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show-off Incredible Scotch Bonnet

I just had to post about this plant. I had bought some seeds from WHP and got this as a freebie. The label says Scotch Bonnet Marabella Market Caramel. I went ahead and started a couple of seeds for fun (the peppers I ordered are for next year), got a good seedling going, and planted it in a fabric bag. This thing has grown into a beast. It's not even a foot tall but easily three feet across. There are at least 40 or 50 pods on it right now and I am just starting to get ripe ones. I posted a pic of the first pod with some other peppers just getting ripe in another post, but the one from this plant I think I picked a little too early. I let the other ripening ones stay on the plant longer and they have ripened into what I think is the most beautiful pods I have ever grown. I have always loved "chocolate" colored peppers the most, but the color on these are amazing.


A truly beautiful Chili plant & tasty looking pods.
I have always trained my peppers into a wide shape like this. Lately I have seen plants trained straight up tall as trees.
Damn that is a hell of a nice looking plant there. I dig when they shoot out sideways! They taste as good as they look?
They taste fantastic. I usually grow some type of habanero every year, this was my first time growing a bonnet. I am so impressed with the color, taste, production that I took a cutting of it to overwinter so I can have this same plant again next year. I made a simple Louisiana type hot sauce from the first round of harvested peppers along with about 25% ripe Jalapenos and it turned out great. Definitely habanero heat level hot.
A truly beautiful Chili plant & tasty looking pods.
I have always trained my peppers into a wide shape like this. Lately I have seen plants trained straight up tall as trees.
Yea, I have always read to "top" peppers for better bushiness and production. Every time I top one, it grows tall... this plant was pretty much untouched since I planted it later in the season than normal. This thing was a pod machine, no complaints at all about production.
That truly is a beautiful plant and the color of the pods is fantastic also! Too bad seeds are not available from WHP currently. I have many SB varieties in my collection, including the "ordinary" marabella market SB, but this one is new to me...
I googled the freebie name and these popped right up, Iā€™m wondering if they are the same only renamed? Iā€™m guessing not. That is one amazing plant you have there!
