I have yet another newbie question...

Sorry for hyperventilating like that. We should be trying to calm you down.
Hopefully it will be ok.
Call burpee and ask if they have had anyone call in with this problem too.
ABurningMouth said:
Sorry for hyperventilating like that. We should be trying to calm you down.
Hopefully it will be ok.
Call burpee and ask if they have had anyone call in with this problem too.

That's okay...My wife thinks that I have completely lost my mind because I have been racing around here like I am crazy. She is great for putting up with me though...AND I never thought about calling Burpee, great idea! However, they have such a good reputation that I find it hard that it is a problem at their end. But, again I guess anything is possible............
Well........Just got off the phone with Burpee and they haven't received any other calls like this. WOW!!! I always have to be different...LOL...The very friendly Customer Service Rep advised that it couldn't be a bad batch of seeds because any type of bacteria or virus would be caused by the soil or air. Plus, she added that this is too many different types of peppers to be bad seeds.
mudatvs, I took the liberty of sending one of your pics to my county extension office and she replied that it looked like edema.

mudatvs said:
Well........Just got off the phone with Burpee and they haven't received any other calls like this. WOW!!! I always have to be different...LOL...The very friendly Customer Service Rep advised that it couldn't be a bad batch of seeds because any type of bacteria or virus would be caused by the soil or air. Plus, she added that this is too many different types of peppers to be bad seeds.

Well, that's not true. Bacterial Spot is carried on seeds, but it spreads to other plants. She was giving your the run around. Burpee has too much invested in their reputation to admit the problem might be their seeds.

Mind you, it may not be their seeds, but until you have a confirmation on what the problem is, you can't track where it came from or what caused it.

thepodpiper said:
mudatvs, I took the liberty of sending one of your pics to my county extension office and she replied that it looked like edema.

Did they suggest what might have caused it? Edema is a symptom.
mudatvs said:

I had the exact same symptoms earlier this year.
unfortunately I destroyed all my plants a few weeks later after a red spider mite infestation.

Well that wasn't helpful.:(
keep us posted I'm really curious what the problem is.
Bacterial Canker

Lesions on pepper leaves are initially small ( less than 1 mm) raised and white. The lesions enlarge, their centers may turn brown and become necrotic, and they may be surrounded with a pale white or chlorotic halo.

There are several possible sources of inoculum: infested pepper seed, infected tomato seedlings in the greenhouse, infected tomatoes in production fields adjacent to pepper fields.
:( I really hoped that I would have had some good news by now, but all I can report that that my problem has stumped the NMSU Hot Pepper Institute and they gave up on my cause to find answers. :( They referred me back to my local Extension Office, which by the way, has forwarded my photos to OSU in Columbus, Oh because they too were stumped..........This is soooo frustrating!!!

I also felt that Burpee was giving me the run around, although very politely. I did mention the diseases that can survive in the seeds but that all fell on deaf ears with them. I guess I really didn't expect anything different.

I am also having a hard time thinking that it is edama just because I really don't think I'm over watering and only water when they are really really dry...

All I'm left to do is hope that OSU can find the answer and keep them isolated for now, which is probably going to be the demise to them because where they are now isn't the best place for them (poor light and lower temps).

THANK YOU for everyone's support in this troubled/trying times...I feels really good to have a great network such as this.

mudatvs said:
THANK YOU for everyone's support in this troubled/trying times...I feels really good to have a great network such as this.

: walks up :

: looks madatvs in the face :

: gives big bear hug :

Pam said:
Bacterial Canker

Lesions on pepper leaves are initially small ( less than 1 mm) raised and white. The lesions enlarge, their centers may turn brown and become necrotic, and they may be surrounded with a pale white or chlorotic halo.
Leaf galls actuially sound simaller but I don't know that they infest pepper plants. Plus with the surprising regularity of the bumps I would rule out gall. Just an aditional thought for the records.
I just received a call from OSU today.......
I was told that according to the "Plant Experts" at Ohio State University in Columbus, they think that it is Edama. She explained that it could be caused by not enough light, too much water, too cool environment and a couple of other things that I don't really remember (I work Midnight shift and she called at 10 am so I'm a little fuzzy). She did mention that OSU main campus suggested that I sen in some specimens so that their lab can examine them, with a $15 fee. I am going to gladly send them the whole plant if they want. I really want to get to the bottom of this.

I will keep everyone posted.

mudatvs said:
However, I am also growing tomatoes in the same area and read on one of the sites that peppers and tomatoes shouldn't be planted near each other. So...Now I'm wondering if maybe my tomatoes gave my peppers something. By the way, my tomatoes were started way too early and I think suffering from root bound, but there isn't room to allow them to stretch out any more than their 6" pots. I just hope they make it to the ground. (I'm not too worried though because they can be replaced at the local nursery). Sorry for rambling, this post is about my peppers...

Well, I inspected my tomato plants today and found that they have some leaves with brown spots on them and those leaves felt dried out. So it is possible that they (the tomatoes) have Bacterial Spot. I think that I'm am just going to throw all of the tomato plants out for the sake of the peppers, just to be on the safe side. I am really hitting a wall here :banghead: and it sucks that I have to wait until Monday to mail in the pepper specimens, which means I probably won't hear anything until later next week...
Post a picture of the tomato leaves.

If your peppers have Edema, how could the tomatoes have given them bacterial spot?
I'm at work right now (my part time job) and will post a picture or 2 of the tomato leaves that I found that look questionable when I get home between jobs.
I apologize to everyone for my stress levels being so evident. I am really stressed out and it maybe in part because I am a newbie at all of this coupled with the fact that my nature is that I hate being in the dark and I really feel like that is where I am at this moment.
mudatvs said:
I apologize to everyone for my stress levels being so evident.
No problem. It's natural to feel stressed out, these are your babies. You should have seen me freak out when I got bit by that brown recluse and I kept posting like, 5 times a day in that thread.

mudatvs said:
I hate being in the dark and I really feel like that is where I am at this moment.

: feels around :

I think there's a light switch here somewhe....wait...what's this...it's all...oh...sorry Pam!

: feels around some more :

Ah! There it is!

imaguitargod said:
No problem. It's natural to feel stressed out, these are your babies. You should have seen me freak out when I got bit by that brown recluse and I kept posting like, 5 times a day in that thread.

BROWN RECLUSE!!!I probably would have stroked out...I'm serious!!! I don't do spiders....In fact my wife likes to tell a story about the time that I went to step into the shower and there was a Wolf Spider that I almost stepped on. The thing was almost as big as my foot...Well she thinks that it was hilarious that I screamed the way I did...LOL I hate spiders and now I'm going to have nightmares. :P
mudatvs said:
BROWN RECLUSE!!!I probably would have stroked out...I'm serious!!! I don't do spiders....In fact my wife likes to tell a story about the time that I went to step into the shower and there was a Wolf Spider that I almost stepped on. The thing was almost as big as my foot...Well she thinks that it was hilarious that I screamed the way I did...LOL I hate spiders and now I'm going to have nightmares. :P


Was it one of those high pitched screams that sound like they neutered you instead of the dog?

I bet it was hilarious!
It sure was one of the high pitched screams, plus when I jumped back I knocked over our laundry table. I really made quite a mess. This is really bringing up a bad memory...LOL