I'm still alive!!!!
theHippySeedCo said:
How'd ya sense of taste go ?
THSC, mate, the sense of taste, its a bit strange for me, I could taste, and I was tasting it in every burp after!!!!! very nice flavour, love the flavour, will try it with creamed cheese next, cant wait to grow my own, thanks to BB's generosity has supplied with the pods, very greatful for that

But back to the topic at hand, my camera man was a great help, and the beer I took to quell the fire.... does not work!!! BB already told me that, but was nice to have some cool liquid in my mouth, it was flat as a tack!!!! tasted like water!!!!! my tongue was the first to get sore, then the gum under my tongue behind my teeth, my roof started to burn, found it quite difficult to talk

my teeth got to the stage where they were hurting, then the pain just flattened out, at that level, I bowed out at about 4 minutes I think, man it is painful, and you are correct TheHippySeedCo. I really do wanna give it another go, only in summer when they are at their peak!!!

Anyways, I will endevour to post the video on youtube before the weekend, with a little luck tomorrow night, me camera man played a little joke, made it look asthough it did not record!!!!!! AHHHHHH, it worked thankfully!!

watch this space for the link !!!! Best of wishes for those of you who want to try!
and a MASSIVE thank you to BB for the supply!
Q_D out