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scovilles Is there an *estimated* Scoville list with the new strains listed?

Curious if anyone has estimated the Scoville units of the peppers that have overtaken the Bhut and created a revised list.
No. Because basically all heat from peppers is subjective. Yes you can build tolerance but habaneros may just kill some and seem mild to others. Even if a pepper were to have 300,000shu it is possible to feel like a Bhut. A lot of people claim that the 7 pot and Trinidad Scorpion are as hot as a Bhut....and they may be right. THe New Mexico Chili Institute is currently running tests on the TS.....so we'll see what that brings up. But i'm sure you might get a few opinions about their top superhots.
Too subjective since many factors influence heat other than just genetics. For instance different times of year yield different heat in the same pepper plants
The most you'll ever get from Neil:

could put a list of what think is Hot But as with everything would get picked "oh you only tried 1 pod and all diff" and other shit so will keep my thoughts on whats hot over what to myself as not want to cause arguments

will say though the ButchT Scorpion is the Hottest thing Ive tried up to date and have them everyday or part there of, got sauce , powders , Pods (atm) so all good and have a Ltr of Skobiyan so not run out over winter..

the brain is my second fav tasting Pod now, yellow 7 pod just does it for me although the brain is Hotter :)

rest link

If you watch all his videos you'll get a general idea of his ranking.
Neil and anyone else I have heard who has had the ButchT Scorp has said it was the hottest chile they ever had, and also same for the Brain Strain reviews, so it seems that those two particular strains have something about them that makes 'em hotter then the rest. but thats just from observing others reviews because I havent had the pleas..err pain to enjoy both of them but I will in a few weeks be able to try a ButchT when the pods are ripe
I think Neil already suggested that he doesn't want to play referee in the hottest peppers macho match, but I have to agree with him that the Scorpion-BT is one pepper you shouldn't mess around with. I've been growing it for several years now but its just too hot for normal consumption and in my opinion the flavor is not great, its just raw heat
ButchT Scorpion? Never heard of those... what do they look like? Similar to a regular Scorpion? Or is it just a new name of the original to set apart from newer varieties?
Is there even a "regular scorpion"?
Here's one pic I found

Potawie's Trinidad Scorpion-BT ?2007
Is there even a "regular scorpion"?
That's what I'm starting to wonder now, since I just did a search and found a list Omri posted in another topic dated May of last year with like a half-dozen different Scorpions...

Thanks for the picture though, that pepper looks really cool. It seems like The Chile Man's database is getting out of date... it only lists one Trinidad Scorpion. Same with the UK Chile-Head database.
That's what I'm starting to wonder now, since I just did a search and found a list Omri posted in another topic dated May of last year with like a half-dozen different Scorpions...

Thanks for the picture though, that pepper looks really cool. It seems like The Chile Man's database is getting out of date... it only lists one Trinidad Scorpion. Same with the UK Chile-Head database.
I wouldn't say out of date. It would be nearly impossible to list every version of every variety. If you and I grow the same peppers for several years we will ultimately have plants/pods with different characteristics.
That's what I'm starting to wonder now, since I just did a search and found a list Omri posted in another topic dated May of last year with like a half-dozen different Scorpions...

Thanks for the picture though, that pepper looks really cool. It seems like The Chile Man's database is getting out of date... it only lists one Trinidad Scorpion. Same with the UK Chile-Head database.

Dont expect databases to list various strains of a certain chile, ButchT etc.. are still scorpions, its like saying how come this list of fast food just says "french fries" they dont list McDonalds Fries or Burger King Fries, well thats because they are both still just french fries even if theres a difference in taste or texture.
There is yet another subjective factor in this mix; even we are more and less sensitive to the "heat" on any given day.
Have you noticed the same product will kill you one day and on another just seem really hot? Even our own mouths/taste-buds vary from one day to the next.
I think one can quantify until the cows come home; it's still up to the day and the person. Cheers.
I can't say I really care about what the estimated Scoville units of a pepper is. It's so subjective as others have said. I'm happy with a view point from another pepper head. This one's got no heat , but the aroma and fruity taste are great. Or this one burns my eye lashes off. Even then the way I would describe it would more than likely be different than POTAWIE's.

To me it's like like cars , guitars , or what ever. It's what you like . But I will say .... never heard of the Trinidad Scorpion-BT before .... got me wondering

P. Dreadie
What I like about Scorpions is essencially the look of it.
I mean, we all own a few of the super hots so its not about the heat level, at least for me.
Give me a good tasting fruit in a cool looking plant and I'll love it, the high heat level is just useful to embarass an anoying guest that I want to make fun of.

What I like about Scorpions is essencially the look of it.
I mean, we all own a few of the super hots so its not about the heat level, at least for me.
Give me a good tasting fruit in a cool looking plant and I'll love it, the high heat level is just useful to embarass an anoying guest that I want to make fun of.


Or blending with chilies of lesser heat but with more flavor to kick your creations up a notch.
I commented a while back that Bhut Jolokia's are listed as the worlds hottest pepper but members here say no way, T Scorpions, Fatali etc are far hotter...I think the comment was "we don't need a Scoville Scale to tell us what is the hottest pepper, your tongue will".

And it was also mentioned that it cost some dollars to have peppers tested.

So maybe it is subjective, but a list of peppers rated from mild to hot like the Scoville Scale would be useful and certainly a good topic of conversation and comparison. Peppers that are consistently hotter than another variety according to 10 people is a more valid point than 2 people who believe otherwise.

Not trying to argue with anyone at all, I just brought up the point for my own edification.
For starters fatalii is generally less than half the heat of a bhut and the other super-hots are probably hovering just over the 1 million SHU mark