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I'm now 100% convinced humanity is going to die a detah caused by stupidity

Two young girls (probably high school) walked into the store today and purchased something (I must have looked bored) and this is how the conversation went:

Me: Total is $10.94
Girl: You must be so bored.
Me: Ya, I'm a little bored today...but I have the internet to keep me company.
Girl: Oh ya mean like facebook?

How sad is it that when kids these day (yes, I used "kids these days", I'm old enough to use that line) hear the word "internet" all they can think of is "facebook". I hear internet and think "knowledge at my fingertips", not "mindless site for posting useless crap"......we're all doomed. The stupid (yes, that's the medical term for it) has taken over the minds of most everyone now, only a few sparks of intelligence remain left and they will be eventually killed by the stupid or ridiculed into extinction.
You are so right! Man, they didn't say MySpace, they are out of touch.

humankind has always been doomed be idiots since it's birth.
i mean since humans walked the rock we call earth how many have been called geniuses and forward thinkers? not a lot in percentages of all humankind if you look at it like that.
the masses (dumb masses) will win out and kill the human race in the end because the ones that know/see the truth, can't make dumb see the wood because the trees are in the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(i have ben drinking so if anyone want an explination please ask me in a few days please!!)

Proper response:

"No, thehotpepper.com."
Davetaylor said:
humankind has always been doomed be idiots since it's birth.
i mean since humans walked the rock we call earth how many have been called geniuses and forward thinkers? not a lot in percentages of all humankind if you look at it like that.
the masses (dumb masses) will win out and kill the human race in the end because the ones that know/see the truth, can't make dumb see the wood because the trees are in the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, stupid has always been the majority of the populus, but there always has been a nice cache of intelligent folk. But now, the smart people are very hard to find and are being selectivly breed out.
thehotpepper.com said:

Proper response:

"No, thehotpepper.com."
Hahahaha, too true.
This thread reminds me of the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where the earth, an experiment set up by mice to find the answer to the answer, ie. the question, which happens to be colonised by humans, not the smart ones, but hair stylists and telephone sanitisers.. hence the answer is '42'since the experiment is tainted, but the question remains unknown, until Arthur Dent picks scrabble letters spelling 'what is six times eight'.
imaguitargod said:
I hear internet and think "knowledge at my fingertips"

Oh, bullshit. You hear internet and the very first thing you think is "free porn". And don't even try to deny it either.
Yes, it is pathetic. My 15yr old daughter can find anyone she wants to on myspace or facebook or whichever "networking" site is *in* right now, but can't find the answers to her homework questions.
Makes me want to throw out all the pc's in the house until she learns how to use a book.
I'm afraid for my 3yr old.
So Iggy, what do you want to do? Outlaw the Internet? Have he who walks on water and can solve every problem he faces with my tax dollars appoint an Internet Tsar that makes sure kids visit "educational" sites?

Just yesterday, when I realized me two kids (one 26, another 17) were still in bed at 3 PM, I wondered what is happening? When I was the average of their age, all I wanted to do if I didn't have to be in a tobacco field was to be on a ball diamond playing baseball. Or riding a bike. We NEVER thought about sleeping until 9:00 - that was a waste of a couple of hours of great sunlight. And we never quit playing until the sun went down and even then, for several minutes afterward. Then we would come home and play games that didn't need sunlight. Or, set up spotlights so we could play pass and catch with a baseball.

I wonder how many kids these days have even thrown one of those?

No, instead they support "change" because the guy knows how to use the Net.

Time for me to shut up and drink more beer. But before I do, it's no wonder kids are so fat - they sit on their butts all day, stuffing their face.

wordwiz said:
So Iggy, what do you want to do? Outlaw the Internet? Have he who walks on water and can solve every problem he faces with my tax dollars appoint an Internet Tsar that makes sure kids visit "educational" sites?

Just yesterday, when I realized me two kids (one 26, another 17) were still in bed at 3 PM, I wondered what is happening? When I was the average of their age, all I wanted to do if I didn't have to be in a tobacco field was to be on a ball diamond playing baseball. Or riding a bike. We NEVER thought about sleeping until 9:00 - that was a waste of a couple of hours of great sunlight. And we never quit playing until the sun went down and even then, for several minutes afterward. Then we would come home and play games that didn't need sunlight. Or, set up spotlights so we could play pass and catch with a baseball.

I wonder how many kids these days have even thrown one of those?

No, instead they support "change" because the guy knows how to use the Net.

Time for me to shut up and drink more beer. But before I do, it's no wonder kids are so fat - they sit on their butts all day, stuffing their face.

Ya, I have some ideas for turning things around, but those in chagre don't want that. They want you just smart enough to fill out forms and just dumb enough not to ask questions. Without trying to get too political, that's part of my solution. If we got them this dumb, we can get them smart again.

Oh, and i was sooooo stoned when I walked on water that one time, don't think I could ever do that again if i tried. :lol:
imaguitargod said:
Oh, and i was sooooo stoned when I walked on water that one time, don't think I could ever do that again if i tried. :lol:


If you really think you need to be high to walk on water, are you interested in a prime, well-know piece of real estate? People in Ripley were walking on water from the time they were three years of age. We use to have parties in my high school days when we did the same. Geez, I even know a couple of people who drove cars on water. That's a tad more difficult than walking on it.
