hasn't found its way back to florida unfortunately mezzo =/
How big was the entire package when it left the last destination?? Usually the bigger he envelope or box the more scrutiny they get at customs checks
Were there any fresh/dried peppers on board?? That would be enough
... that or some mad chilli head customs knob![]()
Here's an idea I got from someone on YouTube. Seed JET?! Everyone who wants in. Sends it to one person. That one person sorts it out. Splits it evenly Sends it to everyone. And it till be up to your. Customs whether u get it or not. As for the shipping. I guess u can do research and see what the cost is to send from USA to let's say Korea. Or Australia and you can send sasbe along with the seeds you contributed. My two cents.
Do something similar on another Forum -- have +\- 30 members sign up for the exchange ( Once you get more than that it gets tough to get enough seeds for everyone ) - Each member packs 30 individual packets of 2 - 3 varieties of seeds so about 90 packs total for each member of 10 seeds +\- labelled with info on what variety is inside. Then they mail those in a single package to the member that is sorting along with $5 to cover shipping and repacking ( $5 pretty much covers the costs since local will be a bit less and international may run a bit more but overall it averages out - and leaves enough left over to buy a couple beers for the helpers that the one member has pack the return packages !)
The one member takes the packages he receives and then repacks and labels a package for each participant ( packages need to be received by the mailing date set ) that includes one pack from each variety from each of the 30 members (so 30 packages of about 90 seed packs) - then labels and mails the 30 packages to the members. (Of course this requires someone that is trusted and willing to put in the work to repackage and send the packets.
Doing it this way everyone gets a good variety of seeds from each of the other participants - everyone gets their seeds at approximately the same time and the shipping cost is only what it costs you to mail the original package to the one member plus the $5 for return shipping.
I'm in!
I wasn't involved in the last seed train but I feel something is amiss with no one hearing anything about what happened to the last package either sender or receiver . Did the last sender include his details?? Did they have a tracking number??
The bummer is all the cool stuff Cory_Huck and capsidadburn shared with us that's lost. They had added quite a bit to my stash.
If some Canadian shows up here talking about their huge new collection, I'm ready to go all John Candy on them.![]()