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I cannot stop laughing

So I get a text from my wife while I was at clinicals yesterday saying "call me right away"!!!

I called her when my shift was over and she informed me that she decided to have some spaghetti for lunch since she saw that I had some homemade spaghetti sauce in a mason jar. She preceeded to heat up the sauce in a pan while she boiled the noodles. She then served herself up a nice dish of spaghetti marinara.

Or so she thought... It was a batch of homemade barbeque sauce that had caribbean red habs, bhut jolokias, and a naga morich. She said it almost made her cry.

I do not know if this makes me a bad husband, but I could not stop laughing. I still chuckle from time to time as I think about it.
I agree with PIC 1. Put some labels on your jars or at least write on the lid with a permanent marker. That way you won't have anymore days of mistaken identity. Either way i'm sure your wife learned a lesson
I agree with PIC 1. Put some labels on your jars or at least write on the lid with a permanent marker. That way you won't have anymore days of mistaken identity. Either way i'm sure your wife learned a lesson

What lesson did she learn? Chillis are GOOD! :lol:
She just reminded me that she did it a second time with the small tupperware jar that I had from the overflow immediately after she ate from the mason jar.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
my wife wouldn't touch anything in a jar made by me! as a matter of fact if it doesn't come in a ready made sealed jar she won't touch it. i am putting out all these fresh cherry type tomatoes and no way will she use them. she goes to the store and pays 4.99 for a small pint of bland tomatoes.

can't blame her for not touching my stuff though, i think she learned her lesson years ago.
???? Are your wives' olfactories not working????
Thats what I said. I told her she could not blame me since the smell had to be very sweet and if she really warmed it up to be hot it should have made her eyes water while she was in the kitchen.

But, of course, it was still my fault.
There are labels to put on the outside of the jars once they are canned. Some can even be printed out from the computer. At the very least write on the lid or jar with a black marker. I make 3 levels of salsa( yes I have some wimp children and grandchildren) Someone moved jars after they cooled, before I got them labeled. This was 2 years ago, we had to take our chances everytime we opened a jar and the ones for gifts were allowed to exchange if they didn't want hot!
ALL FAMILY has learned if I make it ASK. If its on my plate dont "taste" it. If its in a jar, baggie or Tupperware and you didnt put it in there dont "try" it. My son used to warn his friends and they would still try it -not anymore. ITs a learning curve but it'll work out. Poor thing.
Your troubles may not be over? Wait until she goes to the bathroom and experiences the second burn???lol
She did not eat enough for second burn, but that would have been awful. At least she is laughing with me about it now. I do not think she will be opening any more of my mason jars though.