolt.:hell: Got a rush after about 5 minutes that felt great!
tinner666 said:
Seems the owner grows habs and others. He keeps a jar on the counter for entertainment.
I wish more bars were like that.

tinner666 said:
I ate my first whole one today.

tinner666 said:
I have a hard time describing what something tastes like. No taste buds left!:think:
Try living in my world. I have no sense of smell...seriously impacts taste (oddly enough, this does not apply to peppers and pepper based products. One of the reasons that I am obssesed with peppers is because I get a full range of taste...I need to have a scientific study done on this...)

tinner666 said:
Got a rush after about 5 minutes that felt great!
Fun, aint it :hell:
tinner666 said:
Went to a bar today to meet a buddy. Seems the owner grows habs and others. He keeps a jar on the counter for entertainment. I ate my first whole one today. He claimed it was a Red Bonnet??? Looked like a 'light' Chocolate Hab to me. The taste was 'good', but I have a hard time describing what something tastes like. No taste buds left!:think:

It had some good heat and I wouldn't eat a bunch on a regular basis. Stomach would probably revolt.:hell: Got a rush after about 5 minutes that felt great!

If you eat scorching hot peppers very frequently, you may have killed off a lot of your taste buds. Try going bland for a month or so, they do grow back.
imaguitargod said:
Try living in my world. I have no sense of smell...seriously impacts taste (oddly enough, this does not apply to peppers and pepper based products. One of the reasons that I am obssesed with peppers is because I get a full range of taste...I need to have a scientific study done on this...)

Not trying to pry, but is that a congenital condition or something that happened later on in life? I only ask because my Aunt was in a car crash and she lost all sense of smell.
Skydiver said:
Not trying to pry, but is that a congenital condition or something that happened later on in life? I only ask because my Aunt was in a car crash and she lost all sense of smell.
No problem, pry away (I don't have a problem with inquiries...only the one listed below). My mother's father was born with no sense of smell, my mother was born with no sense of sell (which she discovered when she was 6 uears old, he mom asked her what something smells like and my mom responded "Nothing". Then her mother said "Oh my god, you're just like your father") and I had a sense of smell up until 6th grade. I woke up one morning to no smells at all. I kinda freaked. Apperently my olfactory receptors just degraded due to genetics and completely died off that morning that I woke up.

Luckally my other senses have become boosted (Super-Jon! lol). I now "feel" smells to a certain extent. Crazy as that might seem it's true. Each smell has a different feel/thickness. I can walk into someones house that has cats and *snap* the air pressure changes and it sets off my "sense" of feel. I can identify a few smells by their feeling but I am sensitive enough to notice that there is something in my area that is giving off medium-strong smells.

I have heard may people loosing their sense of smell due to accidents. The most comman response (the "jack ass" response as I call it) I get is "Oh, no sense of smell, eh? Did you get a bottle rocket shoved up your nose?"...to which I give a sharp "No. and slight glare...usually shuts them up.
What, like this?


With apologies to Gabreil Byrne...

by the way, you might be onto something Cow farts hurt planet
Skydiver said:
If you eat scorching hot peppers very frequently, you may have killed off a lot of your taste buds. Try going bland for a month or so, they do grow back.

Bland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! egads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Might as well quit eating!!!
C-rations rock, but they're bland!!!
Bland leaves me hungry and I overeat. To counteract this problem, I put a little Final Answer, Jersey Death or other mild sauce on my tongue to curb the ole appetite.:hell:

And seriously, the wife hates to go to a fancy restaurant because I will usually get a burger. All the fancy foods taste like c-rats to me. I can taste and savor a burger.:)
My sense of smell seems to be 'low'. I can smell sharp, tangy things, or even a rose. And sometimes, something will irratate my sinuses and cause me to sneeze, get a runny nose, etc, without me noticing or detecting what set 'it' off. :hell:
tinner666 said:
My sense of smell seems to be 'low'. I can smell sharp, tangy things, or even a rose. And sometimes, something will irratate my sinuses and cause me to sneeze, get a runny nose, etc, without me noticing or detecting what set 'it' off. :hell:

I'm exactly the same way. I was born with a condition that makes me breathe through my mouth. I only breathe through my nose if I purposely concentrate on doing it. I also have sleep apnea. My sense of smell is weak but I can smell well defined odors.
Philipperv said:
I'm exactly the same way. I was born with a condition that makes me breathe through my mouth. I only breathe through my nose if I purposely concentrate on doing it. I also have sleep apnea. My sense of smell is weak but I can smell well defined odors.

Same for me. I went through a painful nasal operation and it didn't help a bit. Guitargod are you sure it wasn't the jalapeno in your nose that caused your problem. LOL. I wonder how many chili-heads have a poor sense of smell, maybe you're on to something.
Hmmm...mine was always pretty strong, but then again i have noticed a slight degradation of smelling abilities as of late that i chalked up to just getting older.
LOL! Funny manip!

Shooty* said:
by the way, you might be onto something Cow farts hurt planet

Oh ya! I half based the cow thing in truth, that's what makes it so funny.

From the "Cows on Mars" section of my site;
"A massive 25 percent of all methane gas in the world's atmosphere is produced by cows. Now, some other people have taken notice of this stat and have done their own study. Infact, in July 1991, the private study group World Watch Institute revealed that methane from animal belches and flatulence around the world produced 80 million tons of the stuff annually, contributing to a "greenhouse effect.""
Glad you liked it. Bit quick and dirty, and wasn't able to obscure your face with a fur collar like the original, and was under time constraints, but was quite happy with it :hell:
Not wanting to worry anyone on the board but I can remember reading that a lot of serial killers have a poor sense of smell :)
Alot of them apparently cut bits off the victims to keep as a trophy and are often unable to smell when those bits start to go off!!!!
They get caught because other non serial killer types can smell the mouldy people and see the flies coughing :)
Close. Dahmer's apartment certainly smelt very bad, but it was apparently a very hot summer the first time he was arrested 9before the real spree, I believe) with litter uncollected in his area, so the whole block smelt bad.

Gein lived so remote that no one could smell it.