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I have got a huge pot :)


like 25 + gallons. I was wondering what plant I should put in it. What plant will benefit the most from the super size? Chinense? Annuum? Pubescence? Wild Rhomboideum? Throw your ideas out there, specific varieties as well for the first two types. No poll just answer. Here are some that I was thinking of putting in there, but I have many more types that I can use as well.

Yellow 7 THSC
T. Scorpion
Yellow Scorpion Cardi
Yellow Orange Manzano
C. Rhomboideum
C. Praetermissum
Bonda Ma Jacques
Barrackpore 7
Yellow Bhut
White Bullet Hab
Black Congo
Cappy 7 Brain Strain
With a pot that big, you should grow a Tomato Tree. I know, it wasnt one of the choices, but it would be perfect. If of course you like tomatos. Supposedly they grow 6-8 feet tall and can give you upto 100lbs of tomatos in a season. I have a couple growing now and man are they getting big, only 4 weeks since i planted the seeds and one is already over a foot tall!
I would simply use the biggest pot for your biggest plant or for your first plant to get really rootbound in their smaller 5-10 gallon containers. You can't always go by species/varieties, I'd go by size and health of your plants
Sounds good Potawie. I was kind of leaning that way, see which plant gets the biggest in the 5's and move that one up later in the season, probably mid july.
If I had to make a suggestion I'd say the yellow orange manzano. It's related to rocoto and if it behaves like a rocoto it's going to want all the space it can get. We had a rocoto and another pepper in a 30 gallon grow tote. The rocoto took over, crowded the other pepper out and sprawled all over the ground around the tote. It would have loved a 25 gallon pot and imagine that beautiful plant just full of purple blooms.
I believe I would double up on either Bhut Jolokias or 7 Brain Strains and feed the hell out of them. I'd bet you could get one of them six feet tall. I've got a couple of extra big pots, may try that myself.

Very cool millman.
I've seen pictures of some huge Douglahs, but 25 gallons might still be overkill. I'm using 3 25 gallon pots this year and doing a tomato a piece. Are you going to be able to haul it back in for the winter in this container? If so, then Manzano all the way!
Matt50680 said:
With a pot that big, you should grow a Tomato Tree. I know, it wasnt one of the choices, but it would be perfect. If of course you like tomatos. Supposedly they grow 6-8 feet tall and can give you upto 100lbs of tomatos in a season. I have a couple growing now and man are they getting big, only 4 weeks since i planted the seeds and one is already over a foot tall!

What's a tomato tree? I thought tomatos already get 6-8ft tall?
Justin, pretty much all the tomatos I have ever grown get 3 1/2 foot tall at the most. The Tomato Tree seeds were something my mother found in one of her "junk" magazines and ordered them. I really didnt expect much out of them because they came in pre-seeded peat pots, which the mail system was not kind to. But I watered them anyways and they sprouted. I ended up with 25 plants, ended up giving 17 away and keeping the rest for myself.