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I think I might have made myself allergic to chilis

FiveSix said:
ooo I got another one! what about maybe scabies?

I looked that up. Not sure though about that. I'd hate to think it was that - but if I had that my wife should have it and she doesn't, neither does our son
Dude it could be a million different things. Maybe the soap that you use made a slight change in the ingredients, or 1 of the other several products that you use.
Back in the day when I was about 24 years old, all of a sudden I got hives for no reason , or so I thought. I was told I was allergic to iodine. So I stayed away from salt. Years later turns out I am allergic to shell fish instead.
New allergies can turn up at any time, as previously stated the company can change ingredients in soap or deodorant that you've used for ages. Of course they don't inform the public of the changes and you wonder why it bothers you. I'd say it's probably something else besides peppers. I'd look at dryer sheets or fabric softener first if you use those items. If itching shows up my first suspect is dryer sheets. I've heard of people being allergic to many foods but never peppers...too many good things in them to cause allergies lol.
I got that a few years ago, and switched to a deodorant...no anti-perspirant.

Same deal. No problems, and then suddenly the clogged pores rebelled!

I am alot happier.
Ya, those aluminum salts they use are nasty.

I tried that rock crystal stuff back in the 90's adn didn't like it much.

You taking realy hot showers or anything? Could be heat rash too.
While you can become allergic to something through repeated exposure, I have a feeling it's not the peppers. I just had to change to a different deoderent a few months ago because I became allergic to the one I was using and got itchy hives under my arms.

Could also be teh AIDS. :lol:
I dryed a pound of habs overnight, and slept well... ;-D
Who needs air freshener when ya got drying habs?

Evile Powder FTW!
A lot of VERY creative guesses. Well, not as itchy today but it is obviously still with me. I planned to stay off hot stuff as a test but there was a small container of leftover chicken curry which I had to dispatch. :onfire:

We'll see. I can't imagine what else it is. I have to go hunting through the laundry room but everything seems ordinary as usual.
It's probably from contact with something, and yes this is a serious response heh. small little itchy hives are usually not from food but irritation from something
Since the reaction is limited to a specific region of your body I wouldn't think it's a food allergy at all.

What ever it is good luck with it man.
I had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago. I would break out in hives for about 30 min. or so then they would go away. It would be on and off for about 2 weeks out of the year then go away. This happened out of the blue and lasted a few years. Then it just stopped. I haven't gotten hives for a long time now.

You can develop allergies later in life. And like me, they may just go away leaving you standing there not knowing what the hell just happened. I'm just happy that I don't get them anymore. They were incredibly itchy!

Well, this is how it goes. When my underarms are dry, it's not very bad. As soon as they get wet or moist, these red blotches become more pronounced and they itch. The blotches are mostly to the left and right of my underarm, but there is some tenderness in the middle itself. I have been using the same deodorant for years - and all that is is Crystal Stick rollon, which is basically a mineral salt solution. It inhibits the bacteria that produce BO, and works quite well. Totally natural. The problem is it goes on wet. So after that I usually douse my underarms with Gold Bond medicated powder, which dries it all and it feels better. This is not going away though. I printed out the info for the dermatologist. I will give it a bit longer. I'm just not sure it's fungal. It doesn't seem fungal. If it isn't that I have no idea what it is.

I haven't eaten peppers for a few days now and while it hasn't been bad lately, it's not gone.

It costs me a $40 copay to go to a specialist like a dermatologist. My company has been cheaping on the health plan and lately they instituted this thing where even amongst specialists they have a tiered system, and non preferred specialists cost an extra $75 on top pf the $40 copay. I saw no evidence of this in the lookup for this doctor so I hope I don't get hit with it. This plan is supposed to be a PPO, and I pay a few hundred a month out of my check so it's not like I am not paying for my care - it's not a free plan by any means. (this won't make any sense to non US people so don't try to comprehend it) - and that was NOT a segway into the politics of medical care, okay? ;)
Blister said:
I had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago. I would break out in hives for about 30 min. or so then they would go away. It would be on and off for about 2 weeks out of the year then go away. This happened out of the blue and lasted a few years. Then it just stopped. I haven't gotten hives for a long time now.

You can develop allergies later in life. And like me, they may just go away leaving you standing there not knowing what the hell just happened. I'm just happy that I don't get them anymore. They were incredibly itchy!


Well, that gives me some hope. I am getting laid off at the end of July (after 13 years) so the medical coverage will stop shortly thereafter so I will have to decide in the next month or 2 whether I will let a doctor look at this or not.
Tom, when I was 22, I developed allergies to both soy and dairy. Not intolerance, an allergy. I would be a little careful with skin prick tests since they didn't show me positives for these two food groups. Getting your skin pricked with an extract just isn't the same as actually digesting the food. I went to 3 doctors and even got CT scans done when they were trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

With dairy/soy allergies, I actually have a delayed reaction. Initially, I get congested, but hours and maybe even a day later, I'll feel crappy. If I have a good amount of dairy/soy I actually go into borderline anaphylactic shock. They thought it was everything from seasonal allergies to cancer. The elimination diet is a good way to tell what is giving you hives.

The most common food allergies are listed below, you can try to eliminate them one at a time. Also consider the fact that it is spring and there are lots of different pollens in the air. Try spending a day outside to see if pollen is the culprit, but remember to not try to eliminate more than one suspect at a time. Best of luck with the hives and the job situation.

* Milk
* Eggs
* Peanuts
* Tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, walnuts)
* Fish (such as bass, cod, flounder)
* Shellfish (such as crab, lobster, shrimp)
* Soy
* Wheat
Peppers cannot produce any allergic reaction, only preservatives and MSG can do that.

I am a firm believer that God loves Hot Peppers. Peppers do so many good things health wise.