I will eat a naga TONIGHT!!!

Yeah I did sorry. I meant how will I eat the other two. I think one will have to be in a quesadilla. The other I may have to take to the bar Saturday and eat and share with a couple of friends. You are welcome to join us if you wish. We'll be in Marietta which is just this side of the river and a couple of miles north. PM me if you're interested.
JayT said:
8:11 I survived. eye of the tiger is playing here. Had a sip of milk. Going to download video. the beginning I am typing mostly for those of you who tuned in. Stay tuned I talk more as I am able. Wow is this hot. Getting better now.
Haha eye of the tiger?

Should have played Rocked you like a hurricane :)
JayT said:
Yeah that might have been more appropriate, but see I survived. You'll survive your hab too.
Yeah I know, so right now I'm going to eat smaller hot peppers to build up my heat intolorance, And I'm also going to put 2 drops of hab hot sauce on my tongue straight for a week!
Damn J...incredible.


I cant even begining to imagine myself do that.

I grow habs, and thats as far as I'm going with it. My hats off to you!
PhatManDerek said:
Haha eye of the tiger?
Should have played Rocked you like a hurricane
Nah, save that for when you try The Scorpions.

Yes, I'm a massive nerd. :P.
That was VERY early on in ghost pepper history.  I remember calling Assam, India itself trying to get them.