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I Got Pepper Scammed!

As unofficial PR manager for The hippy seed company i have been authorised (by myself) to fix this situation NOW!
Pm me your addy and i will send you ten seeds of each, Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia and THSC's very own NagaBon.

All direct from Neil, all in their labeled packets.

Its alllllll good!

Things like this is why I will order from you guys until the day you all spontaneously combust and stop selling awesome seed.
the flavor of the Caribbean Red is not "hab-like" and is unique

i have to agree with this statement! the first time i tasted the caribbean red, i was put off, it is not like a hab. at first i tasted an oily flavour but i think it was actually the smell that trigger that reaction - the smell hits you before the flavour and sets the tone. after several attempts at various pods, i was able to get an idea as to its flavour. much like when people describe a peppery flavour and they use the phrase hab'ish. c/r are nothing like that. hopefully my plants will produce enough pods that can produce a powder to see how that fares in flavour.

i have several c/r plants going this year and for the first time i will be able to intelligently talk about caribbean red versus red habanero as i found some r/h plants today at a nursery. so, i will be able to weigh in with my input on taste and growing. my c/r's are in bloom right now and hopefully i won't experience flower drop. i will know more on the red habs in september.

Heeeeeeey...I resemble that remark!

fresno have their place, i have several plants with pods right now. but when you think you are getting bhuts and you get a form of habanero, it can be pretty disappointing - the contrast i threw in was that of a fresno. i call fresno the "weed of peppers", you can toss 6 fresno seeds into dirt and 12 will shoot up and pods happen really fast. bhuts require specific heating requirements to germinate. then, you have to make sure your humidity level is constant during the growth stage or you will get stagnet, stalled seedlings. i have several varieties of bhuts on the go and so far chocolate and yellow are the most impressive. bombay morich and dorset naga are next in size. the indian carbon is also doing quite well. scorpians & 7 pod hate my environment, whether in soil or in dwc, without humdity they just are not developing a rooting system(i have been playing with homemade rooting hormone to see if i can trigger some growth).

the nice thing about this forum is you can learn about the various peppers and you can find good seed resellers. all my bhuts, 7's and scorpians are from pepperlover and i trust judy. there are lots of others resellers all very good at what they can deliver. i picked pepperlover because they had most of the seed types i was looking for, which means i didn't have to send a reseller an order for 1 package of seeds for $5.00, a waste of my time and the resellers.

good luck on the seeds you receive.
if you need motivation as to how awesome caribbean reds can be, look up potawie's pictures of his caribbean red; the one he overwintered.

those pics were the main motivator in making me pick up a few plants from one of the local flower shops (they double as nurseries here in nyc). they're actually growing next to some red habs I got from burpee seeds, so once they look decent enough to photograph, I'll post up a few comparison images.
Is it really a scam if you get the seeds for free, maybe your friend was scammed, or just a disappointment?

Nice looking plants anyway.