• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

I can't take it anymore!

Another incident today and I'm pretty sure I made up my mind. I love this hobby more than you guys know but my health is more important. Maybe I'll start up again if I ever get my own place?
If your dad only respects you if you always stand back off your own wishes, opinions, hobbies, habits, then what does this respect count?
Speaking of stress and peppers, how many of you have had this dream in the middle of summer?

You walk over to a window, look outside and it's snowing like crazy, and all your plants are covered! Commense freaking out!

RichardK said:
Speaking of stress and peppers, how many of you have had this dream in the middle of summer?

You walk over to a window, look outside and it's snowing like crazy, and all your plants are covered! Commense freaking out!


DUUUUUUUDE!! I actually had that dream the other day!!! And I was flippin out in my dream, screamin like crazy at people, " IT'S F*($%#IN JUNE! HOW IS IT SNOWING IN JUNE?!?!?!?!"

:rofl: Glad to know I'm not the only one who has these dreams! lol
chillilover, you're still way ahead of me. I hated gardening when I was young and never started until I was in my mid 40's. Time is on your side. You have your whole life to grow and I'll bet there will be a bunch of really sick, insane heat varieties coming. Chill out and tell your parents you love them, that's what's important.
I don't know....I can't not be stressed, even if I grow peppers next year with the mind set "I don't care what happens to these" I won't be able to, I'll still stress out.:(
The weirdest thing just happened... I got the weather forcast and there are tornado warnings and a threat of large hail. My reaction was, I hope my peppers get blown away or raveged by hail. Maybe I don't care anymore or maybe I just want them gone ....along with the stress.:(
chillilover said:
I don't know....I can't not be stressed, even if I grow peppers next year with the mind set "I don't care what happens to these" I won't be able to, I'll still stress out.:(

I hear you on that. I am the same way. I can step back and rationalize as to why this or that isn't a big deal etc., but I still worry.
I think there is more to this story than just your gardening mate. I hope that everything works out for you.
chillilover said:
Your not calling me crazy are you?

:lol: Not at all mate. I merely mean that you are taking out all of your angst against the peppers!

What did they ever do to you! :rofl:
I know, i'm glad to say that we did not have any hail or tornados and the peppers are okay. We might have more storms tonight or tomorrow so we'll see. I don't want to get rid of them this year but I started to learn a bit today not to care so much. So I'm gonna finish this season as I had always planned too and see how relaxed I can be and maybe I will grow them next year, you never know.
i have to ask where exactly are your plants that your father is constantly comeing in contact with them?. if posible have you thought of moveing them to a part of the yard that your father dosent frequent often? or if he is doing yardwork why not volenteer to do the yardwork for him. that is if you have the time spare time.
The plants are on our patio near the pool. The problems come when he does stuff on the pool. I can't really put them anywhere else.
I live at work.
My garden is at work,all the employees think everything here is theirs to take.
First year the yard boys decided if they watered my pots they could steal more pods,UH I mean my plants would put out more pods.
They used the ionized water from the presure washer to water my plants.

The more my plants died from the ionised water the more they watered them.

I Tried to tell them ionized water starves my plants and thats why they were wilting.
Didn't work...

Next I put up shade cloth so they couldn't water my plants easily.
My plants started to put out the pods big time.

Then it was open season on my pods.
Take down my shade cloth to get to my pods.

I had to remove some of the shade cloth anyway so the plants would get the sun they needed to ripen the pods.

I'd go out with Salsa on my mind only to find only green pods.

Once in the winter(I grow year round) I had 1 red Savina plant with a ripe pod on it.
Nicest pod I ever grew.
A glorious,perfectly shaped and colored pod.
As big as a golfball.
You could feel it's heat from 10ft. away,Almost taste it too.
The plant was turned so it was hard to see my burried treasure.

I checked the pod for ripeness,went to the store to buy what I needed for ceviche (I already had yellowtail that was flopping on the deck only hours ago) and came back and the pod was gone.
One of the guys saw me check out the pod and decided it was theirs...

That was when I decided if I only grew 20 or 30 plants I would only be growing stuff for other people and I'd only get the left overs.

I decided to grow so many plants that they couldn't mess with all of them.
Now I grow 300-400 varieties of pepper plants 2x a year.
Now that I have some Super Hots in the garden too they are afraid to get near any plant that they don't know what it is.

Instead of getting stressed out I'd go to the garden each day trying to guess what they did this time.

Ya I got pissed a couple times but decided it was more fun to figure out ways to solve the problem (mess withn them).

It actually got to be a game of sorts.

Now I always win the game-I get the best pods.

With my scorpions,7 pods,Bhuts,Bih and other peppers they don't know about they stopped messing with my garden and I now have pods that I give them at lunch time or whenever I'm picking pods.

They are afraid to pick pods because they found out just because a pepper looks like a hab. it might not be what they thaught it was.Red Hab. might be a savina.
I like to give them a piece of a super hot every now and then to keep them on their toes.

Right now they think I have no taste buds.

I grew some mild hab look alikes and walked into the service bays complaining about my pods being wimpy this season.

Popping down what looked like a handfull habaneros whole one after another.
I gave them a pod that looked the same but was HOT and asked them what they thaught.
I act suprised when they run to the water fountain.

Like I said they are afraid of my peppers now.

Even when I give them pods they first take a small piece to taste before chomping down on anything I give them.

What I'm saying basicaly is,don't stress out about a few plants.

Maybe you aren't growing enough plants.
Just as easy to stress out on 5 or 600 plants as 1.
More out of the 1-600 will survive though.

Grow 2 of everything you can get your hands on.

Nobody can possibly accidently damage enough of your plants to make a difference if you grow a ton of them.

Don't wimp out and quit.
Go for the gusto.

If they ask about why so many plants just tell them you don't expect a certain number of them probably won't make it.

Suround your prized plants with common stuff that you can go to a nursery and replace as they get messed with.

Who needs those weeds out back anyway(roses,ivy etc.).
More pepper plants is what you need.

You just gotta stop with this woe is me crap.

Heck,if your going to get stressed out it might as well be for a ton of plants rather than a couple.

You gotta plan on Murphy's law kicking in at any time anyways.
Doesn't matter if it's bugs,critters or whatever.
It'll happen eventually.

No such thing as too many pepper plants.
Always remember that.

Then you can look out on a dozen screwed up plants and be thankful because that bhut or scorpion needed more room anyway.
I would have a more physical approach to that problem, I'd get them to fear me, that I might find out they have been taking my stuff. But thats just me :)

On second thought, I'd grow some highly toxic nightshade plants that have pepper lookalike fruit, and grow them right mixed in with everything else.

If they get sick, not my fault they illegaly stole from me and decided to eat what they stole! Serves them right!