I will eat a naga TONIGHT!!!

I just reread the entire thread. I missed some of it as after I ate the Naga, but I just want to say you guys are awesome. I had no idea that this would be such a big deal, but it turned out to be so cool. I didn't know I would be the first to do this, but I'm glad it was me. Maybe it will start a trend. Like Dick T said to me in a pm think back 10-15 years ago, and imagine someone saying that you could do this in real time with people around the world. I think we just had the world's largest chile conference call/chat. I am so proud to be a part of it. I wanted my first naga to be memorable and you all made it so. Thank you all so much. It will make the pain in my stomach and tomorrow's inevitable "exit pain" that much easier to bear. I will do all I can to get the vid up as soon as possible. Oh and BigDogDaddy, DAQUIRIS????????? Oh brother we gotta talk.
JayT said:
Whaddayamean next one? :shocked: You think I'm doing this again???

well of course! most of us missed out on this thread & we gotta see some video, so might as well do it again :lol::P
congrats to ya on eating the naga, I dont think I'd have the nerve to eat a fresh pod.

I've ate a bunch of homemade hot sauce before, & it was really hot, & the worst part was when it reach the intestines :shocked:
that hurt more than anything else (for me) cuz by the time the chiles got there, there isnt much you can do but ride out the pain cuz if you havent taken some tums or ? already the stuff wouldnt reach the intestines fast enough to mellow the chile pain.
(again this is what hits me the worst when eating abunch of hot chiles/sauce)
Congrats again Jay, you're a crazy bastage!

I hope your traveling and exit pains are minimal. Can you keep us updated on things? Don't need a graphic description of any of it though.:P

Glad to see you survived the mighty Naga, but all this build up and no video, dude you must do it again! I'll bring a cam, some peppers, and eat one with ya, heck maybe you'd be interested in stepping up to a Scorpion or 7Pot! :)
JayT said:
Ok 3 mins gearing up. Where's IGG he'd love this. There may be a lull for a minute while I chew. Got my Rocky music on. Here we go!

I'm here! I'm here! Sorry, I had a power outage. So.....sounds like you had fun! I wish I could have been there!
Pepp3rFreak said:
Glad to see you survived the mighty Naga, but all this build up and no video, dude you must do it again! I'll bring a cam, some peppers, and eat one with ya, heck maybe you'd be interested in stepping up to a Scorpion or 7Pot! :)

I'm not sure if it's a step up with the scorpion or the 7 pot. You got to go a long ways to beat a naga.
patrick said:
I'm not sure if it's a step up with the scorpion or the 7 pot. You got to go a long ways to beat a naga.
Yes it is a long way to beat a Naga, but in mine opinion I think their a bit higher in pain scale. I can easily eat a half dozen Nagas over the course of a day with no issues, but eating more then 1 Scorpion/7Pot seriously destroys my stomach and causes the Ring of Fire like I never experienced with the Naga.:lol::lol:
Jay.........I ran out of beer man....what's a guy supposed to do? Strawberry Daquiri wine coolers are nasty, especially after beer. Headache this morning, and I seldom get headaches.

Well first off...a person should plan ahead so they dont run out....BUT...It's been a rough week, so perhaps the dosing was a little off...by the way...how did your day go today??? Let us in on the recovery...
Pepp3rFreak said:
Yes it is a long way to beat a Naga, but in mine opinion I think their a bit higher in pain scale. I can easily eat a half dozen Nagas over the course of a day with no issues, but eating more then 1 Scorpion/7Pot seriously destroys my stomach and causes the Ring of Fire like I never experienced with the Naga.:lol::lol:

I totally agree...but the 7 Pot and T. Scorpion both hit so hard it was unbelievable...the naga was GD hot but the pain caused by the T. Scorp and 7 Pot were way worse IMO...and by the way...the 7 Pot Rules...it is the absolute hottest thing I have ever tasted....period. That is of course of what I am growing this year.
Well I guess the 7Pot will be next. Don't know anymore about the video yet, have to work on it. As for the reprecussions of the naga, had a kind of upset stomach until I went to bed not bad just kind of achy. Then it hit me bad at about 2:30am. I spent about a half hour in the bathroom and went back to bed. Unbelievably when I got up I was fine. I ate a lot before and after so I guess that softened the blow. I did something else that I heard can help. I ate a couple of Italian marinated mozzarella balls which are basically coated in olive oil. I thought that might coat my stomach a little and help with the digestion. Maybe it worked maybe it had nothing to do with it, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. Anyone wish to donate a 7Pot or Scorpian I promise to get the video downloading figured out by the next time. It was still fun to do it live on here though video or not. (I'm trying to not be too mad about the video, it had me pissed off all night.) Thanks again to everyone who shared this experience with me. I'm glad it was entertaining. I had no idea it would be such a big deal. Now people who didn't even know me are congratulating me. That rules! I don't think I will turn into Hippy or Quad, but it was fun. Now....What to do with the other two???
good goin man. i might MIGHT try this too. if i do, and i'm not even sure i have the nuts to, i'll just bite it right off the "tree" and down the hatch BJ style.
Send one across the river to me...I got a guy at work who ate 1/2 fatali/bhut cross today and said it was weak...he didn't flinch, eyes didnt water, no runny nose, and he just stood there and looked at me like....is this the best you got? He is unreal....I gotta find one that he says is hot....and so far...nothing phases him.
No offense BDD, but I only have TWO nagas left. I have waited a lifetime to try one, don't think I'll be giving any to any macho super stud guy who never had anything hot in his life. Look up the Creator from Defcon and get some Zero, he'll be huffing and puffing in no time. I'm afraid I can't share these nagas. I will be glad to share whatever I have next year when I grow my own. Hope I'm not being selfish, but I guess if I am, I am.