Ok, i know it sounds a little bit banal, but let me tell you this: GOOD for you! I don't know how old are you or how is your financial situation, but in the long run nobody has to do things that keep him unfulfilled and unsatisfied. As they say, life is too short for bullsh@ts. And you never realize that until you are too old and miserable to do anything about.
I am telling you this because been there, done that. Almost three years ago, at the age of 36, i woke up one morning and said to myself "Manolis, what the f@ck are you doing? Why are you doing this, a job that you don't care anymore, what are you gonna do with your life in general?" I tried to imagine myself stuck in a job that was filling me up with stress and leaving me with no quality time to live my life as i was dreaming when i was a teen. So about an hour later i was in the editor's office signing my resignation (used to work as a reporter for almost 15 years).
I am telling you, it's not easy. You 'll find yourself regreting a lot. But believe me, in the long run you 'll be grateful for this big change in your life.
Wish you the best, although i am sure that you will end up doing something even better, more creative and more happier.