Words can not express how Pi**** off I am. I got a call last night about 9:30 from the lady that owns the storage lot where we keep our travel trailer...thieves/vandals broke into our travel trailer and literally trashed it...broke out the window of the door and then still pried the door open when they couldn't get it to open...police said they wore gloves...they broke into every travel trailer stored there (about 5)...we are supposed to go to east Texas next weekend for a 3 day music festival so that is now up in the air....after a quick look at the trailer last night, the only thing I saw they stole was a fine pair of binoculars and the radio out of the trailer and generally trashed could have been a lot worse but still I feel violated...
you can see where the police dusted for prints on the door
you can see where the police dusted for prints on the door