• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

I was at the bar and I did this...

My pizza business is in the same building as a sports bar and I go there to see whats going on from time to time .
well the other day I was there and this guy at the bar was buying his buddy a shooter for his birthday and it was a mix of tabasco and tequila .
I hate when people do this as it ends up in making the guy puke and for what ...
so I ask this guy if he likes hot and he says ..... "I can eat hot peppers and hot sauce no problem"
well then ............. I returned with my latest hottest sauce black mamba and offer him a taste .
no remember I offered him a taste .
he grabs the bottle and says it looks like a flask and get this... tips it to his mouth and sips it.
DUDE what the hell are you doing as I hold the toothpick for a sample .
he says thats nothing .
then it was like he was late for somthing and got up and he was gone ..
I followed him outside as he started eating snow and spitting .
after 2 hours he was still holding ice to his mouth and his table of friends were all thanking me for teaching him a lesson .
later on all the people at the table were eating a platter of food with a nice mix of sour cream and black mamba and talking about hot sauce .
I am amazed how many people only know about tabasco and a couple others ..
I love it when the macho ones are put in there place,if you have not truly tried real hot sauce then you should becarfull of what you say in a bar. Buy the way Shayne I never got around to tell you that you got real ones for even trying the pure, and I love hot but know my limit

I used to sell homemade hab sauces at a local growers market. one day a group of about 8 people came by. one guy starts saying how he's never had a sauce that was too hot for him. I told him I didn't know how hot he had tried before but I told him I thought that my hottest would sort him out. his mates were stirring him up but he wouldn't give it a go as I always offered taste tests on corn chips.

as they walked away I said that there had been a lot of people to scared to eat my hot sauce. with that, he came straight over, scooped up about 2 ts worth on a corn chip and scoffed it down. 'no problem' he said, 'that's not hot, hahaha'. then, he went purple, started coughing, took his glasses off, he was mumbling obscenities saying how it wasn't the heat it had just gone down the wrong way... ahhh it was hilarious, his mates and other passersby who had witnessed his show of bravado 30 seconds earlier now saw him for what he was - he was on fire and had boasted at the wrong place at the wrong time. unfortunately he didn't buy a bottle. I did ask him if he wanted a free one for putting on such a performance but he just shook his head and walked away. happy days...

it's always good to burn an a-hole, especially when it's not yours!
shayneyasinski said:
...later on all the people at the table were eating a platter of food with a nice mix of sour cream and black mamba and talking about hot sauce .
I am amazed how many people only know about tabasco and a couple others ..

there's nothing like a good burn to bring people together! :hell:
I love when they come in the shop and see all the sauce and ask for one of our chilli burgers.....
goes like this...

Them: I want the hottest.
me: well maybe try the fire or inferno
Them: is that the hottest?
me: I got some experimental stuff thats hotter, but I think maybe try the Inferno first, its got good flavour too.
Them: I want the hottest give me the experimental stuff.

they get their food....

Them: Ican't eat this its too hot.

Idiots man, they're the same people who eat my milder sauces and tell me there not hot. lol It dosn't all have to burn your head off.
Happens all the time and
lol, yeah i love sorting them out!

Fist: Its hot
Them: I can take it!
Fist: no its realy hot, try a small bit
Them: you think i cant take it?
Fist: fine! i warned you!!!
Fist: /starts walking to the fridge in search of mild
stillmanz said:
I love when they come in the shop and see all the sauce and ask for one of our chilli burgers.....

Oh, if i had a shop, i'd have a camera behind the counter, then stick pics of red faced idiots on the wall.
A lot of people think peppers are only for heat and ignor the great taste they impart to the palate. I don't know where DefCon 1 sits on the heat scale but suffice it to say it is hot enough for me. The second time I ate some, I put nearly a ts on a cracker with a piece of tomato and vienna sausage. The wife laughed at me when she saw I had my tongue hanging out of my mouth breathing around it to cool it off......