I need Help growing Naga Morich

I live in Far North Queensland where every day is between 30/32 degrees. We have a humid atmosphere. The plants have 4 hours of sunshine everyday. I am feeding them a weak solution of fish and seaweed emulsion and they are watered regulary and planted in potting mix.. But it has taken 5 months and they are no more than 10 cms tall and don't appear to be in a hurry to grow any bigger. Can anyone suggest what could be wrong. Thanks
hello mate and welcome from Newcastle NSW....

5 hours is your main problem...Most chilli plants want lots of sun (all day), especially that morich...

You might need to give the plant some better fertilizers as well....

What size is the pot and what sort of pot is it???

Apart from the size of the plant, does it look nice and green and healthy?
What moyboy said mate, 4 hours is no where near enough light, for seedlings / young plants you really want them to be on 18 hours of light, or at least 12, less than that they will think it's winter and will go into hibernation or just grow very slowly, as is evident. At the three month mark your plants should be at least a 1 - 1 1/2 feet high.

Go down to bunnings and buy some strong CFL's (compact fluros), about 24-28 watt or higher if possible, and keep them a inch or two above your plants with a small fan blowing on them ... (keep them undercover/inside), the fan is not for the heat of the fluros, but to get your plants to grow stockier stems to support the weight on the fruit.

Remember, an inch or two above your plants, any longer and the intensity of the light gets too weak. I would throw at least 1 CFL per plants to begin with, maybe 2 just to get them a bit bigger, then plant them in a full sun spot.
Hello Moyboy,
Do you have a suggestion for fertilising. I have them in two pots measuring 20cm & 25cm (plastic). The plants are a good green glossy colour but the leaves are severely wrinkled. (Unlike Me). Would appreciate any suggestions.

moyboy said:
hello mate and welcome from Newcastle NSW....

5 hours is your main problem...Most chilli plants want lots of sun (all day), especially that morich...

You might need to give the plant some better fertilizers as well....

What size is the pot and what sort of pot is it???

Apart from the size of the plant, does it look nice and green and healthy?