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chinense is it dangerous to eat bhut jolokia??

was eating habs whole from the garden late one night.. gave the mrs a kiss good night and got banished to the couch...

Hahahahah awesome.

From the capsaicin MSDS's I have here, a 90kg/200lb person would need to ingest between 4 & 12 grams of pure capsaicin to hit the LD50* point.**

A quick non-caffeinated calculation makes that about a 40-120gram ButchT Scorpion, or a 60-200gram Naga Jolokia (based on record high SCU of those chillies). Milder versions of those chillies would require more to get the same effect.

The roughness comes down to differing LD50 data. One says 47.2 mg/kg, the another 150 mg/kg.

*LD50 = Lethal Dose to 50% of test subject, usually rat. Some die at less, some die at more, averages are taken.
** Numbers may not be accurate, happy to be corrected, your mileage may vary, don't try at home, batteries sold separately.

Well then, when I grow butchT scorpions in a couple of years I think I will have to weigh them first before biting on them whole, don't some grow up to 30 grams big anyways? and would it matter if it was dried or fresh, cause you can eat so much more for gram without all the moisture.
There is no way to say "this amount will kill you" without going to extremes.

Testing is usually done on rats for LD50 calculations, but there isn't always a good conversion for humans. Maybe rats can eat more capsaicin/kg than humans, maybe not. Maybe the numbers (and they vary a lot) are different if you eat chillies a lot, compared to those who never eat them. People spend entire lives studying things like this.

The numbers I used were rough, and based on a lot of approximating, so I may be close to actual LD50 human amounts, or it might be out by a percentage.

Dried will affect them weight of the chilli, and thus how much you need to eat to get the same amount of capsaicin in your system, but won't affect the 47.2 mg/kg to 150 mg/kg levels - that is for pure capsaicin per kg of body-weight.

Unless another test shows an amount outside that range :)
I was curious if someone could have an allergy to them. Last year I tried a small bite of a Bhut, my lips started to swell up and I felt like I couldn't breathe or get enough oxygen.. They of course were super hot and I was in pain.. But I gave it a couple days and tried a Naga Morich and didn't let the pepper touch my lips, went straight on the tounge, I chewed it up and the same thing happend about five minutes later.. My lips looked like they were stung by a wasp with a kind of bluish tint, my skin was flushed.. It lasted about 30 minutes and I felt like crap for a while.. This doesn't happen with Jalapenos, Cayenne or other mildly hot peppers I've tried.. Only the Bhuts & Nagas..
If you don't react to other peppers, the only thing I can think of is that you may be allergic to one of the minor capsaicinoids that appears in a high enough amount in the superhots, but not in the lesser peppers - it is there but only in minute amounts.

You might just be reacting to the amount of capsaicin. Any other allergic reactions in the past?
If you don't react to other peppers, the only thing I can think of is that you may be allergic to one of the minor capsaicinoids that appears in a high enough amount in the superhots, but not in the lesser peppers - it is there but only in minute amounts.

You might just be reacting to the amount of capsaicin. Any other allergic reactions in the past?

No, no other allergic reactions to anything.. Maybe it was anxiety because I was so hyped up about eating the Bhut then so anxious about if it would happen again when I ate the Naga.. Who knows.. I'll keep trying because I love the pain!
No, no other allergic reactions to anything.. Maybe it was anxiety because I was so hyped up about eating the Bhut then so anxious about if it would happen again when I ate the Naga.. Who knows.. I'll keep trying because I love the pain!

Those reactions sound fairly serious to me shovel. Be careful bro.
after having my first butch T dried, few months ago now, I had burning pee so bad it was nearly unbearable. the second one I had gave me only a little though...
LD50 test is not so safe to go with as a for sure test people don't have to be careful. If a sidney funle web bites your dog and lives does not mean your going to do so well. Poison, venom, does not all the time work the same on defferent animals or even all people. One beer will not make you sick normaly but if you eat lots of Alcochol inky caps mushroom the day before you'll most likely be sick. Or ate a little silicin before drinking you maybe mad your having to drink more and still not getting over a buzz.

Still your more likely to die from cars and trucks, so live abit and carefully try and live before someone forgets how to drive.
Scoville measurements are done on dried powdered peppers. The scoville measurement for a fresh pod would be significantly less. 200 g of jolokia powder is probably over a cup full.