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I'm still alive!!!

I thought that I would let all of my friends on here know that I'm still alive...Yah!!!

Well, I'm back to work now and am still learning how to walk again. The first week back was very painful. The pain was due to the ankle and foot not having been used for about 13 weeks, but that has subsided and now I only walk with a slight limp. There is nothing like hitting the ground running. :rolleyes: I have been extremely busy with work, my plants and catching up on ATV riding. This weather is great for ATV riding but, I have to agree with Iggy, it sucks for trying to harden off the plants. Oh well, at least I have them all up in my garage for now and have all of the garden beds prepped for planting.

Iggy...I suppose you can still call my gimpy :lol: The guys at work are calling my Chester (Chester from Gunsmoke because of my limp).

I was sorry to see that PMD left and was almost horrified to see the berating that he was taking. I was also glad to see that no one was berating me like that in my absence.
Pepperfreak said:
I was sorry to see that PMD left and was almost horrified to see the berating that he was taking. I was also glad to see that no one was berating me like that in my absence.

We were but we deleted it all once we heard you were coming back :lol:

Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Aw...I can feel the love. :lol:

It is great to be back on my feet. It just sucks when you finally admit that you aren't as young as you once were. I really don't bounce back like I use to. :(
Oh shit1 Gimpy's back! I've got to go delete some posts.

Glad to hear that you are doing much better!!!!! And about PMD...well, we can discuss that in person, it's a long story :lol:
I was the one who was berated!!! Still going through therapy.. Glad to here you're getting around better..
welcome back PF...hope that injury heals quicker now that you are back using it again....
DickT said:
I was the one who was berated!!! Still going through therapy.. Glad to here you're getting around better..

I warned you. Well maybe i didn't but all is fair in love and war.

Welcome back Freako, i hope all is going well with your foot mate.
Welcome back. I never said a thing about you while you were gone, no matter what everybody else claims:lol:

But seriously, it's good to know you're up and moving about again.
I'll add a welcome back and hope you heal up quick too.

Despite what everyone is saying they all miss the Phatman. No, seriously.
Thanks guys...My limp seems to be improving everyday. However, I have noticed that I seem to have turned into a human barometer now :lol:

JayT, my plants are all doing great. They would be doing better if I could get them hardened off. This weather we have been having sucks. To much rain!
Pepperfreak said:
JayT, my plants are all doing great. They would be doing better if I could get them hardened off. This weather we have been having sucks. To much rain!

Yeah, me too. They got spoiled by all that heat and sun a couple of weeks ago and now they have pretty much been inside by the windows since. I put them out this morning, but they didn't like the wind. Still coming along pretty good except now I have aphids. Sprayed them good, but gotta get them outside.