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I'm old emough to remember when...

IBM Selectrics, Mag card reader, My mothers Smith Corona. 3 Channels on TV. Pledge of allegiance I think already mentioned here. When Drill Instructors still hit you. Walking across a twenty mile town alone all the time at age ten.
Feather Your nest with Burt Parks...
Wearing a Leisure Suit and collars that were a mile wide and it was cool! Being able to wear a Buck Folding Hunter on my belt to school or into a bar and not getting busted.
Bell bottoms where you cut the legs of your jeans open to about the knees, then sewed in a triangle of different fabric. WAAAAaaaaay COOL!

Glasses with circular lenses.

Hairstyles with wings! (No relation to more recent "wings" in certain commercials.... )

Pong on an Atari > I ROCKED at this!
When "Feather Your Nest" with a young Burt Parks as host was a hit game show...and HOWDY DOODY....
you know what they say is the first thing to go...short term memory... ;)

and, by the way...I DID like that show...