I have a serious problem, I need help.

g'night JayT! Hot Dreams!

Ya know you gotta post in the AM before going to work..........current condition...etc............ LOL!
Sorry for the lack of morning update, I woke up late and barely made it to work on time. (not used to getting up early on Saturday!) Had a serious morning after effect from the fatalii chicken quesadillas I ate last night. Included multiple negotiations of the release of hostages. Alcohol seemed to have little to do with it as the upper stomach was fine. I may do it again tonight! Though my options are a little more limited tonight. Stay tuned.
I'm not doing video. Doesn't work for me. I will take pics tho. There are enough here that will verify that if I show it, I WILL eat /drink it! Just got back from the liquor store with some reinforcements. Tonight, there will be margaritas!

So N_FF, must this Prairie Fire be chunky, or would naga sauce be good enough?
I might with the Scorpion puree I have open. Here's a pic Mrs. JayT took, this is what can happen after too much tequila...

JayT said:
I'm not doing video. Doesn't work for me. I will take pics tho. There are enough here that will verify that if I show it, I WILL eat /drink it! Just got back from the liquor store with some reinforcements. Tonight, there will be margaritas!

So N_FF, must this Prairie Fire be chunky, or would naga sauce be good enough?

works better smooth. is my guess so yes scorp puree will work wonders.
Easy. Drink half a coffee cup of warm water and 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne+1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon.
Follow with a jigger of Flor de Cana, ice cold and finish with a bong hit. Of prescribed medical goodies, of course. :high:
Real man's margarita: 3:1 ratio (mix to teq), served on the rocks in a tumbler glass rimmed with sea salt. No BSing with blending or weird fruity flavors...