I'm BaAaAcCk!

Hello friends!

It has been way to long since I have been active on this site and it feels good to be back. I have been super busy with juggling the business (filling orders, doing demos and events, etc), experiencing several deaths in my family this past year, being newly married, being a full-time student in graduate school, and making my best attempts at still having a life as a 25 year old!

I was out in the garden yesterday weeding and finishing up planting the new plants I accidentally bought when I stopped at the garden store for plant food...the garden store is a dangerous place to go with cash..will I ever learn?! Anyways, I know a lot of you enjoy gardening the same way I do; it is relaxing, relieves stress, and centers me. Paradoxically, I haven't spent much time in my garden this season because I have been stressed. I really want to make it a point to become more involved again with this community online and with my gardening just as a simple self care activity.

Hope you guys have all been well,

Nicole xo
Glad for you to be back! Very sorry to hear of your losses. Hope you and Johny do well. It sure seems like you guys are headed places.

The garden is definately the place for happiness! :P

Take care, Mike
Glad to have you back Nicole! I wish you and Johnny much success in the future. Sorry for your losses though. And I agree wholeheartedly about gardening being a great stress reliever.
5 Demerits for being gone so long Nicole....WB sweetie...
Jay, he is super busy also! Will you be at bowers? If so, we will both be present there! Ps got excited with my gardening yesterday and got extremely sun burnt uuggghhh
Well welcome back and Hello from Illinois. I can totally relate to the stress relief part. This is my first garden in at least 5 years and its great! I see from your avatar that you are a boxer lover as well, we have 3.... another source of stress relief, lol, sortof. Cheers :cheers: