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IGG (Passow) Grow Log Part 5 08-30-2008 - Things Are Beautiful

Well, it's been a long time since I posted my last update so I thought I'd finally get my but off the bar stool and do another.

Fist is a close up of a growing pod. This seed came from our own Bent who said his plant started to produce pods large than normal. This is the "Monster" Asain Birdseye. Hey Bent, is this what yours looked like?

Up next is one of my Piquins in a VERY large pot:

Here's two long shots of the main gardens:

Continuing the update for those that know what a plant looks like..... (hehe?)

These guys are the three mature Havana Tobacco plants:

And here's one of their sets of flowers....absolutely beautiful:

Here's one of the left over tomato plants I had and decided just to make a spot from them on the side of the house....he's very happy to be alive.
imaguitargod said:
Hey Bent, is this what yours looked like?

Up next is one of my Piquins in a VERY large pot:

Thats about normal size for this variety of Asian Birdseye. The parent plant looks exactly like that...just one time it put out a branch with pods about 3"+ long....no idea why.

Great looking plants IGG
Looking good IGG. I bet fresh tobacco is awesome to smoke just like eating a fresh pepper is awesome :)

Uhmm...IGG...You do know that it is 07-30-08, right? You seem to be missing a month.
bentalphanerd said:
Thats about normal size for this variety of Asian Birdseye. The parent plant looks exactly like that...just one time it put out a branch with pods about 3"+ long....no idea why.

Great looking plants IGG
I'll keep an eye out for 3+ inches on the peppers...they may still produce them.

Pepperfreak said:
Looking good IGG. I bet fresh tobacco is awesome to smoke just like eating a fresh pepper is awesome :)
Nope. You have to cure tobacco for it to be really good and tasty....same thing with pot.

Pepperfreak said:
Uhmm...IGG...You do know that it is 07-30-08, right? You seem to be missing a month.
Those tobacco plants are blowing my mind. I never knew they grew like that. I always assumed tobacco was a low growing plant. So very cool. :)
Havana tobacco plant..nice big leaves as i imagined..very hard to grow I.G as i no nothing about growing Tobacco :rolleyes:
*** writing down "Plant Tobacco Seed Next Year" ****

great looking plants IGG...
IGG can I get some seeds of the tobaco? Do you let them go to seed or do you pick the buds too? or is it just the leaf that you smoke? and can you give me a basic run down of the drying process? ie hung and air dried or do you have to do weird stuff?
bentalphanerd said:
I'm sure you'll find a use for those "little" ones
First things first, I'm eating one whole to get an idea of taste and heat....then, it's right on a Famous Passow Pizza.

fineexampl said:
Those tobacco plants are blowing my mind. I never knew they grew like that. I always assumed tobacco was a low growing plant. So very cool. :)
Nope, they get pritty tall. Those ones are about 5 and a half feet and growing. I love 'em. Especially the flowers.

AlabamaJack said:
*** writing down "Plant Tobacco Seed Next Year" ****

great looking plants IGG...
If you need seeds....I've got a TON!

stillmanz said:
IGG can I get some seeds of the tobaco? Do you let them go to seed or do you pick the buds too? or is it just the leaf that you smoke? and can you give me a basic run down of the drying process? ie hung and air dried or do you have to do weird stuff?
Yes, you can get seeds. Do I need to do a customs decleration for a seed package to you....? Do you want this years or last years? You'll have to wait a few months for this years seed.

I let them go to seed. You just smoke the leaves and here's your run down:

1. Read internet on how to dry.
2. Pick one of the many, many, many, many dring techniques. (seriously, there's alot)

or...this is how I do it:
1. After seed pods are ready, pull out plant.
2. Shake dirt off root ball.
3. Hang upside down in an area that will be warm and is as close to scent free as you can get.
4. Let cure for at least 6 months.
5. Pick leaves.
6. Smoke leaves.
7. In hale smoke only once or twice if growing Havana tobacco (which is what I'm growing). Smoke rest like cigar.

The reason for #3 is when curing, tobacco absorbs the scents around it. So if you dry it in a midew, pant can filled basement, the stuff going to taste pritty funky.

The reason for #7 is because it's "cigar tobacco". It's so high in nicotine that you'll get buzzed instantly from it and it's not ment to be inhaled....fun stuff....

Oh, side note, tobacco is a extremely mild halucinagin (little known fact) and the efects are greatly amplified in the cigar varieties. Best thing to do with this is mix a tiny tiny bit in with you pot and smoke it. This is a ancient Native American technique (that's what was in their "peace pipes")...works amazing.
would a tiny tiny bit work if it was a little bit wrapped around exotic tobacco?
or is that too strong? are there milder tobacco varieties to be able to say roll up a nice fat one? i understand the difficulty in rolling it but i have rolled my own cigars before and feel i'm up to the challenge.. ppl say i'm good at it :D. i really need to try out some hydro tobacco i hear it grows like...weeds.
Just a little bit will do. There are milder tobacco out there. Just grow yourself a plant that's the ciggertte veriety...then you can inhale all you want.
teh purple penguins said:
cool, heh cause i wouldn't want to trip too bad :).

The only thing you risk is a nictotine overdose, especially if yout don't smoke tobacco on a regular basis. You just basicaly enhancing the high a little bit with the tobacco.