I ate the Naga Morich (pics)

Uncle Big said:
That's how I looked when I tried 16M crystal minus the broken blood vessels in both of my eyes from horrendous dry heaves, and the blue coloring in my face from lack of oxygen as my lungs began to shut down.
But yet, somehow, I was still much better looking...:rolleyes: ;)
Lol. Cool shot of the interior of the Naga!
I've eaten a few, but with a lot of rice and beans and milk. ha Not too bad like that... I guess it's time to do it for you guys.....no beans nor rice no milk.....Since I'm the new one around here.

I did pop a Fatalii in my mouth once....at a party after a shit load of wine.. WOW, instant speedball. ha I went into a panic attack faster than Sammy Hagar can sing about drivin beyond 55.

I also gave one of my nursing student comrades a naga with a heavy warning....turns out he had an AED - Automated External Defibrillators in his car... That made me feel a hell of alot better.

He told me he gave it to a frat friend of his and the guy went into the freeze response....Basically, the guy didn't talk for like 20 mins...just drooled like he was high on PCP. ha ha Then the guy drank a half gallon of milk and a whole container of mouth wash......In thew end, the guy couldn't taste his beer for the rest of the night. ha ha

imaguitargod said:

The scary after shot....I think that's tears on my lip...not snot...I think....

Man..Thanks for the pics and all... Killer good laugh.

Rock on.


P.S. I'm also a guitar freak.. Gibson Les Paul and Marshall JCM Slash 4x12...Gibson Hummingbird.
Primo said:
P.S. I'm also a guitar freak.. Gibson Les Paul and Marshall JCM Slash 4x12...Gibson Hummingbird.

Check out the guitar thread in the Movies and music subsection of the Lounge section. Feel free to post pix of yr. gear.
Uncle Big said:
That's how I looked when I tried 16M crystal minus the broken blood vessels in both of my eyes from horrendous dry heaves, and the blue coloring in my face from lack of oxygen as my lungs began to shut down.

That's crazy. How did you try it? Just put one on yr. tongue?
Not trying to outdo the Holy Guitar God, but I will be holding a Naga "tasting" around the end of this month and will be posting it on You Tube. This is a follow-up to our previous Red Savina Habanero challenge.
dude you MUST post here and let us know when you've done it. plenty of close ups. let's see the whole pod in the mouth and then chewed with another shot of whole mess before it is swallowed. I can't wait to see it, in fact, I'm very excited. why don't the fiery pod eaters from this site all put their hot chili eating videos on a dvd and sell them and donate the money to a worthy charity or buy naga seeds and give them to me for introducing such a great idea! just need someone with the skill and time to edit, burn and distribute...
I sure will Chilliman! Gonna have it outside so my lousy cellcam will pick up every detail. Only waiting now for the much-anticipated Nagas to mature fully and then i'll dry them in the oven. :)

imaguitargod said:
That thing is tiny! But, I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one here. I can't wait to see the video dude!

I can't wait to make it either! It is tiny but growing ever so slowly. Btw, you have a cool website. Mulletman is the sh*t!
So how does the Naga taste??? Besides HOT! Does it have a similar "fruit" flavor to the Habanero? I am patiently waiting to get my seeds and grow them (I know no-one around here will be selling them). Contemplating a new HOT hot sauce.