OK here is the delima. this weekend i placed 12 in CASI did not get a point so i am still one point shy of going to cook in Texas In November. I cooked in a ICS event and used a modified version of my original chili.......i placed 2nd and missed first place not by much.
ok here is the problem i got 2nd out of around 10 and the 12th was out of about 31 or low 30's
here is the poll question. i have 1 chance next week to get 1 point to go to Texas...its my last chance.
do I

poll will close thursday because i got to get what i need for chili im gonna cook.
tough call, but congrats to ya on the placements. what about the numbers of judges that tasted your chili ? I know placing 12th out of 30-31 you beat out more people vs the 2nd out of 10 people but what about the number of judges for each ? but again it comes down to the judges personal taste - tough call :D good luck to ya - I didnt vote because its a tough choice, but might vote if the number of judges were different but if even ;)
You scored some green then in Raleigh?! Good job! Wish I could be cookin, but the cart biz and rug rats are kepping the Chili Man busy.
the one i placed 12th out of 3o some there was 10 judges and it went from one table to a finals table so it went thru 2 sets of judges

2nd out of 10 6 judges

green chili i had was pretty good but i have to say if i was about to die and i could have one last bowl of chili it would be red.
No silly man, did you win $$$$$$ for this weekend (it being an ICS event and all).

And I concurr, last bowl has to be red (with beans!)
no money was given out???? i sure had to pay....gee 42 dollars for membership and 30 to enter??? with texas and all it would have been nice to get some cashola.
i honestly feel like if i do recipe number one i should have done number 2 and if i done number 2 i should have done 1. the changes that were done was kinda minor....cpl things out and a cpl of things in different.

well by thursday i should be a compleet mental comment from you vic

what i was thinking of doing was getting a cd player and getting the song "the final countdown" and playing it over and over and over like for 3 straight hours.

that or make a cd of songs that have titles like...the final countown...against all know those kind of
also another thing that kinda throws me is the scoring for ics and casi are different.


(tension breaker..........had to happen)
I said 2nd then read down -- difficult to say when judging is different but if changes are minor then why change? what were the changes? POst the recipe and we'll take a look :hell:
What are the differences in judging?

And, without posting your secret recipe, what are the differences in the chilies?
congrats bubba!

was the standard of the competitors similar? were there the same faces in the top 10 at both events? basically, did you beat some of the CASI top 10 opponents at ICS or was the standard not as high at ICS?

if you showed improvement at ICS against a similar standard of competitor then by all means go with the ICS-modified recipe/method. best of luck in the competition!!!
wow...great questions...first of all the 10 ics were 10 great cooks the 30 was about 10 great cooks and 20 some not seasoned cooks.....just cook once a year at this big event.
you are familure with the casi judging...same thing..blind judging with score one thru 10 add em up and see who wins
ics the judge puts the chili they want 1st 2nd and 3rd place
if you get 1st place you get 3 points 2nd place 2 and 3rd place 1
add up all those scores and you get 1st 2nd and 3rd.
i tell ya what..the guy that came in 3rd i tied with and boy he was realy ticked off.
pam the difference in the recipe was basicaly taking away 2 things and adding 2 things.
its hard to explain but the lady and guy i had look at my recipe said some things were working against each other.
1st I'll say go with your gut instinct, because we dont want you blaming us for you not winning 1st place :clap: (for making you cook a certain recipe)
but after finding out the number of judges & how they taste tested the chili, I say cook the 12th out of 30 recipe since it was scrutinized the most & placed alright. as for green chili :lol: that right there would be a mark against the chili (for me IMO) chili is supposed to be red.

oh yea good luck to ya on the chili cookofff, I'm sure your mind will be just flipping between recipes when it gets closer :P
Sounds like the "modification" was an improvement. Go with it. Why would you use the same chili at a CASI event again when you missed getting the point last time? Unless I am missing something. The upcoming event is CASI yes? Or maybe some chili chefs use the same recipe over and over and hope to find judges that will like it. I can see that, but if it was me, I'd always be improving it unless I was getting 1st place wins.
I'm with THP...I would think that the same recipe would get a similar result, even if the judges are different. I'm not an expert - hell if I were a judge I'd name myself winner for being smart enough to get the job of chili judge - but in my mind, the same process should produce the same results.
If the ingredients were working against each other why would you want to them in that way again?

strange thing about that.....this recipe i have been using now for a long long time. it got as high as 3rd in the state championship and even got my one and only 1st place. for some reason though it just kinda went down hill...??