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outdoors Is my sister crazy or just selfish?

My sister returned from Egypt about two weeks ago from a holiday. I have just been told that she married some Egyptian dude and is moving over there next week. She will be leaving 3 kids behind for my sister/there fathers to look after.

Whats your thoughts peeps?
leaving 3 kids behind? I don't know if you even have to ask the question about what people think. not that it's my place, but wow!
Novacastrian said:
My sister returned from Egypt about two weeks ago from a holiday. I have just been told that she married some Egyptian dude and is moving over there next week. She will be leaving 3 kids behind for my sister/there fathers to look after.

Whats your thoughts peeps?

Lemme' get this straight...ahem! You, Nova, want to know if she is crazy? Bwahahahahahaha..

Dude, if I knew why women do the stuff they do I would be the richest man on Earth!

She'll be back in a month.

Salute', TB.
Wait there hold the press, turns out that she is going for a week then she is looking to return after some time. Bloody helllllllll
Can't and won't get personal given I don't know those involved. But if it were my sis, it sounds like a situation I would try and shut down ASAP.
So she's only leaving for a week? Damn, Nova, that's a big fail! That's like moyboy going to the store and you think he's leaving you. :lol:
Yes and no boss. To clarify she is leaving in a week for a weeks stay. After that she is going to be moving there permenantly, she really is a girl that can't be told anything. Doesn't change my love for her though i just worry about the affects it may have on her children, i love them to bits...
These 'thangs usually end badly. Do what you have to do to take care of those kids. And take care of yourself too!

Salute', TB.
Ok let me ask something else....Is she taking the kids with her when she goes back for good???

All I can say is wow.....Comparing Egypt to Australia is like comparing a horse to a donkey......You can ride them both but one is very comfortable and the other is most certainly NOT....
moyboy said:
Ok let me ask something else....Is she taking the kids with her when she goes back for good???

All I can say is wow.....Comparing Egypt to Australia is like comparing a horse to a donkey......You can ride them both but one is very comfortable and the other is most certainly NOT....
Ah yes, I agree. Australia is such an ass! :lol:
She is planning on taking her youngest with her i think. He has bad lungs and always souds gurgly like he has a bad chest infection. All the tests have been run and they are still trying to figure out the problem, he is sooooooo cute :) The weather there may be better for his lungs depending on where in Egypt she is planning on moving. I mean Sydney plays havoc with his breathers that why 99% of the time he lives in Glouster (sp) with my eldest sister and her two kids, although sometimes there is 6 there. (Was 7 but we lost my nephew to choking not long ago, he was cute as a button too). So she has not had an easy time as of late to say the least. Maybe this is just some form of escapism...

Edit: Forgot how many neices/nephews i have :lol:
thehotpepper.com said:
Ah yes, I agree. Australia is such an ass! :lol:

Alright, I dont care who you are that's a funny! Moyboy set it up!

Nova sorry to threadjack, but I can't help but look to the left and seeing the full effect of stacked avatars. If some random internet guy stumbled by this thread I can only imagine the wtf? running through their head lol.

Seriously though, after pyramids and $hit, nothing good comes to mind when you think Egypt. Hope it all works out on the family front man.
scarpetti said:
I wish my crazy sister would move to Egypt and leave me alone for a day or two!

Same for me, but not just for a day or two. I was thinking more along the lines of forever with mine.
thehotpepper.com said:
Ah yes, I agree. Australia is such an ass! :lol:

Hah, there was a joke on the radio a few months back, one guy said to another guy: your ass is like australia, everyone knows its down there and nobody cares.

I care mates.... I really do

She shouldn't leave her kids just to get away. I had to leave my 3 to get away from my ex but spent 6 months begging them to come with me and they simply wouldn't. :(