If you are a noob, and you know it, raise your hand!

I first want to say that I really appreciate the people on this forum. There is no other forum in the world that I have seen so many knowledgeable people, that are willing to help the new people enjoy this great hobby. I must admit that chili head people are a bit unusual. They may laugh and rib each other when someone talks about their experience with getting burnt to crap from eating a pepper, but at the same time, they are the first to congratulate the person for doing such a great job. They all know what it is like to get burned, yet they do it again and again, and encourage others to do so as well. It almost seems like being initiated into a fraternity because once you have gone through the hardship of eating hot peppers, you have a bond with other chili heads that makes you closer.
I have been dealing with cycad people for 25 years and many of them are motivated by having something rare that nobody else has, and making sure that nobody else gets what you have. All cycads are on the endagered species list, and in many cases, getting plants and seeds from other countries is illegal unless you can get the special permits. Moving plants even within the states can be illegal, like sending plants to California from Florida without special certifications. It seems that in many cases, these collectors want the species so bad that they don't care how they get them, whether it is illegal or not, or whether they are poached from the wild or not. I am approached almost monthly, from someone who wants a cycad or a cycad seed that would have to be illegal for me to send to them, and they know it, but they don't care, because them wanting it is the most important thing in their minds. They even suggest ways for me to ship to them where it is less likely for the box to get intercepted. I can tell you, I have tired of all this. The chili people are in it for the fun and enjoyment, and growing these peppers has been a joy for me to the point that I want to do peppers as a side line to my regular nursery.
Anyway, I may not have been a total noob when I signed onto this forum, but I appreciate how I have been treated, and really like how others treat the noobs out there, SO, to get to the point,if you are a noob and you know it raise your hand and the first 8 noobs (in the U.S. only please) that report to this post, that want them, I will send you a packet of Moruga Scorpion seeds for free and I'll even pick up the shipping. Once we get 8 posts who confirm they want these seeds, I will PM you to get your mailing address. This will give me some practice for filling seed orders. It is not worth looking at yet, but I will have a new website up and going called seriouslyhotpeppers.com, where I will have seeds, plants, fresh peppers, and powders available either mail order, or for pickup at the nursery. Thanks again to everyone who has brought a lot of joy back into having a nursery again for me. Tom
:P Oh yeah, I'm a Noob at superhots! After finding THP and the shared knowledge here I have my first grow.
My plan was for just a couple of plants but several members sent seeds of other recommended varieties.
Now I have a dozen different chili plants, and I am already thinking for next spring! Thanks friends :clap:
Hello Cycad I'm a newb too and would love some moruga scorps! I agree with you 1000% this is the best site out there. Chili heads look out for each other on an unimaginable scale it's so awesome. It's my first year trying to grow super-hots( I live in Vegas ) and hope it goes well. Well good luck and great gardening to ya.
Welcome, noob here as well and you're right...this forum/community is great and has been a big help. This is my first year to grow peppers from seeds, well anything from seeds actually.

I would greatly appreciate the seeds, thank you in advance.
Total noob here and appreciate the offer :) But I've got a Moruga growing that I haven't killed off yet, so pass the seeds on to someone who doesn't have one yet. Now, I may hit you up to trade some seeds at a later point if I do manage to off the plant though... LOL

And yea, this site is definitely not what I was expecting when I first started looking around for info on peppers. There's a lot more generosity here than I've found anywhere else.
Wow. Vey cool of you. So many times, noobs sign up and right off the bat they are asking for "extra seeds",
"free seeds", etc.
They usually come around to realize, this is a community, not just a bulletin board, which is awesome.
Very nice entrance you have made Cycad.
Welcome to THP, and thanks for contributing to what makes this such an awesome place.

edit: I just noticed you have been a member since June 2011.
Where have you been? In jail for mailing illegal cyan seeds? :rofl:
I'm a noob also. Having fun trying this hobby but can get frustrating. I'm #10 to post-so it's snooze you lose. Anyway liked what you had to say, people are nice. knowledgeable and helpful here and makes it a very enjoyable adventure.
I am a total noob. First garden in soil bags last year. First year growing superhots and everything from seed. I AM ALSO ADDICTED TO GROWING.

I don't need seeds, but thanks for posting man. Welcome to the place to be for chili heads!
Noob here also, this has become my go to site. Not posting for the seeds, as you already have your 8, but appreciate what I have seen in this community. There are a few exceptions, but overall this is the most generous and polite crew I have seen. I love my hot, looking forward to future experiences.


:looks around:

:raises hand:

:stands up:

"My name is Millworkman, and I am a noob."

This is not chilliheads anonymous. At 4955 posts, you are not a noob, but addicted beyond help. Don't fight it, yield to the force young jedi.