smoking Is charcoal the new sold out item where you live?

The random weird that is going on right now has been irritating.

Have been trying to get into my dentist for a cleaning for almost 2 months.

Hopefully they don't cancel this next appointment again.
Charcoal Alternative.
Local department store appears to have stopped selling 10kg bags of briquettes. They only have the shitty 4kg bags which pound for pound cost twice as much. Have to go to the hardware stores where there is no shortage of the proper sized bags.
Wood chips for smoking are in short supply here now ,unless you use pellets, then you can get plenty.

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Charcoal isn't yet as popular in Québec as it is in the states so no shortage up to now. What is rare as fuck here nowaday is Mason jar. With the pandemic and all the hysteria around a potential food shortage (not nearly possible but since some mass media said so...!), a lot of people grew veggies at home for the first time this year, causing the scarcity of all canning supplies.
I wonder what will become the next "panic buy" goods with winter at our door step...!
I live in Ontario but both of my favourite Canadian charcoal products come from Quebec. Basques charcoal and Maple leaf. Basques has a covid 19 disclaimer on their site about the shortages but with the cold weather it seems to have resolved it for now. Less people probably willing to use charcoal in colder weather.
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Ashen said:
I live in Ontario but both of my favourite Canadian charcoal products come from Quebec. Basques charcoal and Maple leaf. Basques has a covid 19 disclaimer on their site about the shortages but with the cold weather it seems to have resolved it for now. Less people probably willing to use charcoal in colder weather.
Well I think that this charcoal addiction is just starting to spread here (I know, we are kinda retards...!!) and that's probably why there's plenty laying around in my area. Don't know how far you live from here but maybe a little road trip to visit Qc and fill your trunk with Charcoal on your way back would be a good idea once this whole pandemic thing will settle down a bit!!


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