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I saw ZZ TOP last night!

Seeing ZZ TOP in Texas. I was standing there, watching the concert and I had to think to myself. ..self...I'm in Texas and I'm watching ZZ TOP...it really doesn't get any better than this!

They pulled out some old tunes like Francine and Brown Sugar. I was mighty impressed with those. Gibbons slide playing on JUST GOT PAID TODAY totally ruled the school. Not bad for a bunch of geezers who've been around 35 years.
Sounds like a good show! They're coming here, but I can't seem to justify $65/ticket to see a show in the cheap seats.
I seen them twice in the 80's and they were awesome. Those were big $$ tours with huge F/X and the music was excellent. You can't go wrong with ZZtop. Who else has a song about legs and one about tush. The funny thing is Frank Beard is the guy with no beard.
DevilDuck said:
Sounds like a good show! They're coming here, but I can't seem to justify $65/ticket to see a show in the cheap seats.

$65? Hahahahahahahaha! That's nothing!! I 've paid more than that to see Metallica, Aerosmith, and the Smothers Brothers. You want to see The Rolling Stones, try shelling out $250+ for a ticket. The good bands always demand more....which completely sucks.
texas blues said:
Chuk, Billy Gibbons is the "Master of Sparks" fo' sho' on guitar.

IGG....Smother's Brothers? You're on drugs right?

Dick Smothers lives here in town. He's a riot to talk to. And all that money he's got and he drives around in a rusty '74 Ranchero.;)

Now as for the Reverend, he's one of my big-time guitar heroes. I'd pay $65 to see him anytime!
texas blues said:
IGG....Smother's Brothers? You're on drugs right?

Sickmont said:
Dick Smothers lives here in town. He's a riot to talk to. And all that money he's got and he drives around in a rusty '74 Ranchero.;)
Wow, you are sooo lucky! My mom, dad, and myself snuck back stage at the show and talked with them. Dick hit on my mom infront of my dad, and it was hilarious.
IGG ...I was kidding of course about the Smothers Bros. I didn't think they were around or doing anything anymore. Fact is, when I was a kid, we used to watch their TV show ritualistically. Mom always liked Dickie best, but Tommy was waaaaay funnier!
I grew up with Huey Lewis and the News and I still like them (laugh all you want). Paid $60 to see them in Vegas in the 90s (keep laughing). I am SO JEALOUS cause i never got to see ZZ Top!
Who else has a song about legs and one about tush. The funny thing is Frank Beard is the guy with no beard.

Off the top of my head, P Diddy, Sisquo, 50 cent, Eminem, Biggie Smalls, Lil Kim, etc etc etc :P

That last sentence was ironic, right?

Who the f**k are the Smother's Brothers?
DevilDuck said:
Sounds like a good show! They're coming here, but I can't seem to justify $65/ticket to see a show in the cheap seats.

The last time Bruce Springsteen toured, the tickets were like $75. I went to his web site and sent a message that if he wanted to continue to consider himself a working man's hero, he needed to keep his tickets at a price that the working man - and woman - could afford.

Never heard anything back, though.
imaguitargod said:
mother always loved Dickie the best

I could say something but I wont :P

legs/tush heck what band doesnt make a song about those & sex ;) heck I'm sure 2livecrew had that market cornered :lol: check out "
banned from television" #2 or #3 ?

heres two good tracks "bartender" & "crazy legs" by H.E.D.P.E.
potawie - dont get me wrong I like good'ol classy R'N'R but every now & then I like to listen to other music also. just like I cant eat just beef day in day out, same goes for listen to the same type of music day in day out, if I named some bands I listen to you'd go "how can you listen to those, its totally different kind of music" & I'd say "bingo" why would I want to listen to the same stuff day in & day out ?
PS I also like zztop. & to blow your mind I even listen to beethoven & celtic music etc......