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I think I might have made myself allergic to chilis

Salmon, nuts, and mustard does it for me but only with beer included, I can't work it out, beer by itself doesn't do it, nor does the food. I get a raging rash, and my breathing gets too fast and my heart races. Maybe I should just leave off the suspect foods.
Well, it may actually be yeast. I am prone to these, but like I said there is none of the slimy smelly stuff you would expect with a yeast infection. I decided to get the over the counter Lotramin stuff with fungicide. So far it is reducing the itching but I will have to wait a few days to see if that is it. If not, then it's back to the drawing board.

I am overweight, but every diabetes test I have ever gotten has been negative - the link being that those susceptible to yeast can also be diabetic. I guess as a precaution I should get my fat arse back on the ski machine. I hate exercise though. I had my fill as a high school weight lifter and wrestler - practice 6 days a week more akin to what I have seen and read about military boot camp. :P

Anyway, I hope that's it.

I also decided to make that batch of kefir last night. Kefir is like yogurt on steroids, made from an ancient beneficial bacteria/yeast culture, which they say can kill internal candida yeast in the body. It's actually a great desert after eating spicy food. Kind of like Indian lasse, can drink plain and sour or flavor it too. Anyway, I digress.....
....and my mother in law won't let the possible hot pepper allergy thing go.... I think she just wants to see me (more) miserable. What does she care? She likes her food as bland as....... bland.
rainbowberry said:
Salmon, nuts, and mustard does it for me but only with beer included, I can't work it out, beer by itself doesn't do it, nor does the food. I get a raging rash, and my breathing gets too fast and my heart races. Maybe I should just leave off the suspect foods.

Sounds like a tyramine issue.
Does it look like this

Or more like this

Or is it a bunch of red dots?
Well, you asked. Thanks to digital cameras, this was easy to do.

Sometimes they itch, other times they are a bit sore and mild burning. I have used hydrocortisone cream which helps with the itch but is no cure.

I started using antifungal cream last night and today just in case it's that, but still precious little relief.

It also feels sore in the center of the armpit although not as red. There is a small bump in one, like an under the skin pimple but it's obviously not - if so that's just terrible bad luck to get one of those with this.

I also have a few small patches on the top of my hands, which are far easier to deal with.

I am looking at getting laid off in July and this has been bothering me, maybe it's stress....

One armpit is worse than the other.





If it doesn't subside in a few more days I'll give in and make an appointment at a doctor. I just hate running to one and paying all of those copayments and such if its something that will go away quickly.

I did go to a dermotologist a few months ago for a complete skin exam and they removed 2 suspect (but turned out harmless) moles, so my skin has been examined fairly recently. I was to another dermo prior, just last summer in fact.

Wouldn't it be a hoot if I rubbed an orange hab under there and it killed whatever it was??
I'm no doc, but is it developing in a symmetric fashion on both hands? for example, do both hands have the same rash in almost the same spot? check out nummular eczema/atopic dermatitis on google. how has the elimination diet been working out for you btw?
No the hands are not identically affected. I haven't done the diet thing. Dairy is fine with me, and I'll be damned if I am going to give up yogurt and kefir, neither of which I eat regularly enough anyway. I'll cut down on breads a bit and see. Nothing else is consumed in any heavy quantities individually or regularly enough, other than hot peppers.... I haven't had ANY eggs, shellfish, or fish in at least a week. No nuts in I can't remember how long. No soy that I know of either.

I already cut the beer out in case it was yeast. Still have to give the antifungal enough time to judge if it has an effect. I was itch free for a few hours now it's coming back.
I'm going with syphilis...

On a serious note, this sucks anus, and I hope it clears up. I had a similar random itchey patch thing come up on my hands and wrists, and have come to find out it's eczema/psoriasis. Just an allergy of somekind that will probably come and go with time. Shitty diagnosis, but it's better than syphilis!

or teh AIDS...
QuadShotz said:
Stress is a factor in that sorta thing sometimes.

Perhaps ya developed a reaction to the rock B.O. stuff over time?

And yes, as Quadz suggested, allergies can develop over time. Even though the rock is natural, I believe it's a potassium alum crystal, which you could be allergic to. Potassium aluminum sulfate? is that what your De-o is made of? I'm allergic to this stuff, and it broke me out just like your pics. Take some time off the stuff, and maybe try a Toms of Maine natural deoderant. Doesn't work super good, but I've found the woodspice scent kinda makes your BO smell like a patch of forest, which is tolerable enough for the length of time it may take to find the allergy.
yeah that's the stuff crystal stick is made of - I use the rollon not the rock - been using it for, I dunno, 8-10 years or more. I can't remember how long. I got it to replace all the chemical stuff and it really does keep the BO odor away.
There are several things that can give you hives besides allergies. (Statistically, if everyone who reads this post uses their fingernail to hard scratch RASH onto their forearm, at least one will get hives where the letters are.) But . . . those pictures aren't completely convincing that those are hives. Yeast looks high up on the list and so does contact dermatitis, just like everyone has already suggested.
On a day you don't go to work, try skipping the BO knocker and see if it's the roll on or the powder causing it. Witchhazel medicated pads might help to kill some of the itch and dry it up a little.